  At the time I was just starting to make my own so I didn't get very well
aged cs as I used it about as fast as I could make it in Quart batches. When
I got serious about it I had about 4 Qts ahead ,Later I started making it in
gallon sun tea jars.
I find it quite difficult to remember exactly as I was going through major
brain fog at the time.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Neville Munn <>wrote:

>  A quick question Dave,
> Were you making a quantity each day, and consuming it *on the day it was
> made*? or just consumed whatever you had available at the time.
> Thanks
> N.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 14:54:48 -0700
> Subject: Re: CS>Lyme disease
> From:
> To:
> Mines been gone after 42 years of it with only CS and has been gone for
> about 10 years.
> Dave
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Marshall Dudley <>wrote:
> sol wrote:
> Marshalee Hallett wrote:
> Hi, Sol,   Well, I took 3 big swallows a day, which was at least a cup,
> total. I don`t know what the PPM was. (The stuff I make now, without salt,
> is about 18 PPM.) On the 3rd day I could shut my jaw all the way, and even
> put my pants on without crying in pain from bending my knees. Took about 6
> months for everything to heal that could. I`m still disabled due to the
> brain damage, but at least I`m in no pain and can get along pretty well. It
> is 20 years ago this summer since I was bitten, and 14 years ago this month
> since I found out about CS!!! CS literally saved my life.
> Thanks so much,
>  Lyme keeps turning up as a possibility for me, but unless I am very
> different from you, and from others who have gotten rid of Lyme with
> CS----------------- then perhaps my experience drinking over the course of
> each day between a pint and a quart of my CS (about 10-15 uS) for over two
> years, and never becoming pain free, not even close.......... proves I do
> not have Lyme........I did get rid of candida, and also feel chronic EBV
> improved, but not joint pains.
> rats!
> sol
> Acute Lyme is difficult if not almost impossible to get rid of with just CS
> for some people.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be
> eliminated with a protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck
> protocol.  Zapping, and ozonated water, and magnetic pulsing both the lymph
> nodes and joints is essential to get them all.
> Marshall
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