I am able to find the installer.jar file from Rayson Ho's message  on using the link


*After copying to the appropriate place the GUI is functional but again the
same error appears at the time of installation*
sed: can't read dist/util/install_modules/ No such file or

Kindly suggest the neeedful


Looking forward to hear from you

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Himanshu Joshi <>

> Dear SGE'rs,
> Kindly refer my id "confirm b3c4b882f3ba90d00d2077affe427300a5e49481" to
> SGE discuss portal
> During the process of distribution staging
> I used the following command
>   ./scripts/distinst -local -noexit -allall -v
> The error came like
> "cp /home/JPJ/sge-8.1.9/source/clients/gui-installer/dist/installer.jar
> /opt/sge/util/gui-installer
> cp: cannot stat ‘/home/JPJ/sge-8.1.9/source/cl
> ients/gui-installer/dist/installer.jar’: No such file or directory
> This command failed: cp /home/JPJ/sge-8.1.9/source/cli
> ents/gui-installer/dist/installer.jar /opt/sge/util/gui-installer"
> Then during
> *./start_gui_installer*
> The error again
> *is Error: Unable to access jarfile ./util/gui-installer/installer.jar*
> I tried through command line as well
> and ran the following command
> ./inst_sge -m -x -csp
> *again the error was "sed: can't read
> dist/util/install_modules/ No such file or directory [3;J"*
> with the following display
> *Welcome to the Grid Engine
> installation---------------------------------------Grid Engine qmaster host
> installation-------------------------------------Before you continue with
> the installation please read these hints:   - Your terminal window should
> have a size of at least     80x24 characters   - The INTR character is
> often bound to the key Ctrl-C.     The term >Ctrl-C< is used during the
> installation if you     have the possibility to abort the installationThe
> qmaster installation procedure will take approximately 5-10 minutes.Hit
> <RETURN> to continue >> *
> after hitting return
> *the message appears like "Unsupported local
> hostname--------------------------The current hostname is resolved as
> follows:Hostname: localhostAliases: localhost.localdomain localhost4
> localhost4.localdomain4 localhost.localdomain localhost6
> localhost6.localdomain6Host Address(es): is not
> supported for a Grid Engine installation that the local hostnamecontains
> the hostname "localhost" and/or the IP address "127.0.x.x" of theloopback
> interface.The "localhost" hostname should be reserved for the loopback
> interface("") and the real hostname should be assigned to one of
> thephysical or logical network interfaces of this machine.Installation
> failed.Press <RETURN> to exit the installation procedure"*
> Kindly suggest the needful
> *to get rid of above errors *
> *Regards*
> --
> Himanshu Joshi
> M.Tech. Cognitive & Neuroscience.
> Ph.D Scholar,
> Department of Psychiatry
> NIMHANS, Bangalore
> Publications
> <>
> Multimodal Brain Image Analysis Laboratory
> <>

Himanshu Joshi
M.Tech. Cognitive & Neuroscience.
Ph.D Scholar,
Department of Psychiatry
NIMHANS, Bangalore
Multimodal Brain Image Analysis Laboratory
SGE-discuss mailing list

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