Re: [WSG] UTF-8 ,charset and Standard

2004-11-30 Thread Kornel Lesinski
  UTF-8, a flavour of unicode, is an universal character set. You don't
define any codepage/language for it. You just simply use whatever
characters you like.
This creates "Content-Type" header being "http equivalent". Content is
text/html with charset UTF-8.
It would be even better to send real http header with charset. In PHP it's:

Note: Don't use Notepad or other Microsoft tools for UTF-8, because they
tend to add unvisible "BOM marker" character at the beginning of every
file. This helps them recognize UTF-8 from other files, but confuses many
I use freeware "Notepad2" for UTF-8.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: Focus highlighting, was Re: [WSG] Some links for light reading (30/11/04)

2004-11-30 Thread Kornel Lesinski
  Does that really matter?
  In Firefox and IE there is a focus border anyway.
  IE doesn't support :focus or outlines, so there isn't much you can help.
In Firefox Cursor-Mode (F7) uses small text-cursor that isn't good for bad
sighted people anyway.
  Opera with spatial navigation always adds background on focused links.
  I don't know how mac browsers deal with this though.
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Re: Focus highlighting, was Re: [WSG] Some links for light reading (30/11/04)

2004-11-30 Thread Kornel Lesinski

So, please, please, if you want to make your sites more accessible to
keyboard users, add :focus and :active rules to match your :hover rule.
ok, I will :)
a:focus {color: #346095; background-color:#fff;}
a:hover {color: #346095; background-color:#fff;}
a:active {color: #346095; background-color:#fff;}
BTW: It would be better to write:
a:focus, a:hover, a:active {color: #346095; background: #fff;}
It is simply shorter, more compact form. Some perfectionists prefer  
shorthand background property, because there is slight chance that  
background-color alone might not work if user stylesheet defines  

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Foreign Translations

2004-11-30 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 14:30:11 -0500, Ketan Vakil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is it an okay plan to take an existing English website programmed in  
ColdFusion and basically duplicate it across a few other languages  
(French, German, Italian, Spanish) either in their own directories like  
/english and /espanol, or at localized domains like .com,,  
etc... ?

What workflow issues have people run into going with this method?
Updates of website will be difficult.
Every change will need many times more work to update and synchronize all
versions. When you forget to update one language it may stop working and
you won't notice that, unless you do x times more testing.
You should think about keeping only text strings in an external file and
having one language-independent version of pages.
I can't help with CF, but in PHP it is usually done by including a file
that defines associative array (key=>value pairs being
some_id=>"translated string")
Do you use the ip-to-country database to do the auto redirects to  
localized URLs?
That won't work, people may use proxies, etc.
Just parse Accept-Language header (but really parse it; don't assume it to
start with suitable language code).
It is good to have domains or subdomains with translated versions. If you
have host-based localized versions you don't need to change paths on your
pages plus search engines will index all languages (they won't if you use
accept-language detection alone).
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] charater sets

2004-11-30 Thread Kornel Lesinski
In UTF-8 files you can use extra characters in their "natural" form  
instead of HTML entities - like nbsp, shy, mdash, ndash. You may also use  
quotes, elipsis, etc.
They take less space and are safer for string manipulations on server-side.

You don't have to worry about copying and pasting from other sources (MS  
Word creates quotes and dashes that (formally) are incompatible with  

Foreign names are preserved.
There are problems, though. Many editors that claim to support UTF-8, but  
internally operate on strings translated to codepage, so they may lose  
characters not present in current system codepage.

As I've mentioned in other post, Notepad, ASP Web Matrix and most likely  
other Microsoft text editors insert invisible BOM character to mark file  
as UTF-8. This character prevents DOCTYPE or XML Prolog from being  
recognized and makes output buffering useless in PHP4.

If you heavily use UTF-8 (most notably soft hyphen) you need to check if  
browser can handle it (check Accept-Charset header plus serve UTF to IE  
anyway, because it sends meaningless headers) - if browser (bot?) can't  
handle UTF-8 you need to make conversion.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: Focus highlighting, was Re: [WSG] Some links for light reading (30/11/04)

2004-11-30 Thread Kornel Lesinski

The problem with declaring all three in one is that IE 5 (possibly 5.5
also, can't remember which right now) for PC chokes on any declaration
that contains :focus. Combining your :active and :focus rules will
effectively cancel that entire declaration in dodgy old IE.
oh, dodgy old IE :/
remember Opera in smallscreen mode choking on that combined rule as
well, but I think that's a seperate discussion. :)
Probably old version. I've tested latest and seems to parse all CSS2.1.  
Ofcourse styles unsuitable for SSR are ignored or lost in reformatting.

Without SSR latest mobile Opera handles CSS Edge demo pages*, many  
literarymoose experiments and even displays CSS lines hack -

*) can't test pure css menus, as :hover is impossible to archieve on  
keyboard-only browser.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Are conditional comments the way to do this?

2004-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesinski
First I'd check if that problem can be fixed so that you can keep one  
You might have some error in styles that some browsers ignore and other  

If by "PC browsers" you mean IE, check if it isn't one of it's well-known  
Some of them have easy workarounds.

CSS rule for IE only:
* html #foo {height: 1%;}
CSS rule for better browsers only:
*> #bar {position: fixed;}
If problems are caused by incompatible box model (do you use valid  
doctype? no xml prolog?) in such case you might end up with separate  
stylesheet for IE and conditional comments are right solution.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Images in Nav, Splash Screens.

2004-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesinski
 I try to explain to clients (and designers...) that user always knows  
where he got to - people just don't type random adresses :)

 Site design should already have logo and "corporate look'n'feel" so such  
splash screen basically has no information on meaningful content.

 Visitors seeking information will get annoyed and bored by splash screen,  
because it is not what they came for.

 There is also an explanation on
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Why does firefox tooltip only "TITLE" attribute and not ALT?

2004-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesinski
I am curious as to why Firefox only understands the title attribute when
creating tool tips, why cant we just use ALT?
ALT is for alternate content only and should be visible only when image is  
not. It is like  and other HTML fallbacks.

TITLE was created especially for tooltips.
All standards-compiliant browsers stick to it. IE is the only one that  
tries to be "smarter".

