Faith writes:
> I do not agree with this at all.  Smacks of paranoia to me.

I understand your feeling, Faith, but please do understand that plenty 
of people have less faith in the system than you do.

Twenty years ago you wouldn't have predicted that millions of school 
children would be on powerful prescription drugs, or that you would not 
be allowed to take a nail file on an airplane.

Go back 40 years and our food was much more nutritious than it is today 
-- and 40 year before that it was even better. The levels of toxins, 
hormones and pharmaceuticals in it has skyrocketed. All along the way, 
regulators have supported and protected the preactices that have 
brought this about.  

Marlene's scenario might be pushing it a bit by today's standards, but 
fast-forward 15 years and who knows?

Be well,

Mike D.

Marlene wrote:
> I agree with Kathryn, It might become  illegal to be well without any
> supervision of the government regulated Pharma Companies, or their
> physicians. Seriously   I appreciate the freedom we still have to share
> our experiences via the internet. I hope this freedom will not become a
> regulated system.

Kathryn wrote:
>   There are those who have a vested interest in promoting
>   their own products to the exclusion of all others, and they are well
>   funded and have quite a bit of political power. There has been a case
>   made for ongoing corruption in various federal agencies, several of
>   which would not withstand much scientific scrutiny.  It all seems to
>   do with money, and who is going to be making a bundle off of what
>   product, and through supression of competitor's products.  This world
>   is not much fun for us pollyanna types.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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