Randy and Adam,

>>    is there an unstated assumption that many persons could attend the
>>    meeting who are not registered locally or remotely?  does that
>>    assumption hold?

>The Secretariat doesn’t physically check registrations at the door to the
Policy SIG sessions, I guess a bunch of extra people could wander in
without badges. I’m >not sure if we would notice.

Even if the secretariat would try to check it, I'm afraid that we cannot
refuse non-registered person participating the discussion and election
since PDP says "Anyone may attend the meetings and participate in
discussions and the decision making." and there is no criteria for eligible
voters in SIG guideline.


2016-09-06 8:14 GMT+09:00 Adam Gosling <a...@apnic.net>:

> Hi Randy
> >>>> On 5/09/2016, 20:52, "Randy Bush" <ra...@psg.com> wrote:
>     >> [ this is address policy? ]
> No this is not address policy. The SIG Guidelines are the rules of
> procedure for all SIGs. The proposal was also sent to the other SIG mailing
> lists, but will be discussed in the Policy SIG as there is more agenda time
> there.
>     >> Secondary, it can be used by fraud, like hijacking the position of
>     >> Chair agaist the Community by inviting many persons who never attend
>     >> the community discussion.
>     >> ...
>     >> I would like to propose limiting eligible voters of SIG Chair
> election
>     >> to registered participants of APNIC Conference where the election is
>     >> held.
>     >>
>     >> In this context, registered participants include remote participants
>     >> who register to Confer, or its successor in future.
>     is there an unstated assumption that many persons could attend the
>     meeting who are not registered locally or remotely?  does that
>     assumption hold?
> The Secretariat doesn’t physically check registrations at the door to the
> Policy SIG sessions, I guess a bunch of extra people could wander in
> without badges. I’m not sure if we would notice.
> At present remote participation (using the CONFER tool) only requires a
> simple registration with unique email address. We tried more stringent
> registration procedures with the Webcasting (like ARIN) and got a lot of
> negative feedback.
>     > I would like to propose aligning Chair' term with Co-Chair's term,
>     > which means that Chair and all Co-Chair will serve for same two
> years.
>     could make for a tough transition if both are replaced at the same
> time.
>     randy
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