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Flash menu (was: Remote control CSS - A quick little article about lists)

2004-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesinski
 Article mentions some disadvantages of Flash. I'd like to add another  
one, IMO biggest one:
 * Flash links cannot be opened in new window (ie. user has no control  
over it)

 With growing popularity of tabbed browsing this starts to be huge  
disadvantage, especially if Flash is used for menu. Avoid!

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Re: [WSG] Why does firefox tooltip only "TITLE" attribute and not ALT?

2004-12-01 Thread Kornel Lesinski

It's much easier to check alt attributes with the tooltip than by  
reading source code after all.
You can install Web Developer Toolbar extension or press G in Opera.
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Re: [WSG] "Code" or "Markup"

2004-12-02 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Was CSS developed first for XSLT/XML and then applied to HTML? Or vice
CSS was developed for HTML. Hakon Lie, co-autor of CSS, doesn't like  

SGML existed first and DSSSL was used to style
Wow, compared to DSSSL CSS is s easy and clean.
Back to code vs markup:
For me "code" is reserved for languages that aspire to be turing-complete.
These at least should have data storage (variables) and flow control  
instructions (if, loops or goto).
Everything else, including XML and CSS, is data for me.

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Re: [WSG] What's "right"

2004-12-02 Thread Kornel Lesinski
hmm.  ok, of course you are right.  My next question is, what writing
a declaration like a#id, what is happening?  Certinally don't wanna
throw out a "it works so it must be right", since it is obviously not
correct - but the question begs to be answered, why does it work?  is
that in some way implying display:block?
Not at all. This is just a selector. It selects element "a" which has id  
equal to "id". Only that.

Read about selectors:
Various selectors may be joined together to select more specific element  
in document.

#id and a#id basically are the same, because only one element can have  
certain id, BUT each selector has its 'specificity' value which affects  

a#id {color: green;}
#id {color: red;}
 will be green. Not many webmasters actually know why Cascading  
Style Sheets are cascading :)

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Re: [WSG] designing for the cell phone and PDA

2004-12-02 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 14:15:42 -0800, Ted Drake  

Is there anyone out there that has had some success building a style  
sheet to make their web site look good on a pocket pc or cell phone?   
I'd like to add this feature to our site but I haven't had much luck.

Are there any successes or failures out there?
Mobile Opera 6 uses stylesheet for media handheld and ignores styles for  
Mobile Opera 7 fallbacks to stylesheet for screen if handheld stylesheet  
is not present, altough you don't have to worry about that because it only  
takes basic styles plus does smart reformatting so page will look good  

I cannot find information about Pocket IE, but AFAIR it attempts to read  
styles for media="all" and media="screen".

If you want bare (X)HTML for all of them that should do it:

You could also write stylesheet for handheld and test it on desktop Opera  
by pressing Shift+F11.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] designing for the cell phone and PDA

2004-12-03 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Are there any successes or failures out there?
I have no idea if my attempts works in the real world, since I do not  
even have one of those small devices.
Have only been able to test in Opera SSR on PC.
I have compared PC SSR to real device.
It is very close. The only thing is that mobiles use smaller fonts,
so 1em is fine and don't go below 0.9em.
Remember that handhelds may not have any pointing device, so don't rely on  
:hover and onmouseover/onclick.

I've adjusted css for handhelds on:
I also tested OpenWave. It is very simple browser, lynx-alike. One problem  
that I've found is that it has limit to 4kb of text in a textarea.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] No skipping to content needed?

2004-12-04 Thread Kornel Lesinski
A lot of people put an in-page anchor at the top to "skip navigation" or  
"skip to main content." Are there any hidden gotchas with simply putting  
the navigation last and positioning it first? E.g.,
The gotcha is that text browsers and screen readers don't understand this  

Does it negatively affect anyone's browsing experience?
Yes, all those that needed 'skip' link in the first place.

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Re: [WSG] A quick breakdown of some code today

2004-12-07 Thread Kornel Lesinski
What browsers support CSS3? I'm guessing Firefox does/might. Are there  
Ofcourse there isn't a browser that supports more than little bits of CSS3.
Gecko supports CSS3 selectors
Opera supports CSS3 media queries
Explorer supports some of the CSS3 text module (text-justify: newspaper;  
is quite nice)

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Re: [WSG] Firefox screen-reader emulator

2004-12-08 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Do any of these, or any others for that matter, support aural style  
from that list, emacSpeak only, unless things have changed recently...
Opera 7.60 for Windows has support for voice xml and some aural styles.
The software:
Docs and tutorials:
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Re: [WSG] alt or title...

2004-12-08 Thread Kornel Lesinski
 alt attribute is for some elements (images, buttons), that might not be  
fully rendered by  browsers. should be visible only when element itself is  
not shown.

 title attribute is for almost every element in html. it is supposed to  
give additional information. optionally visible, usually as a tooltip or  
on status bar.


regards, Kornel Lesiński
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[WSG] Netscape 4 - let it die

2004-12-09 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Why do you let 8-year-old browser to stop you from making good pages?
I bet that 90% of Netscape 4 users are bored webmasters ;)
Whenever some good solution is mentioned hearing "but Netscape 4 doesn't  
support this" is unavoidable.

I agree that webpages should be accessible to all - they should work  
without CSS and JavaScript.

Personally I use @import for CSS and use object-detection to gracefully  
degrade pages. NN4 should be threated as a text browser. It is just too  
buggy to get anything better.

These days web looks so bad in NN4 that one more page looking ugly in this  
dinosaur doesn't matter. Actually it is even better - it proves that  
finally user needs to upgrade.
c'mon! 6 years isn't a short notice!

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Netscape 4 - let it die

2004-12-10 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Don't blame the end user for the lousy browser their employer sticks
them with. Educate the employers instead.
Sure, if it works - don't change it.
By supporting NN4 you just keep it alive and give message to bureaucrats  
that it is OK browser.

So make it stop working.
I think that employee saying "Boss! This  doesn't work!" is the best  
way to educate employers...

