An interesting thread, so here’s my 2ps worth based what I had seen, up to 
relatively recently. So, naming no names and not stirring up the retirement 


>From what I’d seen, hardly anyone has dumped Soft from their pipeline 
>entirely. It’s still being used in some shape or form. Most of (if not) all 
>people, if they hadn’t already started to think about transitioning away from 
>Soft, they were about to.

Some were further along already because they’d been running hybrid pipeline for 
some time, with the likes of Houdini, Fabric being the most common. Others had 
merely dabbled and were now putting serious plans together.

A Maya+Houdini+Fabric was a common discussion though.


It’s fair to say that many haven’t found a direct replacement for Soft (and 
ICE), and probably won’t, but there are some good things out there. The 
downside is that they’re not in one place like Soft. Maya might not have a lot 
of love from some, but it does have many positives, although the render 
layer/pass system and no real non-linear animation system has stopped many from 
fully adopting. Both of which, I believe, are on AD’s radar.


This was very common to see, many decent alternatives out there, but not many 
had mature enough features to match some of Soft’s. So, I don’t see Soft going 
away soon, but there will be a tipping point where people might have to jump, 
painful as it might be.


In terms of renderers, am seeing a lot of Redshift now, especially in Maya 
studios who are doing shorter turnaround stuff like commercials or tv work. The 
speed and quality has been too good ignore. Some now use it as their default 
instead of Arnold or Vray.





[] On Behalf Of Sandy Sutherland
Sent: 19 August 2015 11:08
Subject: Continued use of Softimage question


Hi all,


After a stint out of the Softimage fold - mainly in setting up a Houdini 
rendering and VFX pipeline somewhere, and now I am at Axis animation, doing 
pipeline tools and setup - I wanted to get a feel for this - 


Who in the world is continuing to use Softimage?  Who might still be on the 
lookout for high end Soft Riggers, pipeline, tools etc...?


Just wondering, as I consider the future for myself and family.





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