I think it would be useful to reframe the discussion away from 
"stateless/stateful" and more towards the issues that operators are interested 
in: capital investment and ongoing operational expense.  "stateless/stateful" 
is related to those expense issues but there is not, for any given operator, 
necessarily a direct relation between operator cost and statefulness.

It seems there are operators who feel their needs would be better served by a 
"less stateful" mechanism.  Whether that mechanism is completely "stateless" or 
"less stateful" is less important than what I hear as a need for "has state 
that is cheaper to deploy and run."  There may be other operational 
requirements for better service that would be met by "less stateful."

- Ralph

On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:24 AM 9/8/11, Behcet Sarikaya wrote:

> Hi Fred,
>   Please note the quotes on stateless in Alain's mail.
> Some techniques are not as stateless as is claimed.
> Please see the chair's slides in IETF 81.
> Regards,
> Behcet
>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Alain Durand wrote:
>>> Fred:
>>> The way I phrased the call for the interim meeting on the mailling list 
>> might have created some unwanted confusion.
>>> Yong and I are going to publish the agenda for the interim meeting very 
>> soon.
>>> There will be ample time to discuss the various propositions on the table 
>> in the 'stateless' arena (that I can define loosely as no centralized 
>> CGN)
>>> Some more stateless than others, some more stateful than others, some based 
>> on tunnels and some based on translation.
>>> Giving ample time to discuss all those solution is the very reason of the 
>> interim meeting.
>>> Is that clearer?
>> Hopefully. There is a pretty strong concern here that the meeting is being 
>> arranged to encourage certain outcomes. I'd really hope for a level playing 
>> field, whatever the outcome may turn out to be.
>>>    - Alain.
>>> On Sep 7, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Fred Baker wrote:
>>>> Alain:
>>>> I have a question. In your recent note to softwire, you seem to be 
>> changing the charter that you and Jari stated in v6ops at IETF-81. At 
>> IETF-81, 
>> you stated that there was no need for a translation-related working group 
>> because translation (specifically the dIVI proposal, but more generally 
>> translation) would be part of the ongoing softwire charter. In your more 
>> recent 
>> statements, you appear to be saying that the topic would be discussed in a 
>> "vs" setting and buried "because the IETF has decided to not work 
>> on translation". I'll remind you that the IETF has not only chosen to 
>> work on translation, but to standardize it along with tunneling technologies.
>>>> I call on you to not only give lip service to discussion, but to allow 
>> and support open discussion of stateless a+p tunneling (as apposed to 
>> ds-lite, 
>> which is stateful) and translation, as you said you would.
>>>> Fred
>>>>> Alain's "translation" statement is ~2hrs 57 min into 
>> the recording at:
>>>>> http://www.ietf.org/audio/ietf81/ietf81-205abc-20110728-1256-pm.mp3
>>>>> Transcript:
>>>>>   Alain: This is done in Softwire.  We are planning to organize
>>>>>   an interim meeting in September, in some part of the world,
>>>>>   to actually go through all the technical solutions that have
>>>>>   been put forward and analyze them and do what we did at the
>>>>>   beginning of Softwires.  Pretty intensive interim meeting,
>>>>>   locked in a room, and figure out what we need.
>>>>>   Fred: So, Alain, we are finally going to have the discussion.
>>>>>   Alain: We are actually going to make technical progress on
>>>>>   this - more than just discussing.
>>>>> Jari suggested doing everything in one group (implying a new WG).
>>>>>   Alain:  there are no more groups.  We will just do it now.
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