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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[WSG] iframe 100%

2004-12-11 Thread Kornel Lesinski
 Do you know a good way to get iframe inside messy table-based layout to  
stretch to 100% available height?
 In IE it is as simple as , but Opera is very picky  
about heights :(

 I'm trying to make hotfix for someone else's site, so mess, tables and  
iframe has to stay :/

 I know two methods using javascript:
 - compute and set fixed height
 - find *all* parent (parents of parents, etc.) elements of iframe and  
give them height: 100%

 I rememver I've read somewhere that Opera sticks to odd CSS rule: element  
can have height in % only if parent element has height set, but I can't  
find in in W3C TR.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Changing Standard

2004-12-12 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Why using a:link ?
   means that the word inside is a link
a { color:blue;  text-decoration:underline; }
is the same as setting
a:link { color:blue; text-decoration:underline; }
Link is a redundant tag
No, it isn't. Think about these:
a {} matches both, and :link matches only the second one.
Additionally :link matches only unvisited, inavctive, nonfocused links,
but a{} sets all at once.
:link will become very important in XHTML2 where
every element can have href attribute.
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2004-12-12 Thread Kornel Lesinski
For serious testing install web server locally.
There is for example (and many others) that install and  
configure Apache, PHP, MySQL with almost one click.

Then you can configure Apache to send .xhtml files as application/xhtml+xml
or use PHP for that.
AddType application/xhtml+xml .xhtml
each file:

Once you have proper content-type set browsers (except IE ofcourse) will do
basic validation of document - requiring that your document is well-formed  

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Re: [WSG] Reduce Page Weight

2004-12-13 Thread Kornel Lesinski

The point of putting metatags on pages is mostly for search engines.
What if I create a conditional statement on my dynamically generated  
pages that print these meta tags (especially ketword and description  
ones) only if it is a bot.
Maybe just forget about them altogether? Use good titles, headings and
Google doesn't care about meta at all. Inktomi is the last one that takes
into account and it's authors say that meta has only marginal influence on
Is there an easy way to recognize a bot?
There is a list of robot's User-Agent strings floating around, but that's
few thousands different strings...
For less important things I check for presence of "http://"; in User-Agent,
but is incorrect in many cases! ("ia_archiver", and browsers with
addons/proxies that advertise themselves).
Apart from targetting specific User-Agent strings you might create
bot-trap in /robots.txt - use Apache mod_rewrite to handle that file with
PHP for example.
Google tips mention that bot detects if different page is sent to the bot
and to the browsers and may threat it as a cheat.
pozdrawiam, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Some links for light reading (14/12/04)

2004-12-13 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 23:48:40 +1100, russ - maxdesign  
I'd like to note that this news is disinformative. You could think that  
there isn't
any browser that reformats pages, zooms images and has javascript support  
on mobiles.

There is:
Mobile Opera supports DOM and CSS2.1, had resize on the fly first and  
recently greatly improved that feature. Saying Minimo is better than most  
browsers on mobile market or that it is innovative in any of mentioned  
areas is untrue, because significant share of this market belongs to Opera  
and Opera was inventor of all Minimo key features.

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Re: [WSG] Video Files

2004-12-14 Thread Kornel Lesinski
For 30mb movies that is not a good idea. Browser will try to save whole
file before sending it to application. This eliminates streaming.
Not quite correct. When the QuickTime Movie is authored correctly,
QuickTime plays the Video while it still downloads.
You'd have to make few kb "dummy" quicktime movie that downloads another,  

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Re: [WSG] Standards & Macromedia Contribute

2004-12-15 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On the Mac, Contribute uses the same (system-level) rendering engine as  
Safari, which means you should not get any nasty surprises with the  
Are you sure? Some time ago there was a deal between Macromedia and Opera:
(oh, and Apple:
Test it:
body {content: "It's Opera";}
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Re: [WSG] Site review plz

2004-12-16 Thread Kornel Lesinski
The url:
Reviewing the home page only.  Firefox 1.0 on Win2K, dial-up connection.
The page took a long time to load.   Looks like one of those "if you  
have cable or ADSL we don't want your business" type of sites.
I suggest converting top and bottom backgrounds to JPEG.
When you specify background image, specify similar background color, too.
This way modem users will have access to your white text without having to  
wait for images, and site will be accessible without them.

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Re: [WSG] noscript in xhtml1.0 strict

2004-12-16 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:37:49 +0100, Nick Verstappen  

Is the noscript tag not allowed anymore in XHTML 1.0 Strict? I'm trying  
to use it, but it does not validate. If it IS allowed, what markup  
should I use to make it validate? Many thanks!
Ofcourse it is allowed.
XHTML just enforces that noscript block element and must have block  
content (same with blockquote)

bla is illegal, but
bla is just right.

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Re: [WSG] background loading issue

2004-12-16 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 13:19:48 -0600, Charles Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Chris Kennon wrote:
Any suggestions on bringing the file size down? I've tried interlacing  
the .gif  the current size is the lowest without image degradation.
Just for comparison, I took the image into PaintShopPro (yes, I'm too  
cheap to own Photoshop right now)
and thats good, because Photoshop has worst savers for JPEG and PNG I've  
ever seen! (even if you use Save for Web).

Use JpegOptim. I've done quick'n'dirty Win32 port:

and for PNG absolute must is:
pngcrush.exe -cc -reduce -rem gAMA -rem cHRM -rem iCCP -rem sRGB -d  
pngcrushed file.png
optipng.exe -o6 pngcrushed/file.png

pngcrush will remove gamma chunks from png, that may cause unpredictable  
results on different operating systems and optipng will squeeze few more  
bytes from png.

Photoshop doesn't support 8bit png with alpha channel at all, but they are  
very very useful.
PNGQuant converts 24+8 png to 8+8. Great news is that IE partially  
supports those - instead of making gray background it just degrades alpha  
channel to 1bit.

all mentioned programs are open-source. link: google.
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Re: [WSG] accessible image form buttons

2004-12-16 Thread Kornel Lesinski



Problem: Doesn't work in older browsers (e.g. NN4).
Eh, another good solution spoiled by this zombie.

Forget hackish href="javascript:". Use onclick instead.
To make this less evil you could put link inside .
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Re: [WSG] accessible image form buttons

2004-12-16 Thread Kornel Lesinski

The problem is the input style doesn't work in all browsers. In
particular Opera and some of the Mac browsers will ignore them, if I
remember correctly.
Current version of Opera does excellent job with styling input elements.  
Opera even lets you change border on checkbox elements. I haven't seen  
that possibility anywhere else.

On the other hand KHTML (Safari, Konqueror) absolutely refuses to apply  
any styles to input elements.

For Safari I use such trick:

div {background: darkcolor url(darkimage);}
input {opacity: 0.5; -moz-opacity: 1; background: lightcolor  

As far as I know currently it is quite safe, but it will start to cause  
trouble when Opera implements opacity and/or Gecko drops -moz- variant.

