Or use something like this


Kind regards


From: Mirko Jankovic [mailto:mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com]
Sent: 06 August 2015 02:55 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: OT'ish: Redshift renderfarm with Softimage setup?

yep exactly like the one on the image :) a lot of nice space and rad 
placeholder down at the bottom. also on the back of the case same position you 
can place even more fans for fresh air intake and to go straight over those 
rads and out.
but this is going more into workstation build area now

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 2:52 PM, Matt Morris 
<matt...@gmail.com<mailto:matt...@gmail.com>> wrote:
The cheapest option would be any brand with the reference design coolers, which 
are pretty much straight from nvidia. They push the heat out of the rear of the 
case, you can set a custom fan profile to try to keep them from throttling.

The water-cooled version looks great, and the temps are fantastic. £100 price 
premium isn't too bad for a cooler like that. The major problem is where you 
put the fans, if you go for 4 in a case. in most normal cases 2 of them at 
least would be directing warm air into the case... Might be worth looking at 
cases which are built to have a watercooling radiator along the base, where you 
could put all 4 fans pointing one way, something like the corsair 900D.

On 6 August 2015 at 12:42, Morten Bartholdy 
<x...@colorshopvfx.dk<mailto:x...@colorshopvfx.dk>> wrote:

Along these lines - which 980ti would you guys recommend? I found this an EVGA 
GeForce GTX 980 Ti Hybrid which has built-in  watercooling and a separate fan 
to mount in the back of the cabinet - pretty cool.

 (danish site)


Den 6. august 2015 kl. 11:16 skrev Tim Leydecker 
Would you guys find the 980Ti hitting the sweetspot between price and 

How about connectors and power supply?

The 970 is running on 2x6pin, e.g. a maximum of 150 Watts plus the 75 Watts 
from the slot, a 225 Watts total.

The 980ti is mostly 1x6pin and 1x8pin, the 1x8pin offering 150Watts compared to 
a 1x6pin offering 75 Watts.

In my case, I find it already hard to provide more than one 1x8pin and 1x6pin 
via connectors.
How do you guys provide reliable power to more than 1 or 2 graphics cards 
without melting your power lines?

Here in Germany, it is rare to have more than around 1 kW sustained drain per 
average wall plug supported by a great many home installations.
There is always loads of headroom of course but technically, constantly 
draining a lot more from  such a wall plug can get, uhmmm, hot.

That´s a few of the reasons I suggested to start out with just 1 card, like a 
Titan X (or a GTX980ti), case power supply connection, wall plugs, electrical 



Am 05.08.2015 um 16:10 schrieb Mirko Jankovic:
agree. 980ti is just a bit above 2 970s price wise, performance wise it realyl 
dpends on scenes you are working on. but I plan to upgrade my 4x970 with 980ti 
as soon as possible, even if it means replacing 1 by  1

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Matt Morris < 
matt...@gmail.com<mailto:matt...@gmail.com> > wrote:
The 970 is the most cost efficient only with scenes that fit into its memory - 
which using redshift is limited to 3.5Gb because of the internal memory 
architecture. I'd recommend looking at gpus with 6Gb or higher. The 980ti is a 
great card for the money, and the extra vram will help performance even on 
small scenes as you can utilise memory optimisation settings. Because you're 
limited to 4 gpus (risers don't work too well and limited by number and speed 
of pci-e lanes as mirko said) you want to make the most of that space. Per card 
electricity usage and heat output isn't that much more for the 980ti.

On 5 August 2015 at 14:04, Tim Leydecker < 
bauero...@gmx.de<mailto:bauero...@gmx.de> > wrote:
Thanks for the clarification, Dan.

I think I mixed this up with the download section of the forum for customers?

Whatever, good that the registered user forum is accessible to interested 



P.S: For Hair, Shave&Haircut is supported (I don´t have personal experience 
with it).

Am 05.08.2015 um 14:17 schrieb Dan Yargici:
" you may find it helpful to register in the Redshift3D.com forums, afaik 
you´ll need to have
at least one registered license to get access to the "Registered users only" 
forum area."

Just to clear this up.  I'm pretty sure you don't need to have a license to 
access the Registered Users section of the Redshift forums.


