Praps you didn't take enough...For most issues I make a 250-300ml batch in the 
morning and consume it IMMEDIATELY, then make another late in the evening and 
consume that IMMEDIATELY which hits it in a big way with high ionic silver 


Not getting involved with efficacy of ions over particles's just 
what I do, haven't had a cold or flu since beginning my daily maintenance 
program but I'd do the same if I got the hint of a cold or flu without 
hesitation, and do it til resolution is evident before cutting back and 
reverting to normal stabilized EIS.


Lung issues I'd breath a spray in as hard as possible to get it right in there. 
 I've got the plans in place...all I need now is the bug but can't seem to 
catch it no matter how much I expose (bad word choice) myself to people with 
it, or the elements<g>, praps one day.



Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 21:54:37 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>FLU

I either have the flu or pneumonia. Am beginning to feel better but have 
coughed myself silly, sore throat, and one blocked ear. Sinuses have bothered 
me for a month but kept up with the CS. That is all I have taken besides cough 
drops. I was not prepared for this and sure won't go looking for leaves. LOL I 
have been rather disappointed that the CS didn't knock it out as I drank a lot 
all through the day. Sprayed my face,nose, ears and throat. It's the cough that 
has been the worst. Did spit up some blood. Oh, Roger mentioned taking some 
Iodine along with CS. Would that help me?? I have some here. 
Oh, the mold problem mentioned, there is a solution. Get a spray bottle and mix 
3/4 Hydrogen Peroxide with rest water and spray away. Got this info from a man 
who helped with the FEMA trailers. You can also add to your clothes wash and 
will not discolor. 
I would avoid that shot no matter what. 
Best to all.

From: Roger Barker <>
Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 10:13:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>FLU

On 8/10/2009, at 3:33 PM, Garnet wrote:

OLE is one of the best remedies in my experience
if taken in sufficient amounts. I prefer to boil up
the leaves for 5 minutes and drink with lemon and
honey, easier to digest that capsules which upsetmy stomach. 

Hi Garnet, do you just pick a cupful (?) or so of leaves straight from the 

 In answer to the subject matter - Flu. I had a bad dose of flu around ten 
years ago and as I also suffer from mild asthma it really knocked me for six. 
Took a good three weeks before I was up and about again. At this time I found 
out about colloidal silver (from a friend) and have never been without is 
since. In the years since during the winter months I've had cold symptoms a 
good few times but CS has always come to the rescue and by morning all has been 
well. There has been a couple of times when my symptoms lasted a couple of days 
and I was left wondering if I'd caught a flu bug and not just an ordinary cold. 
At no time did I have take any time off work but did feel a bit washed out in 
the evenings. 

 We're just (hopefully) coming to the end of our winter down this a way and up 
until last Sunday I could have reported all the family had remained cold and 
flu free. The dreaded swine flu has been doing the rounds of the area so when I 
awoke Sunday morning with ' the symptoms' I got a little concerned. Have spent 
the last four days, including Sunday, treating myself with CS, increased iodine 
intake, MMS and  Liposomal C. Can't say I would have taken time off work but 
was dammed glad I am retired so could take it easy. Appetite was affected as 
was sleep all topped of with head and body aches. Last night (Wednesday) I 
slept well and woke up feeling fine this morning. Drove into town for weekly 
shop and a coffee returning home early afternoon for lunch.  It's now 4pm and I 
still feel tip top so hopefully it's all behind me now. 

All this leads up to the question - seeing as how CS is so good at dealing with 
colds and the flu etc just how is one to tell what one may have. When one has a 
cold and deals with it with CS how will we ever know if it was just a cold or 
something much worse? 

Anyone got any ideas?

Best wishes to all,  Roger B

P.S. I should maybe add that I've not had any sort of flu shot despite my 
doctors suggestion that I really should being an asthmatic. 

My son (14) is in his 5th day of the flu.
---- Trem <> wrote: =============
I have been sort of monitoring the list and haven't seen any posts saying they 
had kicked up a flu bug.    So, have any of you folks been flu ridden?  My wife 
is considering a regular flu shot because she has developed a respiratory 
problem over the years and attributes it to mold in our house.  I refuse to buy 
into it because we have not had standing water or continuous lockage into wall 
cavities.  We do have a few small mold like stains on some sheetrock in our 
basement but I tell her she would probably se the same in any average basement. 
 She isn't considering H1N1 vaccine.  I haven't had a shot in 10 years and 
don't plan to have any in the near or distant future.
Let's have a show of hands.....anyone caught a flu bug this year?

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