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Re: [WSG] accessible image form buttons

2004-12-17 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Hmmm... I have tried to hide the border of an input field in Opera, but
it flatly refused:
This is Opera 7.23
oh, that bug. Fixed in 7.50 or 7.60...
For Opera 7.2 use:
input {border: 0 solid;}
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Re: [WSG] Semantic Mark-Up for Product Catalog

2004-12-17 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 11:46:20 -0500, Michael Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Chris Kennon wrote:
In the following name/value listing what would be the most semantic  

Product Name:
 Product Number:
  Product Description:
  Product Cost:
I'd probably use a definition list:

   My Product
   Product Number: 123456
 Product Description:
 This is my product... Ain't it perty?
   MSRP: $1 Bazillion (will trade for 4x4 in good condition)

How about a table? They're not always evil...

My Product

Product Number12334
Product Descriptionpretty
Product Costbazillion

..and Lynx WILL render that table! :D
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Re: [WSG] Semantic Mark-Up for Product Catalog

2004-12-17 Thread Kornel Lesinski
And please, please, if using a table remember to include row and column
What is the default scope?
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Re: [WSG] question - follow, index meta tag

2004-12-13 Thread Kornel Lesinski
If I have the following on my index page, do I need to repeat it on  
every page at my site? Doesn't this tag appearing once
send the robots forward to all the other pages?


You don't need that at all. Index, follow is default behaviour and won't  
override robots.txt anyway.

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Re: [WSG] Standards & Macromedia Contribute

2004-12-15 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Are you sure? Some time ago there was a deal between Macromedia and  
(oh, and Apple:
Not Apple. Adobe.
oops. It was supposed to be "and Adobe".
Test it:
body {content: "It's Opera";}
You what??
Opera is the only browser I know that supports replacing elements with  
generated content and positioning of generated content.

Opera misses few bits from CSS2, but has complete implementation of CSS2.1.
When I frist heard that I thought that its a paradox and it must be  
untrue, but later I realized that CSS2.1 drops some quirks of CSS2 making  
Opera fully compiliant.

Gecko still has very incomplete implementation of CSS2.1 Generated  
Content, and even new display: properties aren't officially there yet.

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Re: [WSG] neat code in A9 search

2004-12-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski

there appears some funny
This is another Microsoft "invention" - BOM marker used to recognize UTF-8  
ByteOrderMarker makes no sense in UTF-8.
Notepad and other MS-tools silently insert it in all UTF-8 files, making  
them invalid.

This breaks HTML validation, causes trash in some browsers and breaks PHP4  

Use Notepad2 for unicode -
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Re: [WSG] neat code in A9 search

2004-12-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 16:04:48 +0100, JohnyB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do I remove this BOM marker once it's inserted? Damn it, it causes  
all my XSL transformations on Java to fail!
I use PSPad (, it doest it transparently (if set in  
alternatively you can open file as plain ASCII and delete these 3 chars.
In Notepad2: switch to "UTF-8" from "UTF-8 Signature" encoding.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] neat code in A9 search

2004-12-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski
BOM is a Unicode standard. Without BOM, applications have to waste  
resources trying to figure character encoding. Here are some FAQs about  
I know that. FAQ more or less confirms what I've said - BOM in UTF-8 is  
"Microsoft conventions for .txt files" and it may cause trouble with some  

Additionally BOM on network may be prohibited in some cases:
"Where the precise type of the data stream is known (...) a BOM must not  
be used."

When you send your files with Content-Type: text/html; charset: UTF-8, BOM  
becomes prohibited.

The reason PHP breaks is because PHP does not support Unicode.
Unfortunately there are many applications that require certain characters  
at the very beginning of file, like "

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Re: [WSG] Hover psuedo-class issues

2004-12-21 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Does anyone know of any existing (and much simpler) JavaScript libraries
that enable :hover, :focus, and :active for non anchor tags for IE?

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Re: [WSG] Please explain use of html>#____

2004-12-21 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 08:31:27 +0930, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
is a child selector:
html>#wrap means element with id=wrap inside html (but not inside other  
element inside html).
If its not  (or ) then it doesn't match anything in  

So, in this case it's CSS hack. AFAIK IE5/win ignores > and + selectors  
and iterprets it as "html #wrap".

There are other variations:
Such code:
*> selector {}
hides CSS from IE6, and:
* html selector {}
hides code from everything except IE.
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Re: [WSG] Please explain use of html>#____

2004-12-21 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Kornel Lesinski wrote:
So, in this case it's CSS hack. AFAIK IE5/win ignores > and  
+ selectors  and iterprets it as "html #wrap".
Still trying to find out which browsers mistakenly apply this. IE5/5.5/6
seem to rightly ignore the rule. The closest I came was the star-7 hack
but haven't found any reference to html>#blah type hack. Could it be a
hack that was misspelt?
Today I've ran into problems with IE5.01/win: + dd {}
was applied to all dd elements, even changing to:
*> + dd {}
didn't help - IE5 still stubbornly saw the rule.
I have standalone IE5 on WinXP, so maybe this was the cause. Anyway - its  
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Re: [WSG] W3C what are they doing ?

2004-12-22 Thread Kornel Lesinski

- I doubt XHTML 2/DOM 3 will hit the main stream for a number of years
(at least 5). So I wouldn't start worrying about it now.
- I don't think XHTML 2/DOM 3 have be designed with developers in
mind. These guys are not thinking about our immediate needs - they are
thinking about the direction of the web in the future.
C'mon,  is great for developers. So is .

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Re: [WSG] opera float question

2004-12-22 Thread Kornel Lesinski
 Opera7 doesn't allow fieldsets to float. Bug.
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Re: [WSG] Why style to IE?

2004-12-27 Thread Kornel Lesinski
If you make commercial sites you must live with the fact that it is mainly  
for IE.

Loudest "f. you" I can tell to IE is Firebar:
Usually I don't have to trash the code with conditional comments.
* html {}
*> {}
css hacks are enough.
I try to make pages look better in better browsers. I use 8bit PNGs with  
alpha (see pngquant), which degrade in IE to 1bit alpha instead of gray  

I give some extra hovers or occasional background-position: fixed for wow  
effect in non-IE.

Users must see that other browsers are better. So far they only see that  
some sites "don't work in Firefox".

