Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-09 Thread Chris Bentley
Then there is the whole Web Applications trend. Again, HTML and
XHTML are pretty much the same in functionality here, but if I'm
using an application on the Web then I want to make sure it is
well-formed and well-structured. I don't want a typo by a web
developer (such as leaving off an end tag) to cause my credit
card to be debited twice.
This company would need to work on their coding standards enforcement 
and QA test and deployment procedures before they re-code that app, I 
don't think XHTML will save them :)

To ask the question the other way around, what are the real
benefits of using HTML over XHTML? I'm interested to hear the
reasons (and I'm sure they are valid).
My environment can't output XML.
Dean, can I ask you why hasn't the W3C depreciated HTML? Do they intend 
too?  Why/Why not?
Should we also be asking the question: "Why has XHTML take-up been so 
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-09 Thread Chris Bentley
 But still, strictly speaking, an
XML based document is bound to be more semantically correct because it  
well formed.
Why? Are the semantics of the following deferent?

Ice cream


Ice cream

"SGML and XML are metalanguage facilities for defining markup  
languages. Markup languages defined by SGML and XML declare formal  
features for syntax, but have no mechanisms for formally expressing  

ASFAIK the semantics of both HTML4.01 and XHTML1.0 are described here:  
. e.g.
"A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it  

"XHTML is designed to be as much like HTML as possible. It has the same  
'semantics' as HTML"

 This means that the CSS can be applied without fear of the
parser misunderstanding where a declaration could have finished.   
There is
no possibility of any guess work in xhtml as it is well formed.

This may or may not be an obvious problem.  But I would not be  
surprised to
see complex designs misrendered when transformed from xhtml to html4  
all optional ending tags taken out.

Why would you want to take them out?
What I am saying is that with XHTML the designers knows this won't  
given the correctness of the parser.

You appear to be saying that CSS is not compatible with HTML4 because  
HTML parsers can only "guess" at its structure if optional end tags are  
not used and therefore parsers are likely to render CSS rules  
incorrectly even though the document may be valid. I assume that what  
you mean by "guess" is: Apply error correcting algorithms to ambiguous  

Does this correctly summarise what you are saying ?
Now go into the area of accessibility, how are you going to tell all  
of user agents and devices the full semantic meaning of the markup.  
about when aural.css becomes mature?  Will complex document in HTML4  
be as
exact as those following XML syntax?

Yes, if you write it against the DTD and follow accessibility
guidelines. There is no difference between the semantics or the
accessibility of HTML4.1 and XHTML1.0.
You may be right, but I don't agree.  It's only a small difference,  
but it
is there.

Where is this difference defined, is there a term for it?

 In my view, you cannot fully mark up
documents with a trusted explicit semantic fullness without and XML
definition.  The border here might be small, but it's small enough  
for one
definition to allow for best of interpretation and the other an
Well-formedness has nothing to do with semantics.
You're missing the point.  Closing tags is being completely accurate  
punctuation, where markup is the punctuation.  Not closing tags CAN  
lead to
ambiguity.  In XHTML there is no syntax ambiguity, in HTML4 there are
possibilities.  It may not happen when validating against the doctype.  
is not the problem.  The problem is the CSS container, it's boundaries  
often not certain.
If you think you need this "punctuation" then use it. I've stated  
before, optional end tags are optional, use them to your heart's  
content  (most people do).

However absent optional end tags are implied - closed by the following  
or enclosing block as defined here  
elsewhere. If you have written HTML well,  there is no ambiguity and no  
guessing is required by conforming HTML parsers. Valid, well written  
HTML is not tag soup.

It's probably worth naming the elements in question: HTML, HEAD, BODY,  
of those elements have optional Start Tags as well as optional End Tags  
(and go straight to punctuation hell presumably :).

To see how your browser's parser handles a TBODY element with an  
omitted Start Tag and an omitted End Tag point it here. (you need a  
browser with DOM scripting to see its parsed code - latest IE, Moz,  
Safari Op should be fine)  

For good measure I've applied a background colour (baby blue) to this  
element (the one with no start tag or end tag) using CSS.

Lucky guess or just applying rules defined by HTML4?
Except for the reasons give by Peter Ottrey the only technical reason
for using XHTML is that you need the XML (this being the only  
difference between HTML4.1 and XHTML 1.0 ). Any other reason simply
comes done to a matter of personal preference.
I don't agree with that.
" This is the same as HTML 4 Strict except for changes due to the  
differences between XML and SGML."


Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-08 Thread Paul Connolley
Geoff Deering wrote:
I am talking about CSS applied to HTML and the rendering of the CSS as
applied to the parsing of the document.  But still, strictly speaking,
XML based document is bound to be more semantically correct because it
well formed.  This means that the CSS can be applied without fear of
parser misunderstanding where a declaration could have finished.

Paul Connolley wrote:
You are talking about two distinctly different parsers. XHTML is a XML
subset, HTML is an SGML subset.
For example:
[Snip example]
In HTML it will not. With the SGML parser it knows that when it 
at a new  it is the beginning of a new list item. The same would
apply, for example, to a  paragraph.
You shouldn't try to argue about parsing when they are parsed by two 
different types
of engines.
But that is entirely my point.
No. Your points:
- Rendering of CSS when applied to a document
- XML being more semantic because it is well formed
- Parsers misunderstanding element declarations
Well-formedness is, in this context, a XML concept. A SGML document 
(hence a HTML) is well formed whether you omit an end tag or not. I 
repeat, an SGML parser will not be confused when presented by two 
paragraphs which are not closed yet adjacent. CSS rules follow almost 
entirely exactly apart from a number of exceptions. This is what I 
believe you were referring to. It is wrong to confuse people about 
missing end tags as it is not the issue when it comes to rendering CSS.

I'm a huge advocate of XHTML. I use it everyday in semantic design but 
I never tell anyone that HTML is less semantic because that is 
poppytosh. XML and SGML specifications are as semantic as you decide to 
make them. I know people who create perfectly valid XHTML but their 
pages make no use of headings, lists, blockquotes or the like. Valid 
but not semantic.

Paul Connolley
SQL/Systems Programmer
Egocentric -
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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-08 Thread Geoff Deering
What Dean says so well here are also the reasons I prefer XML defined
markup, and I don't think it negates the arguments that others have been
expressing here for HTML.  I think each on of them have valid points.  But
it seems to me that there are more reasons to use an XML based vocabulary
than have previously been put forward.

