It always runs at a fixed max current of 1 milliamp tailored to the surface
area of the electrodes in order to prevent the formation of a super
saturation zone at the surface of the electrodes [The Nernst Diffusion

 In order to get to that max current, the medium has to be at around 10 uS
[microsiemens per cubic centimeter] conductivity. [still under
The addition of silver ions makes the medium more conductive till that 10
uS is reached, then the programmed mode kicks in using time as the variable
since a constant current will produce a constant number of ions, therefore,
once current has ramped up to the point that is is a constant the Faraday
equations then only have one variable, that being time...and you tell the
generator how long to run, adding to the conductivity referenced 10 uS [
essentially 10 PPM in that range] in a predictable manner.

Super saturation forces ions to form uncharged particulates using anything
they can find, usually dissolved oxygen making silver oxides which will
make a batch appear yellow, and/or they will react with any contaminant

Making ionic silver quick requires a LOT of electrode surface area and
since silver is soft, mounting all that becomes an engineering problem
requiring electrode arrays [ a forest of electrodes] which have to be wired
up and properly spaced and stabilized in position....very difficult for the
average person.
 Huge electrode replacement difficulties as well.

The SilverPuppy does the same thing that the "silver edge POS does..only,
the silver edge has no relevant control of current at 40 milliamps
[achieved with a 2 cent resistor vs the transistor feedback monitoring the
Silver 9 uses] which is only useful for preventing fires should you short
out the electrodes.

It is not predictable and will 'run-away' on an acceleration curve...the
only thing that makes it work as well as it does is a stream of bubbles
acting as insulators interfering with current flow... but anything in the
air goes into the water with those bubbles.
 The silver edge is also DC output, so electrode deposits will build up if
the bubbles don't just blow them off into the water.

 The Silver 9 uses SWAP technology [ Yea, sales speak BS, but it does
actually mean something and does something very useful ]
S.W.A.P stands for square wave alternating polarity..with a five minute
cycle time turning almost all of the waste created by DC units [silver
oxide and silver hydroxide] back into ions saving a lot of silver so the
electrode last a whole lot longer.

I would not make ionic silver in anything but the purest of water.
Contaminants of any kind makes results unpredictable and the process while
adding electro chemical electron transporters [ie:  while under power]
makes everything that much more unstable and reactive.

 But, you can do anything you want won't hurt the generator and if
you like it?  Why the heck not?
If not, toss it and do something else.

Nothing 'migrates' in a gel...making silver in semi solid medium probably
won't work at all


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 9:49 PM, Jerry Durand <>

> I'm not Ode, but the SilverPuppy runs in constant current mode.  If I
> remember right it's 1mA.
> On 09/19/2016 06:20 PM, bobLists wrote:
> hi Ode........
> will your current silver puppy 9 run manually at a fixed known current if
> desired?
> if it can be switched to that mode it can be used to make nanoparticles,
> stabilized and capped, using "green synthesis" if you like with stuff like
> turmeric, olive leaf, green tea extracts and lecithin or gelatin.  and can
> make known ppm w' calculations and careful timing, right?
> people are wanting to be able to make ionic quick and unattended, and also
> to make NP's when desired.   at least that's what i'm training people to
> get into in FB conversations.
> the silver-edge can do either.... chintzy hyped POS that it is...
> thanks, bobL
> --
> Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar,
> tel: +1 408 356-3886