To ease your pain....

But I agree, PPGs are sorely missed :(


skuby <> hat am 7. Oktober 2017 um 22:06 geschrieben:

Original Poster Here: So I finally took the trip down memory lane (as suggested) and while it was fun, I think I was being a little too nostalgic (as well as a bit frustrated that I simply don't know Blender in all aspects of 3D (rigging/animation/ETC.) as well as I used to know Softimage).  It's been almost 3 years since I've had Softimage open and I focused mostly on modeling/sculpting while learning Blender in this time.

Playing with Soft again is helping me figure out what I am really missing in Blender (and I what I just need to learn better).

Funny enough there are actually a lot of things I took for granted that Blender does much much better and I would miss if I actually tried to work in Softimage.  Right now I'm just mesmerizing about the Softimage UI.  The PPG's and the history / modifier stack are so awesome!

Thanks everyone, it's weird how this worked out, but I think I'm good.  My stubbornness in not keeping Softimage around at all made some obvious things not so obvious, but it forced me to learn.

On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 1:39 AM, Olivier Jeannel <> wrote:
Hi Nicole,
I work on my own. Sometimes I wish I was in a studio though, but these are often vfx oriented which is not what's show my reel.
If you want to see what I do : 

I'm not sure Softimage was that fast to setup, but yes I use Houdini as I used Softimage (as I used Lightwave, as I used 3ds, as I used Imagine3D... doh!)

You want to be artistly free creative ?  Frankly, go Houdini but prepare to suffer at the beginning.

Imho, Houdini means 3D, as much as painting means not only "Art of Painting" but also knows "what's a pigment", "what's a canvas", etc.
In my opinion 3D engeneering got me much closer to the joy of "doing Art" than my Art school studies, but that's a very personnal statement.
Imho, mastering engennering leads to creative freedom ...
Houdini is big, offers more, but costs a bit to get into.
But by far, it's my best move.

After, and I agree with you on the sadness of the current movie production,  it all depends on what you decide to do and that might not be software related

2017-10-07 18:15 GMT+02:00 Nicole Beeckmans-Jacqmain <>:
do you say Olivier,
that it is possible in Houdini to work autonomously as an individual,
make a movie on your own the way it is with softi?
with softimage there was a few hours of learning, and you could
start the whole aspects of a production , this ; on your own.
what is your 'radar'? do you work in a studio environment?

ps i have seen a recent pluralsight tutorial about houdini procedural building cities,
and i do understand better now the meaning of the conversation we had here about
developing an 'artist' friendly insight into houdini.

it is really 'engeneering', in asmuch as we cannot say that Gustav Klimt or Salvador Dali
(to take mild, provide tempered examples, not Tristan Tzara or James Joyce say), these XXcentury artists they were not engeneers.
if you start building movies the way you build the Empire State Building or the Millau Bridge by Foster,
then it is not cinema. It used to be cinema. Not to mention the quality of the 'movies' like BatMan-Marvel or recently Bladerunner 2049,
who i believe at top level of production are built to make audience adapt to the same sadness which causes the hard
coding effort. Houdini gestion of particles integrates perfectly swell in that management of audiences. Netflix also.
Art is about Joy, inspiration, visionnary, invention.. Engeneering is about enslavement and vacuum. Apocalyptic.

so in regards to this i d be entertained to know if there are independent users of houdini.

best regards,

2017-10-07 16:21 GMT+02:00 Olivier Jeannel <>:
Mmmh, I have to admit that rigging is not on my radar atm.
There should have a few good tutorial (not that many) though, for the basic of IK.
And I think I've see some big prods working with rigs in Houdini as described here by Michael Goldfarb (I haven't watched the hole lecture).
But overal you're right Mirko.

2017-10-07 16:08 GMT+02:00 Mirko Jankovic <>:
One note on Houdini that character animation is far away from Softimage. 
One big stopping point there is lack of riggers. I was trying to look around and Houdini riggers pool is close to non.
Now unless you have time and wan't to learn rigging completely as well.... This one is a bit  stopping point for me at the moment. 

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Olivier Jeannel <> wrote:
I've moved to Houdini. If by far Softimage was easier or more friendly, I found that Houdini provides a never ending learning curve with unlimited possibilities.
If you're not affraid to learn and want to give 3D some little sense, I strongly suggest you (patiently) give Houdini a go.

2017-10-07 14:03 GMT+02:00 Mirko Jankovic <>:
Old saying was, it still is and will probably be accurate for a bit longer...

With Softimage you work, with Maya you workaround

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Sven Constable <> wrote:

I heard positive things about Cinema4D from ex-SI users, regarding usability and speed. I never used it and never will but as I was told, it has a fast learning curve and is very well suited for standard tasks. Especially motion graphics and such.

But, if you already have a Softimage license and you are used to work with it over the years AND you are a one man show, delivering final animations and renderings, I don’t'see a need to change tools.

As other said, the only reason to switch to Maya is when you're planning to work as a freelancer at companies again. If you're in the lucky situation to do your own productions, you're pretty much free to use whatever you want :)


The only slightly uncomfortable thing using Softimage is, that I'm feeling a bit lonely ;) We're using a software that noone will start to learn anymore. There are still ppl on this list and a few forums, but they will diminish further. I'd feel much better if there would be Softimage Inc. around, even if they won't sell or develop the product anymore.




From: [] On Behalf Of skuby
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2017 10:39 AM
Subject: I'm lost / Which Software fills the void / help!?


TLDR = Where do I go/which program?  I’m specifically asking hardcore Softimage users who knew all the hotkeys and L/R/MMB clicks/shortcuts, sticky keys, etc..  And wore the software like a custom fit glove.  All aspects (modeling/rigging/anim/UV/all of it etc.)  I was a freelancer, not a specialist. I won’t be working in the 3D segment of the industry again, but I want a professional generalist tool-kit back in my art toolbox.


-Has Maya become use-able out of the box (according to Softimage vets) (w/ preferences tweaks)?  Did anyone make a plug-in or hotkey kit for Softimage users?  Does it still take 4+ steps/clicks for everything vs. Softimage even after learning Maya best practices?


Was there any recent talk of bringing Softimage back, even with limited support?  I’d pay $30+ per month for it w/Mudbox in a heartbeat. (I’d pay the same for Maya + Mudbox if it was viable for me)  (I’m close to giving up on Blender, interface/usability wise it’s still way too far away from Softimage and it took A LOT of effort to get to the point where I am with it now, too much effort). 


After all this time, how did you solve this problem? Is your solution adequate or still frustrating?


About Me: I spent a small fortune training Softimage at Vancouver Film School/VFS and then worked as a freelancer for small commercials (before that I trained Maya at SVA for 4 years and I hated the Maya software, I was using it afterwards at a small film and commercial company).  More recently I swung over to websites and now have moved fully into 2D Illustration.  I miss my 3D toolset (and have practical commercial uses for it now), and I really need to bring it back into my toolbox.  I’d be willing to put in the time to re-learn some things that I already know how to do, but I won’t settle for sub-par interfaces, I’m sick of banging my head into the wall. 


Please help me, I’m completely lost, frustrated and heart-broken.


Best of luck to all of you.  Thank you for your time.

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