I also agree with him about writing parsers and their performances based on
stricter or looser rule sets.

I also try to see XML vocabularies as having a richer and more accurate rule
set to express the content they encapsulate.  I dream of a true semantic web
were I can find content from searches that are based on arguments and
phrases that are derived from clean document tree analysis of content.  Even
if we have those documents out there, current search methods and technology
are far too primitive to understand that.  Not that the search engine
engineers are dumb, it's just that for all the content out there, there are
only small portions of it that can be stored and analysed semantically, so
there is not much point in doing that regarding ROI.  And I don't agree with
a lot of the way the W3C are handling the semantic web.

Geoff Deering

Dean Jackson wrote:

> Friday, 8 October 2004 2:23 PM
> On 7 Oct 2004, at 02:09, Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
> > Hi Kim,
> >
> > Ian Hickson is _not_ saying XHTML is harmful, he is saying that
> > serving up XHTML with the wrong MIME type is bad.
> That's right. It's probably not the best title for the
> document, but my feeling is that people using the "... considered
> harmful" approach are typically looking more for attention than
> for examination.
> Nevertheless, it's still an interesting read.
> > Today, the real benefits of XHTML are on the production side. Say your
> > CMS has 1000 documents and you need to change the "class" name of a
> >  tag in all 1000 documents. If your content is in XHTML, you can
> > use XML related technologies like DOM or XSLT to process all 1000
> > documents quickly and accurately because XHTML can be processed by XML
> > parsers.
> I agree.
> Using XHTML over HTML brings some benefits that are hard to measure.
> The way I think of it is that XHTML allows more people to use your
> content in ways that you didn't originally expect. For example, at
> W3C we extract a lot of semantic info from our XHTML pages: building
> calendars, issue lists, relationships between pages, etc. This could
> all be done using HTML, but XHTML makes it easier (much wider range
> of tools in the XML world). The same goes for modifying pages. I have
> a huge range of tools available to do a site wide change with XHTML,
> and these tools are interoperable because they conform to the XML
> specification. If my Web guy gets hit by a truck, then I can
> call up another developer and assume that her XML skills will be
> enough to do the job (even though she may not be familiar with the
> tools).
> Then there is the whole Web Applications trend. Again, HTML and
> XHTML are pretty much the same in functionality here, but if I'm
> using an application on the Web then I want to make sure it is
> well-formed and well-structured. I don't want a typo by a web
> developer (such as leaving off an end tag) to cause my credit
> card to be debited twice. That's an extreme example, but in the
> general case, would you really run an application on your desktop
> that you were not sure was compiled correctly (or had millions
> of compiler warnings)? Allowing sloppy markup in applications
> is a security risk IMHO.
> On the design front, if you are thumping your head against a
> wall trying to wonder why the page is off by three pixels, wouldn't
> you like to rule out as much as possible in order to reduce the
> number of places you look for the bug? In most cases, this is
> easier with XHTML - you can check the document and then focus
> on the CSS.
> While the existing browsers are parsing and rendering HTML faster
> than XHTML, then you can serve XHTML 1.0 as HTML. I'm not sure
> exactly why HTML parsing/rendering is faster than XHTML, since in
> general it is much easier to right a high-performance parser for
> a strict language than a less strict one (and HTML also carries
> years and years of quirks to handle). Maybe it is just that the
> HTML code has been around for so long that it is highly optimized.
> Let's hope the desktop browsers will move into 2001 soon ;)
> To ask the question the other way around, what are the real
> benefits of using HTML over XHTML? I'm interested to hear the
> reasons (and I'm sure they are valid).
> Dean

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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-08 Thread Geoff Deering

Paul Connolley wrote:

> Geoff Deering wrote:
> > I am talking about CSS applied to HTML and the rendering of the CSS as
> > applied to the parsing of the document.  But still, strictly speaking, 
> > an
> > XML based document is bound to be more semantically correct because it 
> > is
> > well formed.  This means that the CSS can be applied without fear of 
> > the
> > parser misunderstanding where a declaration could have finished.  
> > There is
> > no possibility of any guess work in xhtml as it is well formed.
> You are talking about two distinctly different parsers. XHTML is a XML 
> subset, HTML is an SGML subset.
> For example:
>One item
>Second item
>Third item
> This will throw an error because it is bad XML
> In HTML it will not. With the SGML parser it knows that when it arrives 
> at a new  it is the beginning of a new list item. The same would 
> apply, for example, to a  paragraph. Surely you don't believe that 
> it would render
> This paragraph
> This other paragraph
> as a paragraph within a paragraph. You need to revise your 
> understandings. HTML is NOT XML. Admittedly, XHTML contains inheritance 
> to certain HTML objects but it is wholly a XML subset. You shouldn't 
> try to argue about parsing when they are parsed by two different types 
> of engines.

But that is entirely my point.

> > You're missing the point.  Closing tags is being completely accurate 
> > with
> > punctuation, where markup is the punctuation.  Not closing tags CAN 
> > lead to
> > ambiguity.  In XHTML there is no syntax ambiguity, in HTML4 there are
> > possibilities.  It may not happen when validating against the doctype.
> Once again you are arguing  for ambiguity. It is wrong to assume this. 
> SGML allows for the omission of end tags because it follows a different 
> ruleset

That's exactly the point I am trying to make.

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-08 Thread Paul Connolley
Geoff Deering wrote:
I am talking about CSS applied to HTML and the rendering of the CSS as
applied to the parsing of the document.  But still, strictly speaking, 
XML based document is bound to be more semantically correct because it 
well formed.  This means that the CSS can be applied without fear of 
parser misunderstanding where a declaration could have finished.  
There is
no possibility of any guess work in xhtml as it is well formed.
You are talking about two distinctly different parsers. XHTML is a XML 
subset, HTML is an SGML subset.

For example:

  One item
  Second item
  Third item

This will throw an error because it is bad XML
In HTML it will not. With the SGML parser it knows that when it arrives 
at a new  it is the beginning of a new list item. The same would 
apply, for example, to a  paragraph. Surely you don't believe that 
it would render

This paragraph
This other paragraph
as a paragraph within a paragraph. You need to revise your 
understandings. HTML is NOT XML. Admittedly, XHTML contains inheritance 
to certain HTML objects but it is wholly a XML subset. You shouldn't 
try to argue about parsing when they are parsed by two different types 
of engines.

