You should supplement with the building blocks of bone. These include: calcium, 
Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, boron, manganese, zinc, silica, strontium, B 
vitamins and magnesium. You may want to include Hyaluronic Acid and Boswella 
Serrata. Resveratrol is also beneficial. (Information links provided below).

>From what I have seen, you need to increase IGF-1 levels to really reverse 
>osteoporosis. Studies have shown that IGF-1 levels can be increased by 
>exercise, prunes, creatine, whey protein, dairy products and zinc oxide. 
>Information links are provided below.

 - Steve N

Hyaluronic Acid and Boswella Serrata:

"It has long been known that bone exists as a matrix of protein mainly in the 
form of collagen to which minerals are attached.  The protein matrix is 
responsible for the toughness and the minerals are responsible for the 
stiffness of bone.  In order to have strong bones it is vital to have a healthy 
relationship between the protein matrix and the attached minerals.
Up until the end of 2007 it was taught in all bone biology classes that the 
minerals were directly attached to protein molecules.  U.K. researchers from 
the University of Cambridge have quietly shocked the entire bone world and 
opened up a treasure-trove of natural options for individuals to strengthen 
In a recent study they showed that it was actually sugar molecules that linked 
the minerals to the collagen-protein matrix.  These sugar molecules form the 
structural blueprint and the adhesive connections that make bone strength 
possible.  This is a dramatic new discovery.
Specifically, the sugar molecules identified by the researchers are called 
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which means many sugars strung together in repeating 
units - a type of complex carbohydrate.  Using advanced imaging technology, the 
researchers proved, for the very first time, that these sugar molecules are 
responsible for the linking attachments between proteins and minerals that 
enable bone to form.  In fact, they are directly responsible for the 
symmetrical formation of bone that enables bone strength.  GAGs are directly 
responsible for modulating mineral size and crystalline structure.
The most important GAG is called Hyaluronic Acid (HA).  It is a combination of 
two sugars (D-Glucoronic Acid and N-Acetyl-Glucosamine) that form one unit 
referred to as a disaccharide.  One molecule of HA has as many as 10,000 
disaccharide units, making it a very large and long molecule.  For many years 
scientists thought this simple long molecule didn't do much of anything except 
fill space and provide joint lubrication.  Now scientists understand that HA 
acts as a template to assist in the formation of new body structure.  In other 
words, HA is to the human body what soil is to a crop.  
HA is the fundamental GAG, but it is used as a building block to form other 
types of GAGs that play unique and important roles in different body 
structures.  These other GAGs have an HA spine, and then use sulfur to form 
more specific GAG structures such as chondroitin sulfate (cartilage), keratin 
sulfate (cartilage and bone), dermatin sulfate (skin and blood vessels), and 
heparin sulfate (cell membranes).  GAGs are the fundamental alphabet that 
enables any kind of body tissue to form and have shape.
The new research is groundbreaking as it proves that GAG molecules are the 
essential glue that not only holds bone together but also guides the formation 
of a bone's proper three dimensional integrity and crystalline shape.  Without 
enough GAGs bone crystals form in an unregulated manner resulting in weaker 
In practical terms this means that adding Hyaluronic Acid to a basic bone 
support program"

" One of the major problems in maintaining healthy bones over the course of a 
lifetime is keeping a proper balance between osteoclasts (the demo crew) and 
osteoblasts (the new construction crew).  Both most act in harmony.  In cases 
of bone-related stress and wear and tear it appears osteoclasts get carried 
away and osteoblasts take a nap.
An answer to this problem has emerged from the new field of osteoimmunology.  
And once again, the discovery is of immense importance to any individual 
concerned about maintaining healthy bones.
This new science shows that macrophages (immune cells) and osteoclasts (the 
demo crew) come from the same parent cell.  Thus, as cells begin to take form 
from basic stem cells there are options as to what they might become.  A key 
switch has been identified called NFkappaB.  If the NFkappaB switch is too 
active, then too many osteoclasts are made.  If the NFkappaB switch is in more 
normal operation, then osteoclasts are produced at a more optimal level, likely 
in better balance with its companion, osteoblasts.  Once again, this is a 
revolutionary discovery in bone health.
The NF KappaB switch is actually part of the intelligence of a cell.  When it 
is on too often it means the cell is overheating or inflamed.  Stress is a 
major factor that causes excessive NFkappaB activation.  Numerous nutrients 
interact with the NFkappaB switch, and some have been documented to interact 
specifically in bone to modulate healthy bone function.  
One of the top nutrients in this regard is boswella serrata"

