[zones-discuss] Re: ZoneMgr Survey: 2pkg or not 2pkg... that is the

2007-03-02 Thread John Clingan
Good timing and this kind of feedback is appropriate for the alias. I've been 
thinking about this since my last feature submission. While modifying the 
script, I've realized that it's become too big for its own britches. I'm not 
sure that breaking out "artifacts" from business logic is granular enough. 
Perhaps  we should consider some very simple plugin architecture enabling more 
effective parallel development. We would have to put some thought on module 
granularity, but I can see brandz logic in one script, post-zone config in 
another script, actual zone creation in another, with some main control logic 
script (zonemgr itself).
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Re: [zones-discuss] Re: Re: Re: guidance for beginner

2007-02-14 Thread John Clingan
However, there a good shot you can
run those RH 3.8 services in zones natively (depending on the service). 

FWIW, I am working with customers running many more than 5 zones on a T2K.

John Clingan
Sun Microsystems

Sent from mobile phone.

-Original Message-

From:  Jeff Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: [zones-discuss] Re:  Re:  Re:  guidance for beginner
Date:  Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:46 pm
Size:  1K
cc:  zones-discuss@opensolaris.org

> Excellent results were obtained! managed to create 5 zones on on T2k and
> another 4 on a 2nd T2k. Error msgs (as described) on one, no error messages
> on the other. And all the zones behaved perfectly. Gratifying. Thanx to
> everyone who contributed...
> It seems there is a plan to add some dedicated RH AS 3.8 boxes to the
> network, but I see from the zonemgr docs that it is possible to create some
> virtual Centos machines, on a T2k. What would we the fastest way to do
> this? I do have a CentOS-3.8-server-i386.iso to hand. Can I use that
> somehow?

Well, you might have a problem there, seeing that the iso image has binaries 
for an x86/x64 computer and the T2k isn't.  ;-)

Jeff VICTOR  Sun Microsystemsjeff.victor @ sun.com
OS AmbassadorSr. Technical Specialist
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Re: [zones-discuss] Recommendations for utilizing global zones

2007-02-14 Thread John Clingan
In addition, if you can run that ssh service in the global zone on an interface 
on an "admin network".  I try to give the global zone an interface on the admin 
network only with public interfaces reserved for non-global zones only.

John Clingan
Sun Microsystems

Sent from mobile phone.

-Original Message-

From:  Brad Diggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: [zones-discuss] Recommendations for utilizing global zones
Date:  Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:10 pm
Size:  2K
To:  Brad Bowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:  zones-discuss@opensolaris.org

The biggest problem with running a service in the global zone is 
that if compromised, it may be used to get privileged access to the
non-global zones as well.

IMHO if you plan to deploy non-global zones you are best off (from a
security perspective) to run only the minimum necessary services (ssh) 
and install only the minimum number of software packages in the global
zone.  My global zone typically only runs ssh and has less than 200
packages.  If a non-global zones require SUNW packages, then I make 
the non-global zone a whole root zone (e.g. don't read-only
mount/inherit /usr, /lib, /sbin, and /platform from the global zone).
Otherwise I just create sparse root zones.

The biggest problem with this methodology is that you have to manually
determine the package dependencies when installing SUNW packages in
your non-global zone.  One day Sun will resolve this issue and get 
package dependencies automagicly resolved like apt/yum/pkg-get works
today.  Until then its still a manual process.

Having said that, the software/service that you may want to run may 
be available via the Blastwave package repository.  In that case
install a sparse zone and use pkg-get to install the desired software
from blastwave.org.   On this topic, I have made it very convenient
in the Zone Manager to install any Blastwave package with -G 
when creating or modifying a non-global zone.  

For example, you can create and install a sparse root non-global 
zone called z1 and install mysql5 from Blastwave with the following

# zonemgr -a add -n z1 -z /zones -P pw \
   -I “|hme0|24|z1” -G mysql5 \
   -C /etc/nsswitch.conf -C /etc/resolv.conf 

More info on the Zone Manager available here:


On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 12:36 -0800, Brad Bowling wrote:
> Are there any pros/cons to using a global zone to host a service/app
> just as you do on the local zones (i.e. the global zone serves as just
> another host with the added responsibility of managing local zones)?
> Are there any pros/cons to using the global zone only as an
> administrative zone, serving no other purpose but to manage local
> zones?
> ___
> zones-discuss mailing list
> zones-discuss@opensolaris.org

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Re: [zones-discuss] Re: [zfs-discuss] Downsides to zone roots on ZFS?

