Re: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Michael Bernstein

Ron Bickers wrote:
> > However, for a programmer who had to come into the Zope
> > environment 'cold', the problem would likely have seemed
> > intractable. They wouldn't have even known where to look,
> How does Enhydra differ?  Wouldn't the same problems be true for someone
> working with Enhydra that knows Zope/Python really well but has zero
> Enhydra/Java experience?

Please scan through their 'getting started' document:

You'll see that Enhydra, like most app-servers, is basically
a thin layer on top of a relational data model. What
infrastructure is there is basically aimed at easing the
pain of bridging the object-relational gap. To that end,
they have a lot of Wizards that automate boring tasks, and
present the the OR mapping in a pretty graphical interface.

They also provide some of the basic low-level building
blocks for web applications like session managers.

They even cleanly separate the presentation- and
business-logic layers for you. Woohoo.

User mangement? Build your own. ACL security? Build your
own. Etc.

Faced with a situation like this, a programmer will
typically build *exactly what they need*, and no more. Every
site an island. And all of this is built on top of Enhydra's
core functionality.

Zope's approach, of generalizing and integrating common
design patterns into the core product, tends to poke
developers in a different way.

Consider LoginManager. LM is a product that is designed to
be a drop in replacement for Zope's existing acl_users
objects, but to be more extensible. Faced with a generalized
solution that I could extend to authenticate using SMB and
still store user info in the ZODB, but that doesn't
correctly participate in Zope's local roles machinery, my
initial reaction was to *fix it*. Which I did after a week
of whacking on it. Which was itself the culmination of a
month of, well, whacking on other aspects of the problem.

An Enhydra developer would have developed a custom solution
for managing their user objects. It would not have been as
generalized, almost certainly would have included only
simple permission flags used at the Business Object layer,
and had other deficiencies that I won't ennumerate. But it
would have done exactly what he needed to do right then.

I, on the other hand, after solving the local roles problem,
was able to install Membership, tweak the Tracker product to
use the getUserNames method, change a few permissions on a
Squishdot instance, and pretty soon I had myself a nice
little NT authenticated Intranet on the Solaris box, one
that I *knew* was extensible. Thus, it was worth the pain of
having to delve into Zope's source.

In conclusion, Enhydra, like most application servers, hides
it's internals behind lowest common denominator interfaces,
and encourages you to build on top of them. Zope, on the
other hand, tries to create 'highest common denominator'
interfaces and frameworks, and encourages you to extend or
override them.

This results in Enhydra developers needing to know Java plus
Enhydra's idioms, wheras Zope developers need to know Python
and Zope's *internals*.


Michael Bernstein.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Jason C. Leach


Well. You can purchas support can you not?  I mean that is how the company
makes it's money right? Some companies charge for the product and give you
some service, other give you the product and you purchas support.

If you don't want to pay for a product or support they you get what is

I use Enhydra also because I do Java at Uni.  If somone came to me and
said I need a web app to do X I would do it in Zope.  


. Jason C. Leach
... University College of the Cariboo.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Michael Bernstein wrote:

> Ron Bickers wrote:
> I can give you a personal example. When I was trying to get
> LoginManager to display it's stored users in the local roles
> After a week of crawling around in Zope's source (and a lot

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Jason C. Leach


To comment on this part.  I suspect it's that way with any product.  I can
name plenty of producs Windows or Linux based that I have had to sit down
at as a novice, then that pases and I get better at it.  Zope, Linux,
Windows 2000 (ADO) all have done that to me.


. Jason C. Leach
... University College of the Cariboo.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Michael Bernstein wrote:

> However, for a programmer who had to come into the Zope
> environment 'cold', the problem would likely have seemed
> intractable. They wouldn't have even known where to look,

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Itai Tavor

Tim Cook wrote:

>Paul Browning wrote:
>  > Maybe a North American
>  > reader could confirm that "valorizes" means what I
>>  think it means ;-)
>I suspect it is a mis-typed word for "vaporizes".
>Otherwise you get to choose:
>1.To establish and maintain the price of (a commodity) by
>governmental action.
>2.To give or assign a value to: "The prophets valorized history"
>(Mircea Eliade).

It would have to be the second one, as Zope is open source :-) 
Unless... is there something going on between DC and the Feds we 
should know about?

