***>This could be done selectively as well, 
penalising luxury goods and subsidising essential 

You could but it would mire you in endless debate and 
require complicated bureaucracy for enforcement.  
Penalizing luxury goods and subsidizing essential 
basics is not the purpose of the program which is to 
close the gap between prices and purchasing power.  
If you want to penalize and subsidize other programs 
can do that.  It is simpler to look at gross sales 
figures at the point of retail.  If the sales are X 
and the discount is five percent, the retailer is 
credited .05 X.  It is the reverse of a sales tax 
except it is not charged against tax collections but 
is charged against the National Credit Account.

The balance of that account is merely an estimation 
of latent capacity starting from the assumption that 
there IS latent capacity.  There's no need for exact 
numbers.  The difference is that social credit 
assumes abundance whereas orthodoxy assumes scarcity.  
The flow of dividends would start small and increase 
through time so unanticipated consequences can be 
handled as they arise--which they always will.

***>There are other systems that could be used to 
distribute the National Dividend.<***

In broad concept there are not--meaning the discount 
and dividend.  Well, you could directly fund 
government projects.  So then it becomes a debate on 
how much to give to government and how much to 
disburse as cash dividends to the people.  The amount 
given to government removes from government a layer 
of answerability to the people.  They can spend 
without the people's approval. Okay, they can go 
through the pretense of taking a vote for show.  They 
can bribe whomever they want to stay in power.  They 
and not the people say what's best for the people.  
We see something like this in many of the oil and 
mineral rich states, where revenue and royalties from 
the wealth goes directly to government.  That means 
those in control of the government.  Little of it 
seems to "trickle" down to the people.  Rolls and 
skyscrapers, and mud streets in the hicks.  I would 
much rather see government required to justify 
taxation to fund its projects.


--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:52:21

>On Wednesday 27 Aug 2003 8:50 pm, Bill wrote:
>> The National Credit Account carries a balance
>> available to fund dividends that is estimated to be
>> the totality of latent productive capacity.
>With all the national statistics produced monthly, quarterly, yearly, is there 
>a short way by which this figure can be calculated? I would like to 
>piggy-back on existing structures as far as possible. For instance, we have a 
>VAT system which could surely be used to achieve (something of) the just 
>price compensation, simply by reducing, zeroising, or ´negativising´ the 
>rate. This could be done selectively as well, penalising luxury goods and 
>subsidising essential basics.
>There are other systems that could be used to distribute the National 

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