the same thing happened to me over a year ago.  The doc wanted me to  take 
Boniva but I wasn't keen on that so he did a  _25-hydroxyvitamin  D test_ 
(http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/reference/glossary-#.shtml#hydtest)  and found 
mine to be alarmingly low (8).  He started  me on Vit d3.
I have had that retested a couple times to make  sure it was moving up, 
which it has.  I do take calcium along with  it.  I need to have the bone 
density test redone.  I will say my back  feels MUCH better than when the Dr. 
first discovered the  problem.  Edith
In a message dated 6/17/2010 9:12:30 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
tanke...@iland.net writes:

Hi All, I'm looking for treatment of  Osteoporosis:  My Ob/GYN Dr. had a 
bone density test done on me , and I  have Osteoporosis in one hip and my 
spine.  She put me on Bluebonnet  Cal/Mag, but I've been taking Cal/Mag all 
these years.  Has anyone been  through this?  Any suggestions?