"...so you need to take sublingual ones or a spray like Mercola does."

I have only taken Life Extension's capsules (also favored by prostate cancer 
doc "Snuffy" Myers) and my last OH-D was 75. 

---- Dorothy Fitzpatrick <d...@deetroy.org> wrote: 

Not to be rude, but how old are you Pat?  I ask because on the D3 council site, 
they recommend at least 2000 units for anyone over 60.  Also you have to be 
careful what type of pill you take.  Some of them are virtually destroyed by 
stomach acid so you need to take sublingual ones or a spray like Mercola does.  

On 12 Mar 2010, at 03:50, Pat wrote:

> I was disappointed today to find out that my 25-hydroxy vitamin D test 
> showed my vitamin D level to be only 25.  I was so sure it would be high that 
> I almost didn't request one.  Since last fall I've been taking at 
> least 1,000 units D3 plus the D3 in my multivitamin and calcium pills.  
> When the day is warm enough, I go out with a jacket and shorts to get 
> some sun.  It's been a very cold winter for here, though. 

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