2007-02-07 Thread John Clingan
Do you know which nevada build that will be?


John Clingan
Sun Microsystems

Sent from mobile phone.

-Original Message-

From:  Lori Alt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: [zones-discuss] Re: [zfs-discuss] Downsides to zone roots on ZFS?
Date:  Wed Feb 7, 2007 2:51 pm
Size:  1K
To:  Jerry Jelinek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:  ZFS discussion list ; John Clingan <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>; Zones discussion list 

Jerry Jelinek wrote:
> John Clingan wrote:
>>> This is incorrect.  All S10 updates have supported upgrading systems
>>> with zones.  I believe what you are thinking of is that live-upgrade
>>> does not support upgrading systems with zones.  This is being
>>> fixed in the next S10 update.  It is already fixed in nevada.
>> Which Nevada build?
> The install code changes look like they were integrated into b53.  Some
> of the zones support that was needed had been integrated earlier.
> The bug is 6264796.
>> When will zone roots on ZFS be supported by live upgrade?
> I don't know.  Asking the install team would be your best bet.
Zone roots on ZFS will definitely be supported by liveupgrade
at the time that zfs as a root file system is supported, currently
planned for Update 5.  There is a possibility that liveupgrade for
zone roots on ZFS will be supported earlier than Update 5, if it
can be released as a bug fix. 


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Re: [zones-discuss] Re: [zfs-discuss] Downsides to zone roots on ZFS?

2007-02-07 Thread John Clingan

Jerry Jelinek wrote:


Rich Teer wrote:

Hi all,

Last time I checked, having one's zone roots (zonepaths) on
ZFS file systems was not a recommended practice, despite the
fact that this works.  IIRC, the problem was that the upgrade
code didn't grok zfs and would therefore get terribly confused
should the zone roots reside on ZFS.

However, given that S10 11/06 doesn't support upgrading of zones
anyway (even if they reside on UFS file systems), is this point
moot?  (Or is that applicable to live upgrade only?)

This is incorrect.  All S10 updates have supported upgrading systems
with zones.  I believe what you are thinking of is that live-upgrade
does not support upgrading systems with zones.  This is being
fixed in the next S10 update.  It is already fixed in nevada.

Which Nevada build?

More succinctly: apart from not being able to upgrade (presumably
an initial reinstall will be required), what are the reasons for
NOT hosting zone roots on ZFS?

That is the only real reason.  The only other reason I know of
is fairly obscure.  The patch tools don't know about zfs so they
can miscalculate space when you have a set of zones, each on
their own zfs dataset, but in the same zpool.  If you were really
tight on space, the patch process might fail partway through as a
result.  This is probably not an issue for most people but is
the only other one I know of.

When will zone roots on ZFS be supported by live upgrade?


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Re: [zones-discuss] Several zonepaths on a single slice

2007-02-07 Thread John Clingan
That's where you want to use zfs datasets.  Push a dataset to each zone and 
mount zone-local bits,  data and logs to  filesystems created from that 
dataset. You can specify a quota per filesystem.

John Clingan
Sun Microsystems

Sent from mobile phone.

-Original Message-

From:  Wee Yeh Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: [zones-discuss] Several zonepaths on a single slice
Date:  Tue Feb 6, 2007 7:00 pm
Size:  1006 bytes
cc:  zones-discuss@opensolaris.org

On 2/7/07, Paul Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a proposed config on T2000 that will use the HW RAID to mirror
> the internal disks. So with a limited number of physical slices on the
> internal disks, we are looking at having several zones sharing a single
> partition for their zonepaths, like all under /export/zones
> /export/zones/zone1
> /export/zones/zone2
> /export/zones/zone...
> SVM with soft partitions is not an option and there will be no SAN
> attached storage to mount small slices for zonepaths. Other than the
> obvious issue of zones sharing a single partition (disk slice), are
> there any other concerns with this configuration?