You're missing the point.  Closing tags is being completely accurate 
punctuation, where markup is the punctuation.  Not closing tags CAN 
lead to
ambiguity.  In XHTML there is no syntax ambiguity, in HTML4 there are
possibilities.  It may not happen when validating against the doctype.
Once again you are arguing  for ambiguity. It is wrong to assume this. 
SGML allows for the omission of end tags because it follows a different 

Paul Connolley
SQL/Systems Programmer
Egocentric -
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-07 Thread Dean Jackson
On 7 Oct 2004, at 02:09, Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
Hi Kim,
Ian Hickson is _not_ saying XHTML is harmful, he is saying that 
serving up XHTML with the wrong MIME type is bad.
That's right. It's probably not the best title for the
document, but my feeling is that people using the "... considered
harmful" approach are typically looking more for attention than
for examination.
Nevertheless, it's still an interesting read.
Today, the real benefits of XHTML are on the production side. Say your 
CMS has 1000 documents and you need to change the "class" name of a 
 tag in all 1000 documents. If your content is in XHTML, you can 
use XML related technologies like DOM or XSLT to process all 1000 
documents quickly and accurately because XHTML can be processed by XML 
I agree.
Using XHTML over HTML brings some benefits that are hard to measure.
The way I think of it is that XHTML allows more people to use your
content in ways that you didn't originally expect. For example, at
W3C we extract a lot of semantic info from our XHTML pages: building
calendars, issue lists, relationships between pages, etc. This could
all be done using HTML, but XHTML makes it easier (much wider range
of tools in the XML world). The same goes for modifying pages. I have
a huge range of tools available to do a site wide change with XHTML,
and these tools are interoperable because they conform to the XML
specification. If my Web guy gets hit by a truck, then I can
call up another developer and assume that her XML skills will be
enough to do the job (even though she may not be familiar with the
Then there is the whole Web Applications trend. Again, HTML and
XHTML are pretty much the same in functionality here, but if I'm
using an application on the Web then I want to make sure it is
well-formed and well-structured. I don't want a typo by a web
developer (such as leaving off an end tag) to cause my credit
card to be debited twice. That's an extreme example, but in the
general case, would you really run an application on your desktop
that you were not sure was compiled correctly (or had millions
of compiler warnings)? Allowing sloppy markup in applications
is a security risk IMHO.
On the design front, if you are thumping your head against a
wall trying to wonder why the page is off by three pixels, wouldn't
you like to rule out as much as possible in order to reduce the
number of places you look for the bug? In most cases, this is
easier with XHTML - you can check the document and then focus
on the CSS.
While the existing browsers are parsing and rendering HTML faster
than XHTML, then you can serve XHTML 1.0 as HTML. I'm not sure
exactly why HTML parsing/rendering is faster than XHTML, since in
general it is much easier to right a high-performance parser for
a strict language than a less strict one (and HTML also carries
years and years of quirks to handle). Maybe it is just that the
HTML code has been around for so long that it is highly optimized.
Let's hope the desktop browsers will move into 2001 soon ;)
To ask the question the other way around, what are the real
benefits of using HTML over XHTML? I'm interested to hear the
reasons (and I'm sure they are valid).
From: "Kim Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

First of all... I'm sorry if this is off topic.
I've been telling people (the few who asked me and through my website)
to use (valid) xhtml because it a W3C recommendation, it's  device
independent, (valid) xhtml can be processed by an XML parser, better
accessibility, less code, faster processing of code in modern 
forward compatibility etc. I guess that's the standard opinion on 
or am I completely of track here?

After I participated in a discussion over at the Project Seven 
I'm having doubts! The reason is some very well put arguments from 
others, Al Sparber. One of the arguments was less code. Not even close
to html 4.01 (See sample 1 below), html 4.01 is also device 
AFAIK. Xhtml is not being processed faster than html 4. Actually there
should be no real reason to use xhtml unless you're using xml.

_Sample 1 - html:_


Untitled Document

Hello World.

_Sample 1 -  xhtml:_


Untitled Document

Hello World.

Now what really worries me is this article where xhtml is being considered
"harmfull". Is it harmful ?
Now I would like to know what your arguments would be for using xhtml.
Not that I can't think for myself... but I'm in doubt if  I'm going in
the right direction.
I would really like to hear your opinions on this matter.
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-07 Thread Vlad Alexander \(XStandard\)
Hi Tom,

Yes - the markup will validate as HTML. Here is an example:

Validate it using:

Check out an article I wrote about this a while back:


- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Livingston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

> Please forgive any ignorance on my part...
> So I can copy the guts of an XHTML document in all it's splendor with 
> s et all and paste it into an HTML document and all is dandy?
> Tom Livingston
> Senior Multimedia Artist
> Get FireFox >
> On Oct 6, 2004, at 11:25 PM, Chris Bentley wrote:
> > There is no difference between the semantics or the accessibility of 
> > HTML4.1 and XHTML1.0.
> **
> The discussion list for
>  See
>  for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
> **

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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-07 Thread Geoff Deering
Chris Bentley wrote:
> > Are there any parsers out there you explicitly trust to get it right
> > every
> > time?  I don't.
> I know of one,  Are you say though that User
> Agents are generally better/fast at parsing/rendering valid XHTML than
> they are valid HTML?

No, that is not what I meant at all.  I'm talking about the parser and
rendering engine in user agents.  No, you are missing the point.  Maybe you
need to go back and study parser logic rendering markup a bit more.

> > They may well do, but they are still guessing if there are
> > no end tags.  I'm much more happy to explicitly declare my design than
> > have
> > parsers guessing at what I've designed, the performance trade off is
> > not so
> > great.
> >
> I like to write valid markup too, and if your HTML is valid (written
> against the DTD) then the parser doesn't have to guess anything,  I
> don't see your point as to why valid XHTML is technically better than
> than valid HTML.

I am talking about CSS applied to HTML and the rendering of the CSS as
applied to the parsing of the document.  But still, strictly speaking, an
XML based document is bound to be more semantically correct because it is
well formed.  This means that the CSS can be applied without fear of the
parser misunderstanding where a declaration could have finished.  There is
no possibility of any guess work in xhtml as it is well formed.