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Re: [WSG] Why style to IE?

2004-12-27 Thread Kornel Lesinski
I think it is important *not to* build&test in IE first.
You have to avoid building your code on top of some IE bug/quirk.
It is much less work to force IE to behave well,
than making all other browsers misbehave like IE.
For that matter I build and test pages for Firefox and Opera7 first
(having IE (in)capatibilities in mind), and after I have desired layout
I start fighting to get it working in IE.
This guarantees that code for all browsers is standards-compiliant
and invalid junk is only served to IEnvalid junk.
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Re: [WSG] Why style to IE?

2004-12-27 Thread Kornel Lesinski

The only bug/quirk with IE that I've come across that needed my attention
was the big one: box model.  I prefer to use the "box in a box" sort of
This needs excessive divs and without IE support for '>' selector requires  
them additionally messed with lots of id/classes.

Why serve any junk at all?
To make good [X]HTML and good CSS work in bad browser.
It is entirely possible to create fully standards compliant
visually striking pages without using hacks
Not really. It requires lots of effort or extra code to avoid buggy areas  

Csszengarden is the only example you need of that.
HTML for CSSZengarden is an absolute mess (read comment in code).
Stylesheets are bit simpler because of tons of extra markup in code,
but this duo is not kind you'd like to maintain on everyday basis.
and even not all stylesheets are 'pure', take this one:
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Re: [WSG] learning CSS

2004-12-27 Thread Kornel Lesinski

I am learning CSS tricks (I know the star hack) but where can I find out
about Vicki's 'conditional comments' and Kornel's *>{}  ??  Where is this
stuff documented?
is a great resource for IE bugs and hacks.
Conditional Comments:
For CSS hacks I've mentioned I'll write documentation here.
Best IMO is:
* html any_selector_here {}
because it is perfectly valid CSS that doesn't match anything in HTML.
Only IE (both win and mac) thinks that there is some element around HTML.
You can often find in my code:
#somediv {float: right;}
* html #somediv {height: 1%;}
/* see "Holy Hack" on */
Second one is used to hide CSS2/3 code from CSS1 browsers.
If you use advanced styles that may break page if not interpreted fully,
hide them like this:
*> h3 {display: run-in; margin-right: 2ex;}
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Re: [WSG] Browser Check - such inconsistencies!

2004-12-28 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Konqueror 3.0.5
Wow, amazing it works. CSS in Konq 3.0 is sooo bug ridden. "Safaried" Konq  
3.3 behaves much better.

IE4 - PC
Ignore it. IE4 is suicidcal when it comes to CSS.
All Versions of Opera
If in Opera 6, you can ignore it.
But if it breaks in latest Opera you have a problem.
Opera 7.5 has one of the best CSS implementations around,
so you should double-check your CSS against validator and specs
(because CSS validator is absolutely dump in some cases :()
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Re: [WSG] page not validating as xhtml 1.0 strict - explanation?

2004-12-29 Thread Kornel Lesinski

i know that one must put block elements inside inline elements with  
xhtml 1.0 strict, but this isn't the case here? paragraphs are block  
elements, as are s.
You got this other way round.
It's: inline content inside block.
 can go inside , but  in  cannot.
 must have inline contents.
Use , eventually with display: block;
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Re: [WSG] making money out of web standards

2004-12-29 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Separating content and layout made perfect sense to me as a programmer.
XML/XSLT is good 'cos it allows me to modularize sections of a site  
without having to resort to server-side technologies.
...except server-side XSLT transformation, right?
Because XSLT on client side is non-semantic, incompatible and hardly  

For the selling point:
I show stylesheet switcher. Gives 'wow' effect, when client sees that  
webpage can be "rebuilt" with a single click.

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Re: [WSG] XSLT on client-side (was: making money out of web standards)

2004-12-29 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 22:48:05 +0800, Wong Chin Shin  

Sorry, don't really understand what you mean by your statement below. The
XSL document may not be readable but the XML can be set to be as readable
and descriptive as we want it to?
XML has no semantics. Your custom markup won't be compatible with anything.
Without XSLT transformation to [X]HTML it is meaningless to any software.
XSLT is not supported by web spiders and by many browsers.
AFAIK using XSLT on client-side limits you to IE6 and Gecko browsers  
Everyone else gets unusable page.

XSLT is a great technology, and there is one simple step
to make it absolutelty compatible - transform on the server-side.
If you output [X]HTML you're going to be compatible
with almost every single web client out there.
I think that XSLT + XML won't save much (if anything) compared to  
resulting XHTML.

In terms of bandwidth:
XML already adds markup to your data.
XSLT is very verbose, and stylesheet will probably take
as much as extra data it could generate.
Without HTTP pipelining (in IE6) 2 small files usually load slower than  
one larger.

XSLT gives savings when it generates lots of repetitive data,
but then HTTP compression is so much better in eliminating repetition.
I don't think that XSLT saves server cpu either.
If you have static data you can transform it once and serve XHTML.
If you have dynamic data you have to build DOM tree anyway.
If you absolutely don't want to waste any cpu cycle on transformation,
you can generate XML data using XHTML tags.
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Re: [WSG] XSLT on client-side (was: making money out of web standards)

2004-12-29 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Won't attempt at going any further as I don't think I'm talking about  
web standards at any length.
XML and XSLT are W3C standards :)
If you don't have server-side technologies available, then you may
transform your XML using (offline) shell script and upload XHTML to server.
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Re: [WSG] Re: stylesheet switching in IE6

2004-12-29 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 22:36:26 +, Patrick H. Lauke
Erwin Heiser wrote:
Ijust cracked it, IE was chocking on the lang="en" statement inside  
  (in the XHTML code) in combination with  
this statement "div:lang(en)" in the style sheet.
I remembered that IE doesn't suppport pseudo classes on anything but an  
For what it's worth, though, attribute selectors are not written like  
Sure, because they are not attribute selectors. Same document you mentioned
defines lang pseudo-class:
Ofcourse IE doesn't support this either.
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Re: [WSG] Semantic markup for object dimensions/units

2004-12-30 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Any thoughts on semantic markup for object dimensions? For example works  
of art;

height x width x depth
400mm x 800mm x 200mm
I can't think of anything better than using unicode 'x' for multiplication.
[X]HTML doesn't have any markup for dimensions.
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[WSG] Funky tags or "XHTML2 Transistional"

2004-12-31 Thread Kornel Lesinski
I'm thinking about creating my own doctype/DTD and adding some new tags.
Instead of having  or  I'd like to  
simpy have  tag.
 and  have no semantic meaning, and  in practice would  
have no meaning either, but there are some advantages:
- less to write
- validator can check these against dtd
- getElementsByTagName

I could start using XHTML2  tag :)
This won't be block tag for current browers, but if it starts and ends  
with block elements, there will be no problem.

