Hi gang,
I was missing this feature since a long time so I gave it a go
This plugin use a json file as definition so you can add as many shapes as
you want.

things to know:
-It have SRT offset and size parameters, and currently support only one
closed curve per icon.
-The icon.json file must be in the same directory than the dll (in the
plugin folder), and the definition is a flat array of formatted like this
-Performance wise, a quick benchmark showed that it's ~7% slower than a
curve equivalent, but the good thing is that it has it's own type (Icon)
and can be filtered .
-The primitive is located in the create>primitive menu

-You need to install this: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.
-It's not tested that much, use it at you own risk!!!


Ahmidou Lyazidi
Director | TD | CG artist

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