Sorry for wasting bandwidth. Couldn't resist. My head just valorized.
Itai Tavor"Je sautille, donc je suis."
C3Works[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Kermit the Frog

"If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything"

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Ron Bickers

> However, for a programmer who had to come into the Zope
> environment 'cold', the problem would likely have seemed
> intractable. They wouldn't have even known where to look,

How does Enhydra differ?  Wouldn't the same problems be true for someone
working with Enhydra that knows Zope/Python really well but has zero
Enhydra/Java experience?


Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Michael Bernstein

Ron Bickers wrote:
> > Using Zope we knew that we would reach situations which may be
> > unresolvable in the short term, and could not make significant business
> > decisions with so many unknown factors and lack of any way to circumvent
> > problems.
> What in the world does that mean?!?  Maybe it should read "We don't know how
> to use Zope or code in Python."

I can give you a personal example. When I was trying to get
LoginManager to display it's stored users in the local roles
security form, I couldn't fix it using what I knew, which
was DTML and ZClasses. I had asked for help on the lists,
and got some pointers in the general direction, but that was

After a week of crawling around in Zope's source (and a lot
of whining), I found the parts I needed to duplicate for, and I added them. It should not
have taken me a week, except that I don't really consider
myself a coder. The only thing that made it possible at all
was my extensive experience *using* zope, and my familiarity
with Tracebacks and a basic understanding of most of Zope's
underlying mechanisms. If I had been a real Zope/Python
coder, I probably would have figured it out in a day.

However, for a programmer who had to come into the Zope
environment 'cold', the problem would likely have seemed
intractable. They wouldn't have even known where to look,
and the fact that LoginManager is not an 'official' core
Zope product could have been a show-stopper.

(Why did I have to use LoginManager, you ask? Membership
requires it, and I needed to store user data in the ZODB
about NT authenticated users on a Solaris box. Gah).

So the problem, as I see it, is multiple dependencies that
may not be obvious. While over the long term, factoring
common functionality into separate products that other
products depend on makes more sense, and creates a *much*
more powerful framework, in the interim (waiting for things
to jell) it can frustrating as all get-out, and pretty easy
to get stuck.

Conversely, that things about Zope that are relatively
mature are a dream to use and leverage, so this is an
acceptable trade-off for me.


Michael Bernstein.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Max Møller Rasmussen

From: Chris Withers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>> problem. Zope is more closed in that regard. Well anyways when you know
>> enough about Zope to make a hack, you probably also know how to do it the
>> right way.

>Sadly, that's true, but changing I think...

Oh don't misunderstand me. I am just about getting over the "Zope wall" and
it has been well worth the climb. 

Everything is so much faster than in any other system I program in. OK a
hitcounter I could probably do faster in php or asp, but that's not really
the problems I try to solve.

For real world web application I have yeat to see anything beat Zope/Python.

You just got to accept to do it the "Zope way" or you will be in a world of
pain. :-)

People like me who has used asp, php etc. for years has better forget what
we know when starting on Zope, and then take it 1 step at a time.

Sometimes in the process I have been so tired of Zope and tried to think out
a smarter way to do things and then after having a heureka moment when I get
a brilliant idea, I have nearly allways thought a little bit harder about it
and discovered that Zope usually does it that way allready.

So learn to live with the quirks and Just Do It.

Regards Max

   (Zope on)

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Chris Withers

Max Møller Rasmussen wrote:
> Ie. if you have trouble understanding the security mechanism in Zope you are
> lost until you understand it.

Not really, you can leave it like it is (where nearly everything is
anonymously accessible) and build your own ;-)

> If you have trouble with the Enhydra security mechanism, you can allways
> write your own.

I'm sure it's not as easy as that...

> Sometimes you can get stuck in Zope for days, without knowing how to
> proceed, 

The documentation is getting a lot better...

> or without knowing how to find out, 

How about the mailing lists or the #zope irc channel? I bet both get you
better results than any commercial support you could buy. 

> the Zope way. In a commercial setting that is very dangerous when you work
> on a deadline.

Well, if it's really crucial, you _can_ always buy support from DC...

> In a simpler system you have to do more yourself, but you won't be painted
> into a corner as easily, as you can allways do a "hack". 

if you know python, there's no reason why you can't do the same in Zope

> problem. Zope is more closed in that regard. Well anyways when you know
> enough about Zope to make a hack, you probably also know how to do it the
> right way.

Sadly, that's true, but changing I think...



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Max Møller Rasmussen

From: Ron Bickers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>> Using Zope we knew that we would reach situations which may be
>> unresolvable in the short term, and could not make significant business
>> decisions with so many unknown factors and lack of any way to circumvent
>> problems.