What do you think about the idea? useful/harmful?
Do you know any user-agents that won't accept such tags? or misbehave with  
custom dtd?
Maybe I should use namespace instead of creating pseudoHTML?

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Re: [WSG] Funky tags or "XHTML2 Transistional"

2005-01-01 Thread Kornel Lesinski

First of all, current browsers don't really use the Document Type  
provided by the W3C website, they just look for the correct
Document Type Declarations. So, they probably will recognise your
DT Declaration as another junk and will probably fall back to the
quirksmode (I wouldn't certanly want that).
I've checked - Opera uses standrads mode for unknown doctype and Mozilla
always uses standards mode for XML documents.
Does anyone know about Safari? successfully uses it's own doctype
(adds  tag for example)
As you are refering to XHTML2, I must note that this should be served
as application/xhtml+xml which isn't accepted by IE - so that's
clearly off.
No, that's different problem and has its own solutions.
And if you are using some other elements than those in the specification,
or defining your own DT Definitions, then clearly you aren't following
the standards - but trieng to come up with one by yourself.
True. Care must be taken to keep compatibility with current and  
(near-)future standards.
XHTML is modular, so it can be done in a clean way, I think.

I think the right way to define your own tags is to use XML - which is
ment for it. And then using some XSL Transformations or some other
server-side technology to transform your custom markup to correct XHTML.
For some projects I already do that, but the point is to *output* custom  
to get some benefits I've listed in my first post.

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Re: [WSG] Sorry looking Guestbook :o(

2005-01-04 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 05:35:21 -0500, Bennie Shepherd  

Would any of you have and idea as to why my guestbook is so narrow and  
screwed up in IE 6 and Opera? It's using the same html and css as the  
rest of the site. Looks fine in FF 1.
Because it does not even have a DOCTYPE,
and HTML Validator reports 429 errors.
Fix those first.
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[WSG] comment to Creative Commons RDF in comment

2005-01-04 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Creative Commons gives a bit of XML to paste into your page
...but XML is inside HTML comment.
Don't you think it's rather pointless?
XML parsers won't pick it up, so if you want to get license info,
you have to threat whole file like a tag soup anyway.
Do you know tools that read this rdf license? CC search engine?
Wouldn't it make more sense, if it was HTML link to proper rdf file?

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Re: [WSG] being framed!

2005-01-05 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Hard as it is to accept, borderless framesets just won't validate.
There is frameborder attribute!
Frames have several serious problems, but none of them is validation.
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Re: [WSG] being framed!

2005-01-05 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 10:29:22 -, designer  

Frameborder 0 still leaves the space between the frames, so is  
Oh, indeed. It was a long time since I last used frames :)
oveflown elements, server side includes or "webmaster-side" preprocessing
are IMO better.
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Re: [WSG] Interesting Doctype: anyone seen something like that before?

2005-01-05 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Hehe, that's a good one :)
OK, they don't want to follow standards, that's okay with me, but
blaiming Dreamweaver for that... hey, isn't this the program
that many Web Standards activists use?
Dreamweaver is just a tool, it does not guarantee good code.
This page is non-standard and messy. It has tons of tables and font tags,
and even some MS-Office-thinks-its-HTML.
IMO this (also invalid) doctype is very appropriate here :)
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Re: [WSG] Slightly OT... Interview with IE Dev team

2005-01-05 Thread Kornel Lesinski

I was wondering if any of you have any specific questions, queries, or  
comments regarding the development of IE, and more specifically, IE7  
which may, or may not, come with Longhorn (before... if we're lucky)

Does Microsoft feel resposibility for the web?
Do they realize how much web traffic is wasted, because IE holds back web  
(according to it's 950gb of junk markup *per day*, on alone)

What about fixing long-standing rendering bugs?
On you can find some nasty  
(severly broken float model is my 'favorite')

On IE blog I've read excuses that such things need to stay for sake of  

Indeed funny it'd be when fixed IE would cease to be "IE-compatible",
but how long Microsoft can keep it's pet bugs?
Why 8 years is not enough to implement PNG transparency? (that's a popular  
question :)

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Re: [WSG] Slightly more OT... Interview with IE Dev team

2005-01-05 Thread Kornel Lesinski

I just went to the main page for Internet explorer to look for some  
information and while the images were loading, I noticed the alt  
attribute of one image was "Need alt text"
Maybe that's a cry for help of some poor developer trapped in Redmond? ;)

In what condition is Explorer engine?
If it needs a rewrite, when is it going to happen? Longhorn? 2010? 2020?
It is based on 1993 Mosaic. Back then nobody thought about CSS, DOM and
even scripting.
Since then code probably got many many tweaks, partial rewrites and all
kinds of patches/hacks
and odd stuff invented during Browser Wars.
IE is the last 'old generation' browser.
Netscape gave up on old buggy engine and did a complete rewrite. Opera did
a rewrite too. Apple got their new browser.
Now all IE competitors have engines *created* after IE6 was.
Their engines were written from beginning to meet requirements of modern
Standards, that didn't exist or were immature when IE was developed...
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Re: [WSG] Slightly OT... Interview with IE Dev team

2005-01-05 Thread Kornel Lesinski

responsibility only, which is to maximize return on investment. He has
done this incredibly well.
I'm deeply worried that Microsoft is just going to make tabbed browsing  
to put some "fire" out, and keep it's 12-year old engine.

From their point of view, following web standards is:
* expensive - to catch up they need lots of development and testing,
* risky - breaks delicate bug-based-"compatibility", and may introduce new  
bugs and security problems.

