I love a little agave nectar.  It's natural, has a low glycemic index, no
aftertaste, and does not crystallize like honey.  Since I started drinking
fermented beverages I have not had craving for sweets.  A small amount of
agave nectar or stevia in some milk kefir (homemade, not the nasty
commercial stuff) is better than any dessert.  By small amount I'm talking a
tablespoon of agave nectar for 2 quarts finished kefir.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Rowena [mailto:new...@aapt.net.au]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 12:12 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Non-nutrative sweetner

  Apparently even the taste of sweetness is enough to make the body think it
is sugar and react accordingly.  If you shouldn't have sugar, don't have the
substitutes. Learn to taste food as it really tastes without sweetening.
Strikes me that sugar does less harm than the chemical substitutes, anyway.
But give it up or absolutely minimise it.
  I wonder whether a little date syrup or molasses every now and then would
satisfy the sweet yearning.

    ----- I don't think there's any "free ride" with sweeteners.