This may or may not be an obvious problem.  But I would not be surprised to
see complex designs misrendered when transformed from xhtml to html4 with
all optional ending tags taken out.

What I am saying is that with XHTML the designers knows this won't happen,
given the correctness of the parser.

> > Now go into the area of accessibility, how are you going to tell all
> > sorts
> > of user agents and devices the full semantic meaning of the markup.
> > What
> > about when aural.css becomes mature?  Will complex document in HTML4
> > be as
> > exact as those following XML syntax?
> >
> Yes, if you write it against the DTD and follow accessibility
> guidelines. There is no difference between the semantics or the
> accessibility of HTML4.1 and XHTML1.0.

You may be right, but I don't agree.  It's only a small difference, but it
is there.

> >  In my view, you cannot fully mark up
> > documents with a trusted explicit semantic fullness without and XML
> > definition.  The border here might be small, but it's small enough for
> > one
> > definition to allow for best of interpretation and the other an
> > explicit
> > interpretation.
> Well-formedness has nothing to do with semantics.

You're missing the point.  Closing tags is being completely accurate with
punctuation, where markup is the punctuation.  Not closing tags CAN lead to
ambiguity.  In XHTML there is no syntax ambiguity, in HTML4 there are
possibilities.  It may not happen when validating against the doctype.  That
is not the problem.  The problem is the CSS container, it's boundaries are
often not certain.

> Except for the reasons give by Peter Ottrey the only technical reason
> for using XHTML is that you need the XML (this being the only technical
> difference between HTML4.1 and XHTML 1.0 ). Any other reason simply
> comes done to a matter of personal preference.

I don't agree with that.


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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-07 Thread Tom Livingston
Please forgive any ignorance on my part...
So I can copy the guts of an XHTML document in all it's splendor with 
s et all and paste it into an HTML document and all is dandy?

Tom Livingston
Senior Multimedia Artist
Get FireFox >

On Oct 6, 2004, at 11:25 PM, Chris Bentley wrote:
There is no difference between the semantics or the accessibility of 
HTML4.1 and XHTML1.0.
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Chris Bentley
Are there any parsers out there you explicitly trust to get it right 
time?  I don't.
I know of one,  Are you say though that User 
Agents are generally better/fast at parsing/rendering valid XHTML than 
they are valid HTML?

They may well do, but they are still guessing if there are
no end tags.  I'm much more happy to explicitly declare my design than 
parsers guessing at what I've designed, the performance trade off is 
not so

I like to write valid markup too, and if your HTML is valid (written 
against the DTD) then the parser doesn't have to guess anything,  I 
don't see your point as to why valid XHTML is technically better than 
than valid HTML.

Now go into the area of accessibility, how are you going to tell all 
of user agents and devices the full semantic meaning of the markup.  
about when aural.css becomes mature?  Will complex document in HTML4 
be as
exact as those following XML syntax?

Yes, if you write it against the DTD and follow accessibility 
guidelines. There is no difference between the semantics or the 
accessibility of HTML4.1 and XHTML1.0.

 In my view, you cannot fully mark up
documents with a trusted explicit semantic fullness without and XML
definition.  The border here might be small, but it's small enough for 
definition to allow for best of interpretation and the other an 
Well-formedness has nothing to do with semantics.
Except for the reasons give by Peter Ottrey the only technical reason 
for using XHTML is that you need the XML (this being the only technical 
difference between HTML4.1 and XHTML 1.0 ). Any other reason simply 
comes done to a matter of personal preference.

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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Peter Ottery
Title: RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

Lachlan wrote:

>> On use of validation: valid code is not difficult.


>> Pete, I'm assuming from your comments that you aim for valid code by 
changing institutional practices rather than programmatically?

Agreed on both.

The reality in big organisations is developers have a long list of things to do and correcting code that may not be causing a problem for the business right now, today, in $ terms, usually doesn't get a high priority on that list. and pages consequently sit there, invalid.

Of course its the purpose of this list and all of us on it to re/educate people/clients, highlight the benefits, & reverse that practice so we get this thing right.


RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Geoff Deering
> On 07/10/2004, at 10:07 AM, Geoff Deering wrote:
> > The reason being that if you are not closing all your tags it
> > can become a guessing game for the parser where the CSS declaration
> > may end
> > in various parts of the document.
> >
> > It always strikes me that when using HTML4 you are at the mercy of the
> > arbitoriness of the parser.
> There is nothing to stop us writing "well-formed" HTML. Elements which
> have optional closing tags are just that - optional.

I agree with everything you have said, but.. in complex designs, take out
the end tags and that's exactly what you leave the parser to do... guess.
Are there any parsers out there you explicitly trust to get it right every
time?  I don't.  They may well do, but they are still guessing if there are
no end tags.  I'm much more happy to explicitly declare my design than have
parsers guessing at what I've designed, the performance trade off is not so

Now go into the area of accessibility, how are you going to tell all sorts
of user agents and devices the full semantic meaning of the markup.  What
about when aural.css becomes mature?  Will complex document in HTML4 be as
exact as those following XML syntax?  In my view, you cannot fully mark up
documents with a trusted explicit semantic fullness without and XML
definition.  The border here might be small, but it's small enough for one
definition to allow for best of interpretation and the other an explicit

Geoff Deering

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Lachlan Hardy
Manuel González Noriega wrote:
You learn that you should validate anything before making it live 
(just like you'd spell-check and proofread anything before going to 
publication in the print world, for instance). ;)
Hmmm... I started writing a reply a few hours ago and events overtook 
me. Still, I think I have a few points to add that haven't been made yet

On use of validation: valid code is not difficult. Maybe it is because I 
came to this from programming, but I have zero difficulties in writing 
valid code. These days I hardly validate at all. Just a validation of 
the entire site as part of the final testing before going live. As 
Manuel said, it is just like using a spell-checker

The other point I wished to make refers to the oft-mentioned "user error 
can stuff my whole page" argument. The problem there consists of a lack 
of appropriate programming. If you have a CMS, it should check all user 
input - for spelling, grammar (very hard to implement), and validity. If 
your CMS doesn't do this, why use it?