>What in the world does that mean?!?  Maybe it should read "We don't know
>to use Zope or code in Python."

No it probably means that in enhydra they can solve any problem with brute
force, just like you can in asp and php.

Ie. if you have trouble understanding the security mechanism in Zope you are
lost until you understand it.

If you have trouble with the Enhydra security mechanism, you can allways
write your own.

Sometimes you can get stuck in Zope for days, without knowing how to
proceed, or without knowing how to find out, because you simply got to do it
the Zope way. In a commercial setting that is very dangerous when you work
on a deadline.

In a simpler system you have to do more yourself, but you won't be painted
into a corner as easily, as you can allways do a "hack". to solve your
problem. Zope is more closed in that regard. Well anyways when you know
enough about Zope to make a hack, you probably also know how to do it the
right way.

But it's only a matter of documentation AFAIK.

Regards Max M

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan \(Listserv Account\)

> Perhaps a typo?  "vaporizes" fits pretty well there.  My head
> has done that before while working with Zope. :-)

Have you ever tried Java? If you love a vaporized head, switch to Java
and be sure to pick Oracle's Internet Application Server to be your
trustworthy companion on a steep learning curve. Can't go wrong with
Oracle ;)

I see a market for each product; Zope for content heavy, Java based
stuff for transaction heavy stuff with legacy integration etc. As long
as I don't have to go Java, I'd rather have .NET ;)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-17 Thread Ron Bickers

> Using Zope we knew that we would reach situations which may be
> unresolvable in the short term, and could not make significant business
> decisions with so many unknown factors and lack of any way to circumvent
> problems.

What in the world does that mean?!?  Maybe it should read "We don't know how
to use Zope or code in Python."

> The second sentence is perhaps a candidate for
> Maybe a North American
> reader could confirm that "valorizes" means what I
> think it means ;-)

Perhaps a typo?  "vaporizes" fits pretty well there.  My head has done that
before while working with Zope. :-)

Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-16 Thread Tim Cook

Paul Browning wrote:
> Zope and Enhydra Comparison by Paul Gresham, CEO/CTO, MediaVisual


> The main
> reason behind using Enhydra on our most critical product to date, was
> that we knew we could do it with servlets, and that worst case, and
> given the structure of enhydra, we knew we could code our way out of any
> problems. Using Zope we knew that we would reach situations which may be
> unresolvable in the short term, and could not make significant business
> decisions with so many unknown factors and lack of any way to circumvent
> problems. The upshot is that our Zope projects were rather painful and
> Enhydra ones wore out our keyboards with so much code."

So, in summary. They didn't know Python, but did know that if
they wrote enough Java they could solve a problem?  

> The second sentence is perhaps a candidate for
> Maybe a North American
> reader could confirm that "valorizes" means what I
> think it means ;-)

I suspect it is a mis-typed word for "vaporizes".

Otherwise you get to choose:

1.To establish and maintain the price of (a commodity) by
governmental action. 
2.To give or assign a value to: "The prophets valorized history"
(Mircea Eliade).  

-- Tim Cook, President --
Free Practice Management,Inc. | Office:
(901) 884-4126
"When the government fears the People, that is Liberty. When the
People fear
the Government, that is tyranny." ~~ Thomas Jefferson

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Zope Versus Enhydra Comparison article

2001-01-16 Thread Paul Browning

Zope and Enhydra Comparison by Paul Gresham, CEO/CTO, MediaVisual

This is now available via the on-line Lutris Enhydra Journal
(for access register via ).

Excerpt (which struck a particular chord with me):

"The learning curve of Enhydra is initially steeper but shallows out
quite quickly. The Zope learning curve is very shallow and then
increases exponentially to x to power infinity at which point your head
valorizes. Of course to give Zope its karma back, Zope is more easily
accessible to non-programmers whereas Enhydra is much less-so. The main
reason behind using Enhydra on our most critical product to date, was
that we knew we could do it with servlets, and that worst case, and
given the structure of enhydra, we knew we could code our way out of any
problems. Using Zope we knew that we would reach situations which may be
unresolvable in the short term, and could not make significant business
decisions with so many unknown factors and lack of any way to circumvent
problems. The upshot is that our Zope projects were rather painful and
Enhydra ones wore out our keyboards with so much code."

The second sentence is perhaps a candidate for Maybe a North American
reader could confirm that "valorizes" means what I
think it means ;-)


 The Library, Tyndall Avenue, Univ. of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TJ, UK

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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