Thank you for sharing, Pat. Your description is thorough and easy to understand. I know each body is different but it's instructive to know what you did and how it appears to have worked.
At what latitude do you live?  Which country/state, what part N-S?

Because of reports similar to yours and reading the mega doses prescribed by MDs to get levels up to their "normal," I've switched to a 5000IU capsule/day. Of course, this last week seems like the first extended spot of sun since before Christmas--northern Indiana, USA. The blood test is on my list but until I have the money, I'm supplementing more than before. Even tho' I suspect D3 to be the latest soy/margarine to come our way. I'd rather be wrong than fragile.

Pat wrote:
I was disappointed today to find out that my 25-hydroxy vitamin D test showed my vitamin D level to be only 25. I was so sure it would be high that I almost didn't request one. Since last fall I've been taking at least 1,000 units D3 plus the D3 in my multivitamin and calcium pills. When the day is warm enough, I go out with a jacket and shorts to get some sun. It's been a very cold winter for here, though.
 I'd gotten my level up two years ago from 14 in February to a near ideal 55 in 
the summer by taking 2,000 units D3 and then lying in the sun 20 minutes two or 
three times a week as soon as weather allowed.

Have any of you had the vitamin D blood test? I've heard that in the north in the winter, even if you lie outside naked at noon, you can't get any vitamin D because of the angle of the sun. (Plus you'd be a popsicle!)


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