URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/52
Title: #52: CI: Remove dlopen-test from valgrind blacklist

lslebodn commented:
On (17/10/16 14:55), fidencio wrote:
>On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 11:51 PM, lslebodn <notificati...@github.com> wrote:
>> If you can reproduce any valgrind error reported by dlopen-test
>> then we can consider to do it. Otherwise NACK to the idea.
>> I do not want to implement something which I cannot verify whether it work
>> or
>> no.
>Then I'm truly lost here, sorry.
>If you think we cannot reproduce any valgrind error reported by dlopen-test
>why should we remove dlopen-test from valgrind blacklist in the first place?
We cannot reproduce any valgrind error reported by dlopen-test *at the moment*.
It means that dlopen-test run with valgrind does not report any error
on all supported distros. Therefore there's no reason to have dlopen-test
on valgrind blacklist.



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