Keeping old engine:
* is easy, costs nothing,
* keeps IE "working with all websites", and keeps *competition* away.
They gain nothing from supporting CSS2/3, PNG or even XHTML mime type.
Web developers *have to* cope with whatever IE supports.
"New! MS Tabs(tm)" and another "security" service pack will keep users  

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Re: [WSG] Slightly OT... Interview with IE Dev team

2005-01-05 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 11:17:48 +1100, Mariusz Stankiewicz  

They should just ship firefox with longthorn and forget about IE7
No, thats crazy talk! ...but they could buy out Opera Software... ;)
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Re: [WSG] Slightly OT... Interview with IE Dev team

2005-01-06 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Microsoft has been hyping about web-applications more than you'd  
imagine, the MSDN Library is full of articles on the subject. 3 of the  
included posters in the 2003 edition are about web-applications.
They don't think about W3C-standards based applications.
They are just using a buzzrword to push .NET apps.
But I'm convinced Microsoft will make IE7 support standards... why?  
Because VS 2005 supports the entire XHTML1.1 and CSS2.1 spec
They have to support some HTML, XML and CSS anyway, so that's not a problem
to add few extra tags.
Page you mentioned promotes layout table creator and shows some
non-standard code...
Microsoft knows that there are web standards.
They used W3C to get help on creating technologies they needed,
but Microsoft doesn't *gain* anything from supporting other W3C standards.
They will support standards when they see cash coming from it, or when  
forces them to do it.

How *Microsoft* would benefit from supporting XHTML and CSS2?
it just doesn't sell.
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Re: [WSG] Slightly OT... Interview with IE Dev team

2005-01-06 Thread Kornel Lesinski

How *Microsoft* would benefit from supporting XHTML and CSS2?
To play the counter act here...
How does microsoft benefit by offering IE at all?
They have control over the browser market and the Web.
Because IE is everywhere, developers can base applications on it,
and make apps tied to Microsoft software.
Microsoft has to offer a web browser, otherwise someone else would,
and Microsoft just can't let any other company to have their
software on almost every PC on the planet...
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Re: [WSG] Conditional comments

2005-01-06 Thread Kornel Lesinski
What I wondering is, could a comment be used to feed a GIF variant of a  
logo to IE to replace a PNG (with alpha) that IE doesn't support?
Don't double your code.
Using apache mod_rewrite and PHP you can make all PNG 'files' to actually
contain GIF, if requested by explorer.
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Re: [WSG] Conditional comments

2005-01-06 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 16:39:46 -0500, Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would do something along the line of the below perhaps, recently did,   
but am wondering if it is a good idea?:

I'd use:

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Re: [WSG] G* addressing standards

2005-01-07 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Which standard exactly prohibits use of px as font-size unit?
Exactly this one:
and soon this one:
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Re: [WSG] problem with gradient and background in IE/Win

2005-01-08 Thread Kornel Lesinski
in the Fox, the transition between the gradient and the  
background-color is seamless while in IE/Win (5/5.5/6) the colors  
suddenly don't match anymore. please disregard the slightly mangled  
 any ideas?
Use GIF if you need colors to match exactly. Sad, but true.
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Re: [WSG] list spacing

2005-01-10 Thread Kornel Lesinski

You can only set the padding and margin properties if the LI element is  
block or inline-block. Not inline, I'm afraid. (AFAIK!)
or you can set line-height on inline li element.
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Re: [WSG] London Web Standards Conference

2005-01-11 Thread Kornel Lesinski
You can find out more, help to support and register on the shiny new
Looks interesting, but Â345 registration fee is too much for me.
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 18:01:38 +, Andy Budd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think that inputs in a table are ok.
This is tabular data, although not output, but input, but the
structure certainly is tabular.
To read a table user needs to understand its structure
(associate content with headings, navigate).
The same skill is needed to fill a form in a table.
I think that it is quite easy to remember four fields
and their labels don't need to be repeated every time,
especially when there is possibility of hearing
all labels twice (+)
Bobby and other accessiblity tools are just stupid programs
and don't rely on their judgement, if you know better.
If you give good explanation of layout and purpose of that form-table
in table summary I think that is going to be quite accessible.
pozdrawiam, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Kornel Lesinski

If you want to use tables to lay out your forms (or anything else for  
that matter) then go for it.
The point is that it is not layout table. It has semantic value.
It's a kind of table that can have summary, caption, headers and
contains repeating sets of data.
hairs and getting semantic, isn't all information on a website really  
just data? So why can't present it all using tables?
Because it is not *tabular* data, unlike the practicular form that this
discussion is all about.
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Re: [WSG] Can I use a table in a form?

2005-01-13 Thread Kornel Lesinski
The point is that it is not layout table.
Of course it's a layout table. You're using a table so you can lay out  
your labels next to your inputs all nice and neat.
No, it is what you suggest. Original post is not about that. Have you read  

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Re: [WSG] Zero margin - just sharing

2005-01-14 Thread Kornel Lesinski

I know a lot of people use this:
* {
issue I found  with this, was that within dropdowns the "downarrow" GUI,  
covers some of the text on the right.
That's why I never reset margins/padding for all elements, and just set  
them (both!)
where it matters (body/h1/ul/li).

But I use some 'global' rules:
a img {border: 0;}
table {border-collapse: collapse;}
form {margin: 0;}
fieldset {padding: 0.5em;}
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Re: [WSG] Two CSS Question

2005-01-17 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Well, GMail works on the various browsers (ok, I havent tested *all* of
them), so I can report it works there too :)
Well, it doesn't work in Opera 7.5x.
Opera Software implemented XMLHttpRequest and ActiveX objects emulation
(only js side, no real controls), specially for GMail.
Opera 8 beta works with GMail.
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Re: [WSG] Behaviors

2005-01-17 Thread Kornel Lesinski

can someone provide any piece of information about behaviors in CSS
They are IE-only. That's all I care to know.
Some useful implementations:
Microsoft has some docs on the subject:
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] A question of semantics

2005-01-17 Thread Kornel Lesinski

What about s to seperate the form elements when CSS isn't
a slippery slope, in my opinion...starting to add what is, in this case,  
visual markup to compensate for lack of CSS...

i usually only worry about accessibility in cases where CSS is not  
available, but i do take your point on usability. if i absolutely had to  
cater for non-CSS browsers this way, i guess i would wrap each  
label/control pair in their own fieldset to keep it non-presentational  
(although that leads to drastic code bloat)
I prefer wrapping each  (or small set of related s) in a
This gives more styling posibilities and is non-css-browsers--friendly.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] List item spacing problem

2005-01-18 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:49:54 +0400, Marwan Farha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

In IE6 the spacing between the subNav list items is perfect but in
Firefox they become all squashed up against each other, and i can't
seem to find the problem.
 I'd say that in Firefox list is as it should be, and IE6 adds incorrect  
 In Opera8 it is squashed also.

