Some comments [comment 08-28] are inserted below:

The question still remains, who won't be benefiting 
from money creation if it is shifted to social 
Is it bond traders or perhaps the federal treasury?  
How will it impact the economy to not use credit to 
create money?
[comment 08-28]  That is not the proposal.
It would seem to me that while the federal debt is in 
place, it would be hard to pay a social credit. 
[comment 08-28]  Why would the federal debt have 
anything to do with it?  I'm afraid you're still 
thinking very much in conventional terms.  Think in 
terms of the electric company or the phone company.  
You complain about something.  To keep you happy they 
credit your bill in some amount.  That amount that is 
credited to your account does not add to anyone's 
debt or take anything away from anybody, but keeps a 
happy customer.

This is why I support shifting to a value added tax 
for general government 
[comment 08-28]  Which is just a sales tax on 
everything.  The problem is not a shortage of taxes 
but a shortage of purchasing power.

and to a personal income tax on all personal and 
estate income over $100,000 (not family income) to 
specifically fund net interest and debt retirement.
[comment 08-28]  And where is the money to come from 
to pay the taxes?

  This income tax would sunset after the debt is 
[comment 08-28]  The problem is not debt but the 
inability to amortize the debt which is addressed by 
social credit.  Social credit does not eliminate debt 
as a tool of finance but enables it to be amortized 
which is impossible so long as incomes are falling in 
respect to the costs of production.

 - and taxpayers could purchase self-liquidating 
bonds in lieu of paying taxes (surrendering the 
principal and interest - essentially prepaying their 
[comment 08-28]  Calling the bonds "self-liquidating" 
cannot make them self-liquidating so long as incomes 
are falling as compared to the costs of production.  
They cannot "self-liquidate" or amortize without 
extraneous credit (from the National Credit Account) 
in supplement to incomes.

On my web page,, I also 
describe a regional organization for the goverment - 
with regional reserves tailoring monetary policy to 
each of 7 US regions.  Ideally, these regional 
reserves would issue any social credit in order to 
stimulate the regional economy.  
At what level would the credit be?  It might be as 
little as the profit of the regional government and 
reserve system (on land sales, resource royalties, 
electronic spectrum auctions and reserve operations) 
in excess of cost
[comment 08-28]  So you define government "profit" to 
be the surplus of taxation over disbursement?  That 
is impossible so long as there is a shortage of 
available purchasing power in the hands of the public 
from which to tax--which is inevitable with labor 

 (since the VAT I am proposing contains a system of 
social service tax credits 
[comment 08-28]  And what is the source of those 
credits to the population, the "profit" or "surplus" 
of taxes over disbursements?  What you are proposing 
is simply a transfer tax from one group of people to 

which would have the effect of providing a guaranteed 
family income of $12,000 per child or spouse at the 
regional and state levels, plus credits for faith 
based social service providers for mental health 
care/corrections and education - with most of these 
costs carried in the private sector most public 
sector activity would end in these areas).
[comment 08-28]  Pipe dream due to the shortage of 
purchasing power in relationship to costs.

The credit would likely come from both the 
governmental profit
[comment 08-28]  Don't you mean government surplus?  
The term "profit" is meaningless in this context.

 and from money creation, although money creation 
would also be used for capital credit - either on the 
Kelsonian model to individuals or to employee-owned 
enterprises and local governments as a whole.
[comment 08-28]  Which would be loans which are 
impossible to repay if incomes are falling in respect 
to the costs of production which makes the "Kelsonian 
model" just a pipe dream.  The fact they may be 
"interest free" is irrelevant.

  The less these firms or governments use this 
credit, the more is available for payment.
[comment 08-28]  Loans to firms or government which 
makes them the servants not the masters of finance 
especially if it is impossible to amortize the loans 
as demonstrated by A + B.

Let me lay it out in a formula to be clear:
government profit + money creation = discount window 
loans to ESOPs/cities + dividend
Michael Bindner
[comment 08-28]  It makes no difference if the loans 
are from commercial banks or from the central bank's 
"discount window" if they are impossible to amortize.  
The formula makes no sense whatever.  Rearrangement 
results in this:

money creation = discount window loans + dividend - 
government profit.

It would appear that "government profit" goes into 
some kind of black hole for money creation would have 
to be less than discount window loans plus the 

Hare brained, to say the least.

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