Those number don't mean anything to me without researching each of them. What is important is the resolution of each. If the resolution is 100 uS for instance than anything less than 50, and maybe less than 100 will register 0. Since the expected readings should be between .2 and 3 or so, the meter must be able to measure and display such readings.


On 10/1/2010 6:37 PM, Neville Munn wrote:
I don't use a PWT meter but the Com 100 EC/TDS/TEMP meter has *never* shown zero, the Com TDS3 shows zero in practically *every bottle* of DW I've ever bought, and the Hanna TDS1 shows zero on the *odd* occasion. I use El Cheapo Black and Gold DW from Foodland, or IGA I think it's now called.


> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS> Distilled Water of .000
> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 15:16:20 -0400
> Marshall, the only place I have seen and used distilled water which
> tests on my PWT at .000 was in Australia, Perth to be exact, this
> distilled water is made specifically for those with kidney problems,
> and for the Kidney Foundation. I went to the factory which produces
> it and you should see the machinery they have for making same. You
> would delight in the factory it is a beauty to be sure, clean as a
> whistle and smooth as a babies bottom
> operationally !!!!!
> Take good care
> Regards
> Sandee
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