The problem nowadays is, though, that most jobs are indoors, not like in the past when we had a more agrarian ruralized population where a lot of people worked outside all day. And another factor in the equation is that a lot of people are staying out of the sun deliberately; they slather themselves with UV blocking sunscreens, or wear covering clothing, when they are outdoors in the sun, because of the skin cancer scare. Or maybe because of ticks that carry Lyme Disease...

And kids stay indoors more now in front of TVs and video games, which I can so totally understand if both the parents are working, in that case it's kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't, their safety vs time outdoors...... People who live in apartment complexes don't have back yards to do a little sun catching. Elderly folks who don't have much mobility and fragile skin, or who live in more dangerous neighborhoods, or folks who take prescription meds may be hyper sensitive to sunlight. I'd say it's probably a huge problem in jails and prisons too.

So yeah getting enough naturally made Vit D, produced by the body being exposed to sunlight, may be a big problem for a lot of people.

And sunlight coming through windows doesn't count because the UVB rays that make vitamin D in the skin are blocked by window glass.

I bought some D3 from Swanson, the most reasonably priced I could find, and I've been taking 2000 IU a day for nearly a month. No side effects so far as I can tell. I know for a fact that I don't get enough sun, I have dark hair but very fair skin, think black Irish, but Scots ancestry instead, LOL. Twenty minutes of sun, unless it's very early in the morn or very late in the afternoon, would parboil me, even with sunblock applied. I know because it has happened before. I definitely don't put any faith in sunscreens after I got fried once. I don't go to the beach at all, what would be the point? And I make darned sure I can find shade if I'm at any kind of outdoor event. And I don't drink milk.

So I take Vit D, and it just makes sense to me, to take a form that the body can use better. It's kind of like the differences in the types of Vit E on the market and the way the body uses them.


Kirsteen Wright wrote:

On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Indi < <>> wrote:
    Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it needs
through exposure to sunlight.

Whoever wrote that didn't live in Scotland :-) You know the old joke - "Noah made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights - and that was the best sumer we ever had!"


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