"There is just the best controlled, double-blind, placebo-controlled research 
out there that the element strontium, when combined with calcium and Vitamin D, 
can dramatically help to reverse osteoporosis. The latest study reported a gain 
of 15 percent over three years in bone in the spine and 9 percent in the hip, 
and there is no patent medicine on the market that comes close. And the 
strontium's in all the health food stores."
"Research has shown that strontium can make a significant contribution to bone 
health without any apparent side effects. From 2002 to 2007, the French 
pharmaceutical company Servier conducted a study on 1,649 women with 
osteoporosis over a three year period and found an increase of 14.4 percent in 
lumbar bone mineral density and 8.3 percent increase in the femoral neck. A 
later study conducted over five years on 5,000 women with osteoporosis found a 
9.8% improvement in total hip density."

" Bone density is significantly increased[50] (prevents osteoporosis) and 
joints are protected[60,61,62] along with vitamin D receptor 
upregulation[63,64], arteries stay healthy[65], metabolic dysfunction is not 
seen, and genetic markers stay similar to healthy young individuals[52,65,66]."


" Creatine Increases IGF-1 mRNA Activity and Satellite Cell Activation.
New studies have been published which is turning new and novel mechanisms for 
Cr [Creatine] increases muscle mass.  One of the ways Cr may be increasing 
muscle hypertrophy is thru increasing IGF-1 mRNA.  Among the known growth 
factors, IGF-1 is known to stimulate satellite cell activity as well as protein 
synthesis, as well as increasing muscle hypertrophy. In fact, IGF-1 is such a 
potent stimulator of muscle hypertrophy that infusion of local IGF-1 directly 
to skeletal muscles has shown increases muscle mass22. It was earlier reported 
that when muscle cells were cultured in test tubes, the addition of Cr resulted 
in improved cell differentiation and increased expression of IGF-1 mRNA21. So 
what about human studies?  Human studies have also shown that Cr 
supplementation increases mRNA IGF-1 activity as well.  In a double-blind 
cross-over design, muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis of 
resistance trained men at rest and 3 and 24 hours post exercise who had taken 
Cr or a protein /carbohydrate drink for 5 days. After Cr supplementation, 
resting muscle expressed more mRNA for IGF-I (+30%). Exercise also caused an 
increase by 3 h postexercise in IGF-I (+24%) and by 24 h postexercise in IGF-I 
(+29%), but this effect was not increased by Cr supplementation. It's 
interesting that in the study, Cr increased mRNA IGF-1 activity without 
exercise, but taking Cr and exercise did not augment the response.  The 
researchers concluded that the increase in lean body mass often reported after 
Cr supplementation could be mediated by signaling pathway(s) involving muscle 
mRNA IGF-123."

Zinc oxide:

Zinc oxide has been shown to increase IGF-1 bothas an oral and topical 

From: Kathy Tankersley [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:12 AM
Subject: CS>osteoporosis

Hi All, I'm looking for treatment of Osteoporosis:  My Ob/GYN Dr. had a bone 
density test done on me , and I have Osteoporosis in one hip and my spine.  She 
put me on Bluebonnet Cal/Mag, but I've been taking Cal/Mag all these years.  
Has anyone been through this?  Any suggestions?

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