Re: .mac not Syncing issues

2008-05-21 Thread Jeff Berg
Contact Bare Bones Support (just like it says at the bottom of this  
and every message)--they were very helpful in talking me through a  
similar problem a while back. Also, a Google for .Mac sync problems  
will provide a ton of information.

Sorry I can't go into details now--you opened what might me a big can  
of worms (depending how far you have to go to reset/restore sync  
services)  and fighting other fires at the moment.


Okay, I can't be *that* unhelpful.

First, in my experience, Sync is a lot more reliable under 10.5--at  
least once you've cleared out the 10.4 remnants. I did a full reset  
when I upgraded and have been very happy ever since. (Of course I also  
recently switched to FIOS via a Gigabit hard wire (as opposed to DSL  
via 802.11 which has probably also helped quite a bit.)

Not saying you need a full reset--like I said, work with Bare Bones  
support first, but if you do:

Ars Technica on doing a SyncServices nuke  pave: 
 (Thanks to Merlin Mann/43folders for the pointer)
An article on using Syncrospector (An Apple Developers tool) : 
 -- Article is for 10.4.x, not sure whether is is appropriate for  
10.5. (Forget who tipped me to that one.)

Read, understand and backup before taking any of these measures.  
Remember, don't expect me to care about lost data that you didn't  
care enough about to back up in the first place.


Love is fine until you taste,
This melancholy bouillabaisse called letting go
   --Jimmy Buffett, Lage Nom Ai

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Re: Backing up Yojimbo to JungleDisk Plus (or Rsync)

2008-04-26 Thread Jeff Berg

On Apr 9, 2008, at 9:10 PM, Doug Ransom wrote:

Does anyone know how effective  the block-level file updates  
described in the Jungle Disk docs (below) will work with Yojimbo  

Sorry for the delay in replying to this but I didn't want to answer  
until I'd tested a backup. JungleDisk Plus backs up the changes to  my  
Yojimbo database on a nightly basis without any need to shut Yojimbo  
down. I just tested the integrity of the backup this morning and it  
was up-to-date as of yesterday.

Since I got FIOS, JungleDIsk has become my offsite backup destination  
and I'm extrememly pleased--not to mention sleeping better at night.



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Re: Backing up Yojimbo to JungleDisk Plus (or Rsync)

2008-04-26 Thread Jeff Berg

On Apr 26, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Bill Rowe wrote:

The combination of block-level file updates and a nightly backup  
schedule would greatly reduce the opportunity for the type of  
problem I describe to occur. Also, I assume the nightly backup  
occurs when you aren't actively using Yojimbo. I believe this  
explains you success to date but doesn't mean Yojimbo is inherently  
compatible with JungleDisk.

I'll can't disagree with that. My offsite backup takes place at  
2:30am--a time when I'm seldom at the computer and a logical time for  
such a backup to occur. The backups happens without shutting Yojimbo  
down and they are incremental (or block-level if you prefer)--my  
entire Yojimbo database isn't being uploaded every night, saving on  
time and upload charges to JD/S3. I can't speak for Time Machine's  
behavior with Yojimbo as I've never allowed it to back up those files  
but I do know of a colleague who learned that Time Machine wasn't  
backing up a shared File Maker database because it was always open.  
Perhaps the core data/sqlite nature of Yojimbo makes this less of an  
issue--that's for wonkier minds than mine to worry over. (And as I  
don't run Filemaker at this time, I have no idea what it's behavior  
would be vis-a-vis JungeDisk Plus.)

Take what you will from my findings, but I am satisfied that my  
Yojimbo data is being backed up on a nightly basis (with the proviso  
that if I'm working through the night, a backup might be skipped) as  
confirmed by the modification date on the JungleDisk'd Yojimbo file  
which I check regularly and my testing of that archived file--a  
procedure which will be repeated on an ad hoc basis. It may not be  
inherently compatible but since it looks and quacks like a duck, I  
believe I provided a satisfactory answer to the original question. And  
if I have to resort to my offsite backup--as opposed the local Time  
Machine/SuperDuper drive--I'd rather have a Yojimbo file from yesteray  
or last week (or even last month) than no file at all--and there are  
probably a number of higher priorities on my worry list.

YMMV. Best regards!


Hit the road hard enough road gonna hit you back.
-- Eileen Quinn, Hit The Road

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Attach a file?

2008-01-26 Thread Jeff Berg
I guess this falls somewhere between a feature request and wondering  
if anyone can suggest a better workaround. I use Yojimbo to maintain  
my software serial number database (amongst other things.) This  
database has been around for some time and was migrated from  
Appleworks to Excel before finding it's current home in Yojimbo.  The  
problem is that I have a couple of software products that use  
license files rather than serial numbers. I currently put a download  
URL (if relevant) and a note pointing to a file path on machine within  
the Yojimbo record but I'd really like to be able to attach a copy of  
the file itself. I realize this opens a bunch of doors and isn't in  
essence something that Yojimbo is intended for so a feature request is  
not likely to be fulfilled. And I will be amongst the first to rail on  
against feature creep in Yojimbo--much of its beauty in its  
simplicity. To that end, does anyone have a more elegant solution than  
the one I'm using?

Thank you.

Hit the road hard enough road gonna hit you back.
-- Eileen Quinn, Hit The Road

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Re: Attach a file?

2008-01-26 Thread Jeff Berg

On Jan 26, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Rhet Turnbull wrote:

This is do-able with a text note in Yj

Unfortunately, dropping the file into the notes section of a Serial  
Number record results in copying the file path, not a copy of the  
file. I'll have to give some thought as to whether or not I want any  
software license info stored as a text file--it's something that I'd  
have to keep my head wrapped around. Thank you for the suggestion  


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Re: Yojimbo 1.5 - Images Questions

2007-12-05 Thread Jeff Berg

On Dec 5, 2007, at 2:15 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

Are these images items that you converted from notes via drag and  
drop? This happens because the text system puts TIFF data on the  
clipboard, and that is read back in as the image. You can avoid this  
by dragging out to the Finder first to create a file, the dragging  
the file back in. (Yes,  I realize this isn't terribly convenient.)

Yes, that was how I converted. Thanks for the behind-the-curtain  
explanation. Makes perfect sense. However, based on this I am curious  
as to why an animated gif dragged from notes and dropped into a  
TextEdit document doesn't get converted by the clipboard.

Again, this is not intended as criticism--just trying to understand  
the tool and how to best use it. And if we can save another list  
follower a little pain along the way...

Best rgds!


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Re: cross-linking yojimbo items to objects in other apps

2007-11-26 Thread Jeff Berg

On Nov 26, 2007, at 5:47 PM, David Duff wrote:

any thoughts or suggestions on tools or techniques?

With all due respect to Yojimbo--software that I live and die by--you  
might be better served by FileMaker's Bento (currently available as  
free beta test). Out of the box Bento incorporates Address Book and  
iCal data, ships with a number of templates that may suit (or be  
readily adapted to) your purpose, and uses the same SQLite backbone  
as Yojimbo.

Bento feels more structured to me--and I've yet to see how I would use  
it. But it may be the better tool for your purposes.

Best of luck!


Guidance Counselor said your scores are anti-heroic.
 Computer recommends hard-drinking calypso poet.
--Jimmy Buffett, If It All Falls Down (by Matt Betton)

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Re: Accessing Most Recently Added Item Via Applescript

2007-09-26 Thread Jeff Berg

tell application Yojimbo
copy last item of collection Recent Items to vLatestItem
get name of vLatestItem
end tell

Of course, you can perform any operation on vLatestItem



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