Yes.  Running out of space on 1 zone will affect all other zones on
the same slice.  We ran into problems with this config because we
cannot guarantee that we do not have a rogue zone.

Just me,
Wire ...
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Re: [zones-discuss] Re: guidance for beginner

2007-02-05 Thread John Clingan
However, generally speaking, zfs datasets can be configured for a zone 
from the global zone.

Example: The global zone admin can create a 5GB dataset and assign it to 
a zone. The zone administrator can then create and mount filesystems, 
each with its own quota, from that ZFS dataset. Assign each user their 
one ZFS-based filesystem. This is an easy and lightweight thing to do in 

Brad Diggs wrote:

Hello Tony,

The usage that you specified below will place your zone root
in /zones/m1.  At this point in time there is no storage 
containment management within zonemgr for the non-global root mount
point.  (e.g. /zones/m1)  If you wish to limit the storage of that 
mount point to 5GB then you will need to do that in the global zone. 
Also note that at the present time Solaris does not support non-global
zone root being put on a ZFS filesystem.  Thus /zones/m1 should be 
some other filesystem type such as UFS.

With regards to directory inheritance, zonemgr by default creates a
sparse root zone.  This means that the default system directories
(/lib, /usr, /sbin, and /platform) are inherited from the global zone. 

With regards to packaging, for both sparse and whole root (e.g. no
directories inherited) the non-global zone will contain all packages
that are present in the global zone.  If the application to which you
refer is installed in the global zone via pkgadd, then the application
bits will also be installed in each non-global zone.  Data and
configuration of the application in the global zone however will not be
installed/copied into the non-global zone.

Hope that helps!


On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 03:37 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks - had a look round the docs - quite a lot of stuff on resource 
management - but i get the general idea.

zonemgr -a add -n m1 -z \"/zones\" -P \"abc123\" \\
 -I \"|hme0|24|myzonehost\"
I want to do this for 4 zones per box - dont think I need to deal with resource 
mangement plenty available. Intend to use sysidcfg for config.
I am not clear on what the non-root zones will inherit -  there is already a 
single application installed on each box (in a separete slice)  - on this 
occasion I dont want this included in the non-root zones. I think that by 
default (ie above)  only Solaris will be copied over (?). How does the size of 
the non-root zone's slices get specified BTW. I only need 5 GB in total for 
each user - (oh dear that sounds a bit like resource management ;-)



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Re: [zones-discuss] Strange phenomenon with zones

2007-01-30 Thread John Clingan
Did you log in to the zone's console and answer the questions? (zlogin 
-C zone_name). Regardless, I have never had a zone hang on a "ps", even 
before sysidtool completes

Ian Brown wrote:
  I have this strange phenomenon with zones :

I create a zone with zonecfg, than , with zoneadm, I install it  and boot it.

When I try , after these stages, "ps -ef", everything is OK (namely I see all 
processes  as I should).
BUT: than I ran  "zlogin myZone", and then : 
from the global zone : ps -ef  hangs after displaying some processes (the last is sched).

and then it hangs. It does NOT return to the prompt even when I wait for more 
than 10 minutes.

(btw, ps -ef from the global zone works ok).

I want to add that NFS services do NOT run on this machine (namely, svcs | grep 
nfs returns nothing) because i know that sometimes this can cause troubles.
Also i want to add that I do it from ssh , but I don't think this is important.
More info:
The configuration of the zone is minimal.

Here is what " zonecfg -z myzone info" returns:

zonename: myzone
zonepath: /export/home/myzone
brand: native
autoboot: false
pool: pool_default

limitpriv: default,sys_time
dir: /lib
dir: /platform
dir: /sbin
dir: /usr
dir: /usr/local
special: /opt/local
raw not specified
type: lofs
options: []

Any ideas? 

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Re: [zones-discuss] New zone, sysidtool:net isn't starting

2007-01-29 Thread John Clingan
Learn something new every day. I didn't know that and thanks for the 
clarification. Your suggestion of introducing a "whole root zone" makes 
should be revisited. Not because of lazy typists but because of 
incorrect assumptions folks (like me) might make.


FYI, you can also use "create -b" (blank) so you don't have to run
remove-pkg-dir 4 times.