The obvious answer is because no CMS does this. But they damn well 
should! (If you know of one that does, please send me a message 
off-list, I'd love to hear about it)

Prepping a server to deliver XHTML 1.1 to browsers that can cope and 
HTML 4.01 to the rest takes a lot of effort and know-how in the first 
place. I believe the best way to do it is programmatically. If you're 
capable of that (or you have a programming gimp who is), then set up 
some automatic validation for user input and you're set

Peter Ottery wrote:
> So when we 'sold' the CSS concept internally, we 'sold' xHTML along
> with it, and everything that goes along with it to focus attention on 
> better coding practices.

Pete, I'm assuming from your comments that you aim for valid code by 
changing institutional practices rather than programmatically?

I don't have a problem with that. It is great if you can do it. My 
problem lies in that I've never had a client who could write even bad 
HTML. I rely on WYSIWYG for user input and that requires cleaning

A further point:
The school I work at teaches solely XHTML 1.0 Strict to the students 
(the staff get a tutorial to work through on MS Frontpage, but that is a 
whole different problem). Why do we do that? Because it teaches better 
technique, and because being capable of writing well-formed XHTML might 
even be important by the time they are out in the workforce doing 
something. Once they know how to write valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, it isn't 
too hard to raise the bar to XHTML 1.1 or to transfer to HTML 4.01. 
Teaching them XHTML 1.0 Strict leaves them with the choice of where to 
go when they are doing their own thing
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Chris Bentley
On 07/10/2004, at 10:07 AM, Geoff Deering wrote:
The reason being that if you are not closing all your tags it
can become a guessing game for the parser where the CSS declaration 
may end
in various parts of the document.

It always strikes me that when using HTML4 you are at the mercy of the
arbitoriness of the parser.
There is nothing to stop us writing "well-formed" HTML. Elements which 
have optional closing tags are just that - optional.

It also strikes me that if you are writing HTML 4 against the DTD then 
Parsers will have no difficulty "guessing" where blocks end, optional 
end tags or not. Have you have ever pulled the render tree out of IE6 
and seen what happens to lovely well-formed XHTML?.. It's parser strips 
out the optional closing tags and changes elements to upper case. The 
CSS still renders as expected. (as expected on IE not by the rec :)

David Hyatt (quoted in my previous post) seems to say that current 
browsers can render HTML faster and have fewer problems rendering it 
than with XML. While I'd prefer him to fix it, there it is. Brendan 
Eich also seems to support Hayatt's assertions about this in this 

Are there references with some authority which support the other case; 
That XHTML parsing is better and faster?

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Chris Bentley
On 07/10/2004, at 9:45 AM, Peter Firminger wrote:
 (and it's debateable whether HTML 3.2 is either... By "version"
do they mean the language or the subset? HTML 3.2 is the latest 
version of
I suspect that they mean HTML4.
From the HTML 4 rec
"W3C recommends that authors produce HTML 4 documents instead of HTML 
3.2 documents" Status of this document)

Also as HTML 3 did not include these elements: ABBR, ACRONYM, BDO, COL, 
THEAD and the attributes SUMMARY and LONGDESC and extension of the 
TITLE attribute, it is unlikely that WAI would be happy with its use. 
(although I'm just guessing)

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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Geoff Deering
I think there are valid arguments for both sides of this.

This is also where I agree with the approach of the Apache/Cocoon advocates
in that you serve up the solution which be suits the user agent.

As standards developers we are working in an imperfect world and it's what
frustrates us all.

What I feel actually saves the HTML argument, in this case, is that browsers
actually have very very intelligent parsers in them.  It takes a lot of work
to handle the thousands of cases that quirksmode can throw up.  Thankfully
that also works in our favour when we slip up on our own validation.

If you took all the quirksmode logic out of the parser in the browser and it
only did valid DTDs for HTML4 and XHTML, and spat the dummy like SGML and
XML parsers when it found invalid markup, and where all documents were
valid, I bet you that out of all the designs the XHTML would render more
accurately.  The reason being that if you are not closing all your tags it
can become a guessing game for the parser where the CSS declaration may end
in various parts of the document.

It always strikes me that when using HTML4 you are at the mercy of the
arbitoriness of the parser.  I know there doesn't seem to be any obvious
problems, but just the basics of parsing seem to leave you with the feeling
it is inherently there.

That to me is the main reason to use XHTML over HTML in this argument.


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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Vicki Falkland
>... as for appropriate, that's a judgement call
>based on personal preference.

he also did add:
"Note that I personally think it is unfortunate that the WAI WCAG guidelines
mandate this.
(I appreciate that the word 'appropriate' could be interpreted as a get-out
- but I would argue that XHTML is appropriate for the task of document

>XHTML did not replace HTML or it would have been called HTML 5.0.

indeed. agreed.

i guess his addy is in the archives, if u'd like to take it up with him :)

kind regards Peter,
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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Peter Ottery

Kim wrote:
>> Now I would like to 
know what your arguments would be for using xhtml.Hi 
everyone,have heard and understand all the good responses on this question. 
As usual the decision can vary depending on your needs.I'd like to offer 
one reason why it has been a good decision for us here at Fairfax Digital (or 
potentially the better known [1] & 
sites).When we proposed and pushed the idea of using css for layouts, it 
was (and still is) a radical change for many parts of the business and the way 
the sites are developed. Many hands work on our sites. We still run into lots of 
problems with markup errors due to that amount of content that comes from 
different areas/hands. The fact is we have many people within the organisation 
that are still coding ala 1998 style. missing  tags, or no  
tags, no headings, unclosed tags, lists using 's, unencoded entities, 
etc etc. probably every sin in the book.When we started spreading the 
message of CSS and standards internally we knew that if it succeeded it would 
take a long time & then stick for a long time. We have lts of sites that 
often don't get a code revamp for years. Hence we wanted a plan that had some 
legs.The reason we chose xHTML had a lot to do with speading the message 
that xHTML stands for. ie: tidy, lean, valid code etc. yeah i know its a lot 
more than that but for these people, thats the point that concerns them.  
We needed to get people realising that its important to close your tags, its 
important to make your tags lower case, its important to use a  tag 
for a heading. (yeah its probably a heading 'element', not tag, but you know 
what i mean ;-)So when we 'sold' the CSS concept internally, we 'sold' 
xHTML along with it, and everything that goes along with it to focus attention 
on better coding practices.So yeah, that may sound crazy for some, but 
its a real world situation for us, and its something that has seen massive 
benefits. Its working. The xHTML doctype and standards mode (as opposed to 
quirks mode) is helping to focus attention internally on the need for better 
markup. We aint perfect, but its a big organisation and these things take time. 
Product managers (who have no idea what CSS even stands for) now want to know if 
their new design will use xHTML and sprites. funny, but true.I'm glad we 
jumped in though and am comfortable with our stance on the subject. If we waited 
till our sites were valid before doing anything, I fear we would never even get 
into the game.
[1] I did a preso at a WSG meet a while ago on the 
redesign of this site using css, heres the link if yr interested
cheers,petePeter OtteryHead of 
DesignFairfax DigitalLevel 3 Wharf 7 Pirrama RoadPyrmont NSW

RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Peter Firminger

> but it was also pointed out 
> Note that a strict interpretation of the WAI WCAG 1.0 guidelines would
> indicate that you MUST use XHTML 1.0 if you intent to comply
> with WAI AA
> guidelines. See 

Um, no. Not MUST at all. This is misinterpreting the facts.

> Checkpoints:
> 11.1 Use W3C technologies when they are available and
> appropriate for a
> task and use the latest versions when supported. [Priority 2]

I would think that IE's non support of the correct mime type means that
"when supported" fails, and as for appropriate, that's a judgement call
based on personal preference.

HTML 4.01 is still entirely appropriate for general content mark-up and IS
the latest version of HTML. What they mean here is that HTML 4.0 is not
appropriate, (and it's debateable whether HTML 3.2 is either... By "version"
do they mean the language or the subset? HTML 3.2 is the latest version of

XHTML did not replace HTML or it would have been called HTML 5.0.


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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Chris Bentley
"Every modern browser, including Mozilla and Safari, is much worse at 
XHTML than at HTML. People tend to foolishly gloss over the transition 
from one to the other, thinking that code you write for one will “just 
work” when you switch to XHTML. That simply isn’t true. If you look at 
XHTML in both Mozilla and Safari and compare it to HTML, you’ll see 
that it’s slower, non-incremental, and generally buggier than HTML."

David Hyatt
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Vicki Falkland
there were a couple of threads about this issue at WEB4LIB recently.
subject = "Moving from HTML4.01 to XML"
subject = "to X or not to X"

the consensus was generally mixed, as it is here. one of my gurus  said:

Moving from any flavor of HTML to the corresponding flavor of XHTML is a 
pretty minor syntax change.  The failure of IE to handle XHTML's 
official MIME content type is a non-negligible issue, but a good server 
environment should be able to send either "application/xhtml+html" or 
"text/html" based on the browser's Accept headers.

Moving from either Transitional version to the corresponding Strict 
version is where you really get the benefits from distilling your markup 
down to clean structure.

Again IMO,  there's little advantage to moving from HTML to XHTML unless 
you either need to use other XML applications or editors, or you just 
want to play with XHTML.

but it was also pointed out 

Note that a strict interpretation of the WAI WCAG 1.0 guidelines would
indicate that you MUST use XHTML 1.0 if you intent to comply with WAI AA
guidelines. See 
11.1 Use W3C technologies when they are available and appropriate for a
task and use the latest versions when supported. [Priority 2] 

if anyone wants to investigate further, the WEB4LIB searchable archives are

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
One that I know, but there may be more: in HTML, body is the size of the 
entire viewport, even if it's empty. In XHTML, it's just like any other 
block level elements and takes on the dimensions of its content (and if 
you float everything in the body, it effectively is 0 pixels high). If 
you define a background colour just in the body, in XHTML it may not 
cover the entire viewport of your browser if the content is shorter than 
the viewport you should apply background colour etc to the 
HTML element instead

John Horner wrote:
Can anyone explain what this means in that article?
 * A CSS stylesheet written for an HTML4 document is interpreted
   slightly differently in an XHTML context (e.g. the  element
   is not magical in XHTML

In what ways might  be "magical"?

   "Have You Validated Your Code?"
John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 2110
Senior Developer, ABC Online

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread John Horner
Can anyone explain what this means in that article?
 * A CSS stylesheet written for an HTML4 document is interpreted
   slightly differently in an XHTML context (e.g. the  element
   is not magical in XHTML
In what ways might  be "magical"?

   "Have You Validated Your Code?"
John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 2110
Senior Developer, ABC Online

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Tony Crockford
At 15:53 on Wednesday, 06 Oct 2004, Kim Kruse wrote:
Now I would like to know what your arguments would be for using xhtml.  
Not that I can't think for myself... but I'm in doubt if  I'm going in  
the right direction.

I would really like to hear your opinions on this matter.
I timely post, just surfaced in my Newsreader:
listening to: background noise
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Manuel González Noriega
Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
Manuel González Noriega wrote:
Often, markup errors, like natural language errors, are most likely 
typos than anything else. Therefore, i don't really learn anything 
from them

You learn that you should validate anything before making it live 
(just like you'd spell-check and proofread anything before going to 
publication in the print world, for instance). ;)

Spll chckres? Whats' taht? :o)
Seriously, I don't want to come across as a lousy coding apologist, I 
just was pointing that error-handling was one of the main differences 
between XHTML and HTML (if XHTML is served correctly) . I'm all for 
obsessive validation, but nowdays I'm more for obsessive validation 
against the HTML Doctype.

I wanna share a link, found via Bloglines, that's very pro-XHTML. How 
fair and balanced is that?
Manuel trabaja para Simplelógica: apariencia, experiencia y 
comunicación en la web. # (+34) 985 22 12 65
   escribe en Logicola

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
Shane Helm wrote:
I have also become a better and 
cleaner coder since I switched to XHTML & CSS.
Table-less layout rules!
But, to clarify: there's nothing, absolutely nothing at all, stopping 
you from going all CSS-driven, table-less, separation of content and 
presentation, etc in HTML 4 - just as it's still perfectly feasible to 
do a completely table-driven layout even in XHTML 1.1.

These two quite separate issues should not be confused, or made 
synonymous (similar to the "xhtml is better for accessibility" myth)

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Shane Helm
Sorry!  I meant "You couldn't have stated your claims better."  Not 
"could've of".

