Hey Tim
Would you be able to take 2 minutes of your tmie and run this ol python
script for SI with your titan?
I'm getting weird results with an 780 in my home system outperforming titan
a lot... well here is copy paste from forum if you are able to check it out
as well.. thanks!:

itan: ~170 fps
780: ~245 fps

Go figure [image: :)]
But I'm suspecting something weird with my titan system for some time will
have to test further but would be great if anyone with titan as well could
run it too?
This old python script:
Application.CreatePrim("Cube", "MeshSurface", "", "")
Application.SetValue("cube.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 831, "")
Application.SetValue("cube.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 800, "")
Application.SetValue("cube.polymsh.geom.subdivbase", 800, "")
Application.SetValue("Camera.camvis.refreshrate", True, "")
Application.SetDisplayMode("Camera", "shaded")
Application.SetValue("PlayControl.Out", 5000, "")
Application.GetPrim("Null", "", "", "")
Application.SelectObj("Camera_Root", "", "")
Application.CopyPaste("Camera_Root", "", "null", 1)
Application.SelectObj("null", "", "")
1, "", "", "", "", "")
Application.SetValue("PlayControl.Key", 5000, "")
Application.SetValue("PlayControl.Current", 5000, "")
Application.Rotate("", 0, 8000, 0, "siAbsolute", "siPivot", "siObj", "siY",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, "")
5000, "", "", "", "", "")

Just paste in python script run and hit play.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Tim Crowson

>  We've been testing 1 Titan vs. 3 and so far, the speed increase of the
> triple-Titan box is holding at about 2.45x. In an email exchange (or maybe
> it was on the forums, can't recall) it was mentioned that on the topic
> parallelization, Pixar had determined that even for them, 4 units together
> (of whatever, not necessarily Titans) was the max they could really go
> before it started to cost more money than it was worth. In our case, I'm
> thinking 3 might be our max, based on some nerdy mathematics by one of our
> IT guys analyzing render times per shot, per frame, hardware/software
> costs, rack space used, etc.
> But hey, Redshift aside, the Titan in my workstation is doing wonders for
> my viewport performance in Soft. I had a 58M, 2500-item model derived from
> a CAD file the other day, and this thing was letting me tumble around it at
> ~15fps in Shaded mode. That ain't shabby!
> -Tim
> On 1/9/2014 6:11 AM, Paul Griswold wrote:
>  There was a discussion on the RS forums about it.  I don't recall the
> numbers, though.  I don't think the speed of the PCIe slot made a huge
> difference.  It's really all about the speed of the card.
>  Also, although it doesn't load the entire scene into your card's memory,
> the more memory your card has, the better it is.
>  But overall, for the type of work I'm mainly doing these days, it's
> extremely fast.  In fact, it's so fast that I was finding the bottleneck
> was the time taken to export the mesh to Redshift, not rendering.  Redshift
> has a proxy system like Vray & Arnold, but you have to manually create
> proxies per object & my scene had hundreds and hundreds of objects, so I
> didn't have time to create them.  Therefore, it was creating a renderable
> mesh per frame - so on a frame that took 28 seconds to render, 20 seconds
> was spent exporting the mesh and 8 seconds were spent on rendering.  But
> again, it's a beta and they're continuing to improve things like the proxy
> system.
>  Once I'm caught up I'm hoping to try rendering the classroom scene and
> see how it does.
>  -Paul
>  ᐧ
> --

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