Web address is
  to: essential information about mp
  to:vit d basic information
This is about the largest base of information on vit. d I have found.
Also look up d3 rat poison
  they sell on the box label is
   Vitamin d3 rat poison
-------------- Original message from Dianne France <dianne_fra...@hotmail.com>: --------------

please explain further and give the full web address, this one wouldn't work.

From: mborg...@att.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Vit. D 3 'hype'
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 12:52:51 +0000

Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
Good information  at the marshallprotocol.com/forum2/2572
-------------- Original message from Shirley Reed <pj20fl...@gmail.com>: --------------

   About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or something about how research on Vit. D was sparse.  Yet, what had been learned indicated that this nutrient just might be extremely important in many ways.  However, its un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least very slow.  Since then I have been on the lookout for more info on Vit. D.  Only since computers became easily accessible have I been able to get much more information.  Now there is tons of info and it nearly all points to a really great need for more of this nutrient for nearly everyone.  It seems it may actually be some sort of master nutrient.  There is much to be learned, but the site www.vitamindcouncil.com will be very enlightening.  What is going on is that information that could once be suppressed for the money interests of the few, can now be publicized far and wide by computers.  And it is being publicized.  Similar to the information about the connection between iodine deficiency and cancer, along with loads of other easily preventable poor health conditions.  My opinion--considered and informed.  Not medical advice.    pj