On Oct 6, 2004, at 1:46 PM, Shane Helm wrote:
Here here!  You could've of stated your claims better.  My choice is 
XHTML for the exact same reasons.  I have also become a better and 
cleaner coder since I switched to XHTML & CSS.
Table-less layout rules!

Shane Helm
On Oct 6, 2004, at 1:34 PM, Michael Kear wrote:
-Original Message-
Shane Helm - he say:
corrected.  If your typo is in a tag, then it could produce 
We should all make sure our code on every web page we create has no
errors, whether simple typos or forgotten closing tags; whether we use

Shane Helm
Quite so.   I'm ashamed to say I built several web sites without 
anything.  I worked on the basis that if it looked ok in IE and 
Netscape, and didn't look too bad in the mac we had at the next desk, 
was ok.  Anyone else who has something different was on their own.  
Lots of
luck, pal.

Since I've learned more about web standards and accessibility I've had
occasion to rebuild one of those sites, and I built it to 
I'm not sure if using XHTML was better, or just because I validated 
code, but the new version of the site is faster, smaller, better, 
laid out
better, the code all works.  It's easier to maintain. Far faster to 
find the
place in a page that needs work than it did before.

Perhaps it's got nothing to do with XHTML per se, but because I coded 
to a
much more stringent standard, I did a better job of it.  It was 
at first,  seeing all those errors coming up, and the nasty ole 
being picky and splitting hairs over a non-supported attribute here 
or a
forgotten / there but the end result is a much better job, and now I 
am much
more disciplined in the code I write.

The tighter discipline on my own coding habits means I get more pages 
first time now than I did before.  Benefit: faster results of higher 
than before.

Maybe XHTML has nothing to do with it, maybe it does.  But the overall
effect is a big improvement all around for me.  I reckon validating 
good sense from many points of view.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Manuel González Noriega
Shane Helm wrote:
All code of every web page should be validated.  Any errors need to be 
corrected.  If your typo is in a tag, then it could produce 
undesirable results.
We should all make sure our code on every web page we create has no 
errors, whether simple typos or forgotten closing tags; whether we use 
If you live by this standard, then XHTML is a viable coding option.

I pretty much agree, but, generally speaking, if a change to the markup 
is made on Friday, and it is somehow invalid, i'd rather have it "as is"
until the Monday validation than showing a terrible fatal error yellow 
screen to users during the weekend. And keep in mind than i'm thinking 
more about user submitted input, which is much more wild and frequent 
than any webpage lifecycle.

Anyhow, I'm a semantic and valid HTML freak, so i'm already converted 
:o) But, as I said, I don't really see the point of XHTML for general 
information delivery today.

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Shane Helm
Here here!  You could've of stated your claims better.  My choice is 
XHTML for the exact same reasons.  I have also become a better and 
cleaner coder since I switched to XHTML & CSS.
Table-less layout rules!

Shane Helm
On Oct 6, 2004, at 1:34 PM, Michael Kear wrote:
-Original Message-
Shane Helm - he say:
corrected.  If your typo is in a tag, then it could produce undesirable
We should all make sure our code on every web page we create has no
errors, whether simple typos or forgotten closing tags; whether we use

Shane Helm
Quite so.   I'm ashamed to say I built several web sites without 
anything.  I worked on the basis that if it looked ok in IE and perhaps
Netscape, and didn't look too bad in the mac we had at the next desk, 
was ok.  Anyone else who has something different was on their own.  
Lots of
luck, pal.

Since I've learned more about web standards and accessibility I've had
occasion to rebuild one of those sites, and I built it to 
I'm not sure if using XHTML was better, or just because I validated the
code, but the new version of the site is faster, smaller, better, laid 
better, the code all works.  It's easier to maintain. Far faster to 
find the
place in a page that needs work than it did before.

Perhaps it's got nothing to do with XHTML per se, but because I coded 
to a
much more stringent standard, I did a better job of it.  It was 
at first,  seeing all those errors coming up, and the nasty ole 
being picky and splitting hairs over a non-supported attribute here or 
forgotten / there but the end result is a much better job, and now I 
am much
more disciplined in the code I write.

The tighter discipline on my own coding habits means I get more pages 
first time now than I did before.  Benefit: faster results of higher 
than before.

Maybe XHTML has nothing to do with it, maybe it does.  But the overall
effect is a big improvement all around for me.  I reckon validating 
good sense from many points of view.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

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RE: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Michael Kear
-Original Message-
Shane Helm - he say: 


Quite so.   I'm ashamed to say I built several web sites without validating
anything.  I worked on the basis that if it looked ok in IE and perhaps
Netscape, and didn't look too bad in the mac we had at the next desk, that
was ok.  Anyone else who has something different was on their own.  Lots of
luck, pal.

Since I've learned more about web standards and accessibility I've had
occasion to rebuild one of those sites, and I built it to XHML1.0Strict.
I'm not sure if using XHTML was better, or just because I validated the
code, but the new version of the site is faster, smaller, better, laid out
better, the code all works.  It's easier to maintain. Far faster to find the
place in a page that needs work than it did before.  

Perhaps it's got nothing to do with XHTML per se, but because I coded to a
much more stringent standard, I did a better job of it.  It was frustrating
at first,  seeing all those errors coming up, and the nasty ole validator
being picky and splitting hairs over a non-supported attribute here or a
forgotten / there but the end result is a much better job, and now I am much
more disciplined in the code I write.

The tighter discipline on my own coding habits means I get more pages right
first time now than I did before.  Benefit: faster results of higher quality
than before. 

Maybe XHTML has nothing to do with it, maybe it does.  But the overall
effect is a big improvement all around for me.  I reckon validating makes
good sense from many points of view.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
Manuel González Noriega wrote:
Often, markup errors, like natural language errors, are most likely 
typos than anything else. Therefore, i don't really learn anything from 
You learn that you should validate anything before making it live (just 
like you'd spell-check and proofread anything before going to 
publication in the print world, for instance). ;)

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Shane Helm
All code of every web page should be validated.  Any errors need to be 
corrected.  If your typo is in a tag, then it could produce undesirable 
We should all make sure our code on every web page we create has no 
errors, whether simple typos or forgotten closing tags; whether we use 
If you live by this standard, then XHTML is a viable coding option.

