Brad!   Glad you're still checking the list.  Houdini is feeling fun. In
many respects it's way more than I've had before in Soft.

The option to use code (vex) or ice like nodes (vops) interchangeably makes
handling arrays and other loops/flow control much easier.  Also the
presence of volume/vdb objects and a robust dynamics framework is a huge
bonus.   The list goes on but overall I'm getting that feeling ICE gave us
and then some.

On Friday, August 5, 2016, Bradley Gabe <> wrote:

> Hi list! We haven't chatted in ages, and I wanted to see who I could dig
> up out of the caves with a little reminiscence about the good old days.
> I found this thread
> <!topic/xsi_list/nmus1TnkON8> from the
> Friday Flashback archives and it reminded me of a time when an XSI TD had
> amazing power for creative problem solving at his fingertips. Even the
> drudge work of shot tech support had, for a time, become fun again, when
> you could cook up something clever through sheer experimentation (and a
> spoonful of stubbornness).
> Having been out of the loop long enough now, just curious where everyone
> has gone to find that same kind of satisfaction? What goodies has the
> industry offered to empower the user?
> -B
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