In your previous mail you wrote:

=> I leave the draft-penno-* unclear items to Reinaldo...

>  >    (note: 1- it should be not what we want as it makes CPEs trivial
>  >     to track, 2- it doesn't remove the mandatory check on source ports
>  >     in the from CPE to the Internet way)
>  Med: I failed to get your first point. Could you please clarify? Thanks.

=> when what you can see from the Internet is a big port range per customer
it is trivial to track/trace customers. So what I call "none" algorithm
(i.e., no port translation by the SD-CGN) or "direct" algorithm
(i.e., port translation by adding a constant, the difference between
the first/base port of ranges) are bad according to (quoting

   A good port set definition algorithm must be reversible, easy to
   implement, and should be able to define non-continuous or random port
   sets for better security, be able to exclude the well known ports, 0
   ~ 1023 or 0 ~ 4095, etc.

(BTW the last point doesn't apply to ICMP echo IDs)

The note is about no second NAT, i.e., "none" algorithm.

>  Med: applications using referral need to know the external IP address.

=> this comment is about the second NAT so as it doesn't translate
the IP address is out of context (but I agree there are more needs
for the external address than the external port)

>  > => no such specific:
>  >  - it makes the reasonable assumption than IPv4 addresses are assigned
>  >   using DHCPv4
>  Med: It is not "reasonable" when you don't have a DHCPv4 server but use PCP
>   for instance.

=> PCP doesn't provide your IPv4 address. In fact, if you don't know your
assigned IPv4 address you can't run PCP, nor any applications over IPv4
(note DHCPv4 is not over IPv4 exactly for this reason).

> Med: We don't have the constraint of MAP so I would not exclude
> pseudo-random port set algos (see
> draft-tsou-softwire-port-set-algorithms-analysis-01#section-3.3)

=> I have no concern about them as soon as enough information
is given to SD-CPEs (including SD-B4s in the DS-Lite case) so
they can compute external ports as visible from the Internet.


PS: in fact for implementing a PCP/NAT-PMP/UPnP-IGD/etc
service on a SD-CPE you need the SD-CGN algo parameters
to implement:
 - something giving the next local (i.e., SD-CPE WAN side)
  external port. Note ++ is never enough as one must stay
  inside the allowed port range.
 - something (I call it map) giving the external port
  as visible from the Internet from the local external port
  value (i.e., applying the SD-CGN algo in the CPE to Internet
  way). Note this must not fail when the input is a valid
  (i.e., in range) value.
 - something (I call it unmap) giving the local external port
  from the value as visible from the Internet. Note this can
  be failed if the port doesn't belong to the customer
  translated port range (nothing really new: we already know
  a random external port is likely unavailable on a CGN).

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