I'm still using Softimage and i think i would not let it go for a long
time. Playing with Sitoa and now Redshift. Learning maya only for render
stuff, but that's the only use i could find for now.
As far as new software, the only one that's keeping me interested is Modo,
nothing more out there. Maybe the new app Syflex is building could help
some softimagers to transition, the bad thing is that it's aimed as an
animation app, nothing more for now, until it grows a lot and they put a
good simple interface and began to add a few modeling stuff, or
Anyway. Softimage it's the only easy non-destructive for now.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 5:57 PM, Tim Leydecker <bauero...@gmx.de> wrote:

> I´ve pretty much phased out using Softimage towards the end of last year.
> I still do have latest version(s) installed and make sure whenever I
> update the Redshift3D builds
> the Softimage plug-in(s) will be updated as well but my primary tool has
> become Maya.
> It took me roughly six months to come to terms with the transition, using
> mostly the Maya 2015sp6Ext1
> on projects plus some dabbling with Maya2016+Maya2016sp1. For rendering,
> on projects usually Arnold
> and at home for my doodling and learning Redshift3D.
> I´ve still an active subscription contract for many AD 3D applications and
> will probably extend subscription
> for another year (not jumping to desktop subscription, I mean I will
> probably just get myself the updates to my packages)
> until around beginning of 2017.
> That´s the limit I have given myself to finally start looking into
> Cinema4D or Houdini. Or Modo.
> All that is not really based on personal preferences but on available jobs
> and requirements for those jobs.
> For fun, I do a bit of 3D scanning and am starting to like 3D Coat 4.5.x
> for merging my crappy partial 3D scan data
> into a starting point for a complete mesh using voxel tools.
> Cheers,
> tim

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