 As you said, your CSS is messy. Clean it up before asking,
 and beware of Voodoo Programming:
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Required by Depreciated attributes

2005-01-18 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Thing is, I need the "ol li ol" element to start at a specified number.  
The HTML4.01 spec says I can use the start="" attribute, but that its  

So what replaces the start="" attribute in XHTML1.1? I couldn't see  
anything in CSS about it.
Ignore XHTML/1.1. Removal of start is a mistake.
Start is dropped in favor of CSS2.1 generated content counters,
which are currently supported only by Opera.
Counters are really neat and powerful, but the problem is
that start number belongs to content, not presentation.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] User Preference Script

2005-01-19 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 19:34:58 +1000, Tony Aslett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I would love some feedback on a User Preference Script
Because Opera is not able to modify stylesheet rules,
I've been looking for a different solution, and I found one -
use multiple classes on :

body.smallfont {font-size: small;}
body.verdana {font-family: verdana,sans-serif;} {color: red;} #something.else {color: red;}
This way you don't need to have lots of alternate stylesheets.
You could even put all such rules in a default stylesheet
and have "classic" style switcher additionally.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] empty named anchors

2005-01-19 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Empty link elements are not good (as Patrick pointed out)but what about  
named anchors (destination anchors)?
They are obsolete. Refer to any id instead.
Is there any reason why they should not be empty?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of a bug in Netscape4.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Placing a link text on top of BG image

2005-01-19 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Further to Carmelyne's post I am also having trouble placing link text
over the top of background graphics.Surely there must be a way of using
CSS to position the text?
Yes, there is a simple way: use padding.
See (note: .pl) - heading gfx is just 
and text is positioned using padding.
Remember that elements must have display: block to respect padding.
Use  for menu.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] User Preference Script

2005-01-19 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Personally, I don't see the point in JavaScript-powered style switchers  
when Server-Side works better...
Client-side switcher has immediate effect, so it's easier to choose style  

Besides that, there is no real difference.
Current browsers' built-in style switcher implementations are "forgetful",
so cookies must be used anyway.
For me this is a disadvantage, because cookies lower cachability of pages.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] User Preference Script

2005-01-19 Thread Kornel Lesinski

I've been looking for a different solution, and I found one -
use multiple classes on :
Although, if I understand you correctly, that class attribute will be  
written out server side on request, based on user choices
No, it may be written on client-side using DOM.
I know that classnames should not refer to their presentation,
but this practicular case is different.
If style switcher is supposed to set small red verdana font on body
(because this is exactly how choice was presented to the user),
these names are absolutely appropriate.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] Conditional comments

2005-01-19 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Does this really work on IE? Can I really use transparency in my PNG-24  
have IE display it? Or is there some hidden catch?
There are several catches.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] valid table tags for xhtml strict

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski

and got a lot of very unreliable information and not found what I'm  
Try the source:
XHTML is based on HTML4, so this also applies (note the Deprecated  

I'm looking for a list of valid attributes which can be used with tables  
in XHTML strict.
If you know how to read DTD, check the URL in DOCTYPE you use.
Also, whereas 'align="center" cannot be used as a table attribute it is perfectly valid to say .
It is presentational attribute.
It is not valid in XHTML/1.1 or any Strict [X]HTML version.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] valid table tags for xhtml strict

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Kornel - you might like to double-check your statement that "It is not  
valid in XHTML/1.1 or any Strict [X]HTML version." indicates that the  
"align" attribute it is *NOT* deprecated for COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD,  
TFOOT, TH, THEAD and TR.  Neither is valign.
Oh, you're right. I'm surprised.
I thought that simply ALL presentational attributes are deprecated.
Why these aren't?
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] meta tag standards

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Is there anything wrong with closing meta tags like so:

In XML probably not, but tag-soup browsers/robots may try to "fix" your  
and assume that  is ment to be  or something like that.

My XSLT knowledge is tiny, but I think that it is quite possible to
make  tag, check XSLT FAQ:
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] valid table tags for xhtml strict

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski
Because people expect data cells to be centered under column headings
and row headings to be left aligned more often than not?
This can be done with CSS.
If the alignment is different, will it change the meaning of data? I think  
It's presentational.

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] valid table tags for xhtml strict

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski

That wasn't my point. The expected result is readily achievable with no
CSS at all. The few cell alignments that would deviate from the norm in
any given table would require no significant difference in file size
from those that require CSS classes for the same purpose, and the
stylesheet itself would be just so much additional baggage.
I think the same can be said about  and ...
If the alignment is different, will it change the meaning of data? I  
think not. It's presentational.

Positioning (presentation) is expected in tables, much like H1 is
expected to be quite large (presentation).
It is expected, but does it belong to HTML?
 means "header" and is expected to look like a header, even if it is  
OTOH  is expected to be quite large...

regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] valid table tags for xhtml strict

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski
I thought the whole point behind (x)HTML strict was separation of  
content and presentation. Keeping "align" attributes does not seem to  
fit in.
I think I've found the reason why these properties are kept.
There is a fundamental incompatibility of HTML columns model
and CSS inheritance:
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] valid table tags for xhtml strict

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski

It is expected, but does it belong to HTML?
 means "header" and is expected to look like a header, even if it is
What makes h1 look like a header if not for a significantly larger size
than everything else?
Alignment? Font style? Color? Background? Decoration? Letter spacing?
People used to have typewriters with one size of font,
and still documents have had headers.
What make columnar data columnar if not for
alignment in and within columns?
IMHO this logically doesn't make sense.
There can't be anything *within* a column that makes it a column.
You need to have a column in a first place, to have something within it.
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] .php extension

2005-01-20 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 14:48:49 -0330, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am on a hosted site, where would I find that file? Other .php pages
display just not this one.
Then you have some fatal error on your page, but server has disabled error  

See it using such php file:

include('your_fatal_file.php'); // change that
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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Re: [WSG] IE 6 will not pick up background image

2005-01-21 Thread Kornel Lesinski

Okay I have a page (, when I
cross-browser check IE will not pick up the background image. Is this a
syntax error, do you have to declare the background object a couple
different ways ?
about syntax errors ask here:
and here:
regards, Kornel Lesiński
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