On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Rob Chapman < 
tekano....@gmail.com<mailto:tekano....@gmail.com> > wrote:
A lot of good and informed points by all, just wanted to add, this guy here, 
Sven, at http://www.render4you.de/renderfarm.html recently became the first 
official Redshift GPU render farm and have used him already on a few jobs with 
very tight deadlines.  Essentially he has a rack of 7x Tesla K40st - so 1 node 
is the equivalent of a 6x single 980gtx which I find is pretty cost effective 
solution of adding a decent online GPU render node, that works with hardly any 
setup if you have a redshift scene ready to go



On 5 August 2015 at 11:56, Tim Leydecker < 
bauero...@gmx.de<mailto:bauero...@gmx.de> > wrote:
Hi Morten,

you may find it helpful to register in the Redshift3D.com forums, afaik you´ll 
need to have
at least one registered license to get access to the "Registered users only" 
forum area.

There´s a few threads there about Hardware, multiple GPU systems and some user 
of testing single gpu vs. multi gpu rendering plus some Developer info about 
roadmaps and such.

Personally, I´m a big fan of Redshift 3D.

Still, here´s a few things to consider you may find useful:

- Compared to Arnold, there is no HtoA or C4DtoA equivalent, e.g. no direct C4D 
or Houdini support
- Compared to Arnold, rendering Yeti is not yet supported in Redshift3D - it´s 
looked at, no ETA.
- Maya Fluids, Volumerendering, FumeFX e.g. Fire&Smoke&Dust&such isn´t in 
Redshift3D sofar

- Multitasking, compared to CPU based multitasking and task switching (e.g. 
switching between
  rendering in Maya, Softimage while simultaneously comping in Nuke and 
painting Textures in Photoshop
  or Mari) may pose GPU specific limitations with multiple applications 
fighting for a very limited GPU VRAM.
 Redshift3D can utilize system RAM for VRAM but there can be headache when 
other, "dumber" apps go ahead
 and just block VRAM for their caching. It´s well worth running a good few hard 
tests in typical workflow scenarios.
 Maya, Substance Painter/Designer, Nuke, Photoshop, they all offer one type or 
another of GPU caching or GPU
 acceleration option. My personal feeling is, such stuff never gets tested in 
real-world, multiple-applications-running scenarios.

At a glance, it would sound easy enough to have separate, dedicated GPUs run 
headless for rendering and reserving one GPU
for viewport display and other apps but to be honest, all this stuff is so new, 
even thought it´s great, it´s still pushing grown
legacy workflows and boundaries and in doing so, it may sometimes hurt.

My very personal suggestion is:

- a starter kit is just one GPU, optimally a Titan X with 12GB VRAM.
- step 2, adding a second GPU, running headless, reserved for rendering
- step 3, adding a third GPU, comparing speed to step 2
- step 4, price/performance balancing, comparing a 1-2-3 GPU GTX970 render rig 
with the above

Could be you find out you like to run 1 Titan X for viewport display and 
multi-apps, and 2 GTX970 for a render job.

Another thing.

Multi-socket CPU boards and PCIe slots. It seems easier to get solid single 
socket CPU boards with lot´s of PCIe slots.

Again, from my personal experience running a current generation dual socket 
Xeon rig, it is annoying how many CPU
cycles I see wasted away in idle in most of my daily chores, except for pure 
rendering with Arnold or the likes, I find
myself mostly having one CPU and even most of the other CPU´s cores just not 
used properly by software.

I think a good sweetspot would have been to just go for one fast, solid 
6-core(budget) or 8core (current) CPU, unless of course for a dedicated render 



Am 05.08.2015 um 12:05 schrieb Morten Bartholdy:

I know several of you are using Redshift extensively or only now. We are 
looking in to expanding our permanent render license pool and are considering 
the pros and cons of Arnold, Vray and Redshift. I believe Redshift will provide 
the most bang for the buck, but at a cost of some production functionality we 
are used to with Arnold and Vray. Also, it will likely require an initial 
investment in new hardware as Redshift will not run on our Pizzabox render 
units, so that cost has to be counted in as well.

It looks like the most priceefficient Redshift setup would be to make a few 
machines with as many GPUs in them as physically possible, but how have you 
guys set up your Redshift renderfarms?

I am thinking a large cabinet with a huge PSU, lots of cooling, as much memory 
as possible on the motherboard and perhaps 8 GPUs in each. GTX 970 is probably 
the most power per pricepoint while Titans would make sense if more memory for 
rendering is required.

Any thoughts and pointers will be much appreciated.




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