Shane Helm
On Oct 6, 2004, at 12:46 PM, Manuel González Noriega wrote:
Clayton Lengel-Zigich wrote:
Again, higly subjective: it's neat for marchine-parsing but IMHO it's
overkill to learn that you've made a teenyweeny mistake in your blog
post markup by watching the bloody thing crash before your eyes
Yet with each crash and burn of your blog and each little mistake you
fix the more and more aware of those little mistakes you become and
the cleaner your code becomes.
Sure it's a pain when you forget a simple bit of markup but more often
than not it's easily fixed.
Often, markup errors, like natural language errors, are most likely 
typos than anything else. Therefore, i don't really learn anything 
from them and they are just a PITAs

I see your point, of course and i still think it's a matter of 
specific scenarios + personal taste
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Manuel González Noriega
Clayton Lengel-Zigich wrote:
Again, higly subjective: it's neat for marchine-parsing but IMHO it's
overkill to learn that you've made a teenyweeny mistake in your blog
post markup by watching the bloody thing crash before your eyes

Yet with each crash and burn of your blog and each little mistake you
fix the more and more aware of those little mistakes you become and
the cleaner your code becomes.
Sure it's a pain when you forget a simple bit of markup but more often
than not it's easily fixed.

Often, markup errors, like natural language errors, are most likely 
typos than anything else. Therefore, i don't really learn anything from 
them and they are just a PITAs

I see your point, of course and i still think it's a matter of specific 
scenarios + personal taste
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Clayton Lengel-Zigich
> Again, higly subjective: it's neat for marchine-parsing but IMHO it's
> overkill to learn that you've made a teenyweeny mistake in your blog
> post markup by watching the bloody thing crash before your eyes

Yet with each crash and burn of your blog and each little mistake you
fix the more and more aware of those little mistakes you become and
the cleaner your code becomes.

Sure it's a pain when you forget a simple bit of markup but more often
than not it's easily fixed.

Clayton Lengel-Zigich
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Manuel González Noriega
Chris Hughes wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Manuel González 
Noriega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

XHTML problems:
- Zero-tolerance for markup errors

Surely that is a benefit rather than a problem?
Again, higly subjective: it's neat for marchine-parsing but IMHO it's 
overkill to learn that you've made a teenyweeny mistake in your blog 
post markup by watching the bloody thing crash before your eyes

As i said, it probably comes down to what are your use cases. I stand on 
the camp of those who think that in the vast majority of the real-world 
use cases today, XHTML is not necessary. Besides, HTML 4.01 Strict has a 
vintage/retro look that's really cool :o)

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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Chris Hughes
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Manuel González 
Noriega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
XHTML problems:
- Zero-tolerance for markup errors
Surely that is a benefit rather than a problem?
Chris Hughes
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread XStandard
Hi Kim,

Ian Hickson is _not_ saying XHTML is harmful, he is saying that serving up XHTML with 
the wrong MIME type is bad. At an academic level, he has a point. On a practical 
level, this does not concern most of us because all current (modern) user agents 
(browsers, crawlers, gadgets, etc) will process XHTML if it is served-up as HTML. But 
do try to user the correct MIME type when you can. Here is the definitive word on this 

To summarize this article, it says "XHTML 1.0 can be served as HTML or XML."

Today, the real benefits of XHTML are on the production side. Say your CMS has 1000 
documents and you need to change the "class" name of a  tag in all 1000 
documents. If your content is in XHTML, you can use XML related technologies like DOM 
or XSLT to process all 1000 documents quickly and accurately because XHTML can be 
processed by XML parsers.

-Vlad Alexander
XStandard Development Team

- Original Message -
From: "Kim Kruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

> Hi,
> First of all... I'm sorry if this is off topic.
> I've been telling people (the few who asked me and through my website)
> to use (valid) xhtml because it a W3C recommendation, it's  device
> independent, (valid) xhtml can be processed by an XML parser, better
> accessibility, less code, faster processing of code in modern browsers,
> forward compatibility etc. I guess that's the standard opinion on xhtml
> or am I completely of track here?
> After I participated in a discussion over at the Project Seven newsgroup
> I'm having doubts! The reason is some very well put arguments from among
> others, Al Sparber. One of the arguments was less code. Not even close
> to html 4.01 (See sample 1 below), html 4.01 is also device independent
> AFAIK. Xhtml is not being processed faster than html 4. Actually there
> should be no real reason to use xhtml unless you're using xml.
> _Sample 1 - html:_
>  "";>
> Untitled Document
> Hello World.
> _Sample 1 -  xhtml:_
>  "";>
> Untitled Document
> Hello World.
> Now what really worries me is this article
> where xhtml is being considered
> "harmfull". Is it harmful ?
> Now I would like to know what your arguments would be for using xhtml.
> Not that I can't think for myself... but I'm in doubt if  I'm going in
> the right direction.
> I would really like to hear your opinions on this matter.
> Kim
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Re: [WSG] Is XHTML harmful?

2004-10-06 Thread Manuel González Noriega
Kim Kruse wrote:
First of all... I'm sorry if this is off topic.
I've been telling people (the few who asked me and through my website) 
to use (valid) xhtml because it a W3C recommendation, it's  device 
independent, (valid) xhtml can be processed by an XML parser, better 
accessibility, less code, faster processing of code in modern browsers, 
forward compatibility etc. I guess that's the standard opinion on xhtml 
or am I completely of track here?

Hi Kim, that's a hot issue in the web standards world. Basically, i 
think the main points can be presented as:

XHTML real, present and unique features:
 - Ready for XML parsing
 - Ready for mixing with other XML syntaxes, such MathML. The canonical 
example being is Jaques Distler's weblog.

XHTML not-so-clear feature:
- Forward-compatibility. Some say it's a legit advantage over HTML, some 
say, since valid HTML is so easily tranformed into valid XHTML, it's a draw.

XHTML myths:
- Faster loads.
- More accesible 'per se' than Strict HTML. It's not.
XHTML problems:
- The mime-type issues.
- Zero-tolerance for markup errors (if served with the right mime-type)
So, if you've done your homework and take an informed decision, it 
pretty much comes down to a matter of project requirements + personal 
taste. Some people see the point in using XHTML, regardless the 
problems. Some people don't. Myself, i'm sticking with HTML 4.01 Strict, 
until necessity or the will to experiment force me otherwise.

 Check this
for a much more useful explanation than mine :)
 Manuel trabaja para Simplelógica: apariencia, experiencia y 
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