Apologies to PT for butting in and wiping out and severly snipping most of the 
content here.
> PT, I in no way ever said or implied that people have not benefited
> greatly from the silver ions in colloidal silver. 
#In effect, you actually have, by intimating that "...current generators don't 
produce enough ions..."?
> They even restricted the ion content to less than 100
> parts per billion to try to prevent Argyria.
#Does this imply Ag+ ions are responsible for smurfism?

>The Russians
> were not so concerned with Argyria as they were with results, and
> they used a considerablly higher ion concentration.
#This either supports the previous sentence, or it negates it - which is it?  
Is there any information in the public domain on how many Ruskies developed 

> Out of these adventures, someone connected three 9 volt batteries in
> series, and applied 27 volts to silver electrodes immersed in
> distilled water. The 3 nines was born.
#And one of those 'someones' was Robert C Beck.  And I don't agree with 
everything HE said either, consumption of garlic for one.  Praps that's why I'm 
brain dead <g>.

> Virtually everyone who takes it regularly states they can remember
> what a cold or flu feels like, but they can't remember the last time
> they had one,
#I can, last year, started to develop the wog twice, but stopped it within 48 
hours on both occasions.  I also don't believe this stuff will *prevent* a wog. 
 Although I have to say that's the first wog that tried to get me for several 
years, and I've been purposely exposing myself to those who DO have the wog for 
> For example, please see my post to Sol on 19 Oct 2004:
> However, by increasing the ion concentration, and using sublingual
> absorption instead of ingesting the cs, the virus was quickly
> vanquished. 
> It is these cases I address with the SilverCell process.
#I noticed Shingles was mentioned here.  I've treated Shingles in a family 
member with *freshly* produced EIS and I could count the number of blisters 
that actually broke the skin on the fingers of one hand.  The remainder of the 
blisters appeared to clear up from within, *before* they had a chance to break 
the skin.  I documented this and know it was the administration of EIS given 
*immediately* after production to maximise the intake of Ag+ ion content {my 
arrogance}.  But I think I have said all this before somewhere.

> In these cases, I present a new breakthrough in colloidal silver
> that increases the ion concentration about ten times over the
> original 3 nines.
#So, if we are to believe all that is reported about home generators producing 
60% - 95% ion content {which I have always considered BS, as that only applies 
*immediately* after cessation of the brewing process}....what is the ion 
content with your setup?
And if it's more than 95%, how soon does it fall away after cessation of 
production - say a week later?

> There is a natural built-in limitation with conventional cs
> generators that makes it very difficult to get much above 16uS or
> 18uS. But the SilverCell process can easily reach 44uS. This is
> enough to vastly overwhelm virulent pathogens, with plenty of
> reserve to address the survivors.
#And what is that uS reading after a week in storage?
> This completely eliminates any concern of Argyria, since you absorb
> only a very small amount, and expel the rest. The ion concentration
> absorbed results in less than 20 parts per billion in the blood
> stream for a normal male with a blood content of 5.5 litres.
#And I have to wonder what the result would be using any other generator, after 
compounds are formed as soon as EIS hits the blood stream?
Nobody has ever answered my age old question of "how much Ag+ ion content is 
rendered ineffective once it hits the blood stream and acids or salts blah blah 
come in contact with it"?
> In addition, the SilverCell generator is easy to make, easy to use,
> and is less expensive than a 3 nines. So if you are a bit handy, you
> can make yourself a unit that outperforms any other cs generator
> anywere, for basically the cost of the silver.
#And I believe my simple unit, copied from ideas wherever one wishes to look in 
the public domain, is equal to anything available out there {my arrogance 
> Most of the current generators suffer from problems with the cs
> turning yellow. 
#What's the problem with yellow?  That means nothing to me, as it should mean 
nothing to anyone else {my opinion}.  All it means is that product *MAY??* 
contain larger particles, or it *MAY??* indicate high density of silver in 
solution, or both.  And if *NOTHING* is observed laying on the bottom of that 
storage vessel after days/weeks or months, there's absolutely nothing wrong 
with it.  If particles are not large enough to be pulled out of solution by 
gravity, then those same particles will be well small enough to be bioavailable 
{my opinion}.
 > > 
> But if a particularly bad bug hits, you have the reserve capability
> to dramatically increase the ion content as needed. No other cs
> generator can reach these levels.
#I've always maintained that most people don't recognise that EIS/CS comes in 
many forms by way of ion concentration, as I've explained before {my opinion}
> So why spend more money for less performance?
#Or the *same* performance? My sentiments exactly!
I'm not having a go here, but some of what you are saying or suggesting invites 
further comment, just can't see how some of the things you're saying adds up.  
Appreciate the invite, I'll sleep on it.  I'm rather a solitary animal and can 
get into enough trouble here without getting into more trouble somewhere else 
> Mike