For ages 3 PPM was the standard as it started to go yellow at around 5 PPM,
now usually 10 and up to 20 as CS makers began to understand the process.
 Going higher gets progressively into unstable territory where air exposure
and contaminants play more significant roles with greater levels of
supersaturation forcing dissolved ions out of solution.

According to Brigham Young University  tests, as little as 3 parts per
billion would sterilize toilet bowl water, it just took a lot longer than 3
Parts Per million.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 9:04 PM, cassidy <> wrote:

> I said it wrong... I put it on manual for the extra time.   Same principal
> I guess.  So 10 ppm is all I need to kill germs and virus ?  Tks ode.
> On 9/21/2016 3:33 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
> SWAP means the polarity at the electrodes is reversing periodically,
> converting electro-chemical byproducts of electrolysis [silver oxide and
> silver hydroxide] back into silver ions
> SWAP has nothing to do with PPM.
> Contaminants come with the water or are absorbed out of the air.
> Absolutely pure water is a near impossibility on this planet.
>  Pure Water is a very good solvent.
> Making ionic silver strong [over saturation of the solution media, water]
> makes it want to form compounds..think about how rock candy is made and why
> those crystals form as the water is cooled, lowering the saturation point
> of the water all that sugar is dissolved in.
>  Different chemistry, different type of solution....same idea.
> ode
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 9:27 AM, cassidy <> wrote:
>> Ode, does this mean we are better off letting our silver puppy turn off
>> automatically and not switching to SWAP mode for higher ppm's.   I usually
>> run for an extra hour or -until I reach 20 ppm- on SWAP.  If I understand
>> your answer correctly, I am contaminating my silver by doing this.  I
>> always use distilled water.  Some qualities are better than others.. Right
>> now Sprout's has the best in my area..or last time I checked it.
>> On 9/20/2016 5:59 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
>>> It always runs at a fixed max current of 1 milliamp tailored to the
>>> surface area of the electrodes in order to prevent the formation of a super
>>> saturation zone at the surface of the electrodes [The Nernst Diffusion
>>> layer]
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