Actually, the documented way to create a whole-root zone *is* to remove
the default inherit-pkg-dir resources.  The reason for this is "create
-b" says to use a blank template - namely, no properties set and no
resources defined.  It doesn't mean "create a whole-root zone" and in
the future, an empty template might not be the same as a whole-root

During the development of the project I suggested we introduce
something like "create -w" or "create -t SUNWwhole" ;-) and perhaps
it's time to consider that again.

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Re: [zones-discuss] New zone, sysidtool:net isn't starting

2007-01-29 Thread John Clingan
FYI, you can also use "create -b" (blank) so you don't have to run 
remove-pkg-dir 4 times.

John Clingan
Sun Microsystems

Sent from mobile phone.

-Original Message-

From:  Tim Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  [zones-discuss] New zone, sysidtool:net isn't starting
Date:  Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:07 pm
Size:  2K
To:  zones-discuss@opensolaris.org

So I started by doing the following to create a zone.  The zone resides on a 
zfs pool.  This is the first zone on this system:

# zonecfg -z z1
z1: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:z1> create
zonecfg:z1> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/sbin
zonecfg:z1> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/usr
zonecfg:z1> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/platform
zonecfg:z1> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/lib
zonecfg:z1> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:z1> set zonepath=/tank/z1
zonecfg:z1> add net
zonecfg:z1:net> set address=
zonecfg:z1:net> set physical=hme0
zonecfg:z1:net> end
zonecfg:z1> verify
zonecfg:z1> commit
zonecfg:z1> exit

# zoneadm -z z1 verify
# zoneadm -z z1 install
# zoneadm -z z1 boot

So, I've got the following output from svcs -xv, and the logs themselves show 
absolutely nothing as far as errors are concerned:

# svcs -xv
svc:/system/sysidtool:net (sysidtool)
 State: offline since Mon Jan 29 14:57:58 2007
Reason: Start method is running.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-C4
   See: man -M /usr/man -s 1M sysidtool
   See: /var/svc/log/system-sysidtool:net.log
Impact: 18 dependent services are not running:

svc:/network/rpc/smserver:default (removable media management)
 State: uninitialized since Mon Jan 29 14:55:04 2007
Reason: Restarter svc:/network/inetd:default is not running.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-5H
   See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M rpc.smserverd
Impact: 1 dependent service is not running:

svc:/system/dbus:default (D-BUS message bus)
 State: maintenance since Mon Jan 29 14:57:59 2007
Reason: Start method exited with $SMF_EXIT_ERR_FATAL.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS
   See: man -M /usr/man -s 1M dbus
   See: /var/svc/log/system-dbus:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.
# exit

Help???  What did I do wrong here?
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Re: [zones-discuss] Fwd: Zones and SNMP

2007-01-23 Thread John Clingan
Andy, you can monitor applications in local zones as you would a global 
zone. I am doing just this with the Sun Web Server 6.1. On the server 
side is the Web Server Master Agent at the moment, with the Halcyon Sun 
Management Center plugin on the server side.

Andy Dishong wrote:

Andrew Dishong
Solutions Architect
Sun Client Services - JPMorgan Account Team
Access Line: 877.226.8297
Cell: 303-808-5884
Personal WebPage: http://webhome.central/adishong

Zones and SNMP
Andy Dishong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:19:38 -0500


Trying to find details on SNMP usage in a local zone, does anyone have any 
pointers?  We want to be able to provide SNMP traps to a 3rd party monitoring 
and/or perforamance agent.  If anyone has anything please let me knoa ASAP it 
is important I get this info right away, thanks Andy

Andrew Dishong
Solutions Architect
Sun Client Services - JPMorgan Account Team
Access Line: 877.226.8297
Cell: 303-808-5884
Personal WebPage: http://webhome.central/adishong


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Re: [zones-discuss] Re: zonemgr -s syntax

2007-01-23 Thread John Clingan

If we had used ksh, I am sure we would have gotten the bash question :)

Developer preference I suppose. If you still have issues, blame Brad. He 
started it :)

Jean-Louis Liagre wrote:

It works now. Thanks, that was fast :-)

A side question. Why are you using bash instead of ksh ? Are there specific 
bashisms in your script ?

FWIW, I changed the interpreter to #!/bin/ksh and the script did its job for me.
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