On Oct 13, 2008, at 4:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -----Original message-----
> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 20:41:17 -0700
> To: StrataList-OT@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [Stratalist-ot] Re: What happens if Obama is elected?
>> TENEBRAE wrote:
>>> On Oct 13, 2008, at 1:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>> We're taliking about something different here, Wilbur.
>>> Good one, Francine.  Once again you've shown you won't let facts get
>>> in the way of blind partisanship or silly name-calling.
>> Is using the feminine form of a name supposed to be insulting ?
>> Why are "liberals" so sexist ?
> TENEBRAE's post provides more evidence that it is the far left that  
> is an angry mob that is both racist and sexist.


It's you old, fat white fogeys who are playing the race card in this  

> If anything will contribute to Obama's downfall, it is his  
> supporters like TEN, Mugsy, Bruce, richardsan and Michael.

"Here are the latest electoral projections from independent, small  
media electoral forecasting websites:

Election Projection: Obama 364-174
Electoral-Vote.com: Obama 349, McCain 174, 15 tied
Fivethirtyeight: Obama 347.6-190.4 McCain
Pollster.com: Obama 320, McCain 158, Toss-up 60
Real Clear Politics: Obama 277, McCain 158, Toss-up 103"

Real Clear Politics, a site you often link to, already shows this one  
in the bag for Obama.

> For some reason, they don't recognize that about one-half of  
> Americans prefer McCain-Palin over Obama-Biden, just as about one- 
> half prefer Obama-Biden over McCain-Palin. They are under the  
> mistaken impression that one must hate before one can prefer.

It's not a 50/50 split.  McCain is getting his ass handed to him.  The  
lies have only strengthened Obama, so keep lying.

> They also insist that McCain must explain his association with Bush,  
> but in the next breath use vitriolic attacks against anyone that  
> dares explore Obama's association with William Ayers.

McCain has had his tongue up Bush's cornhole, and his voting record  
clearly shows that.  McCain is not running the same campaign he ran in  
2000, instead of handed his balls, his honor, and his name to Bush  
cronies and is getting his ass kicked because of it.

Nobody on this list is against people vetting Obama, but when you harp  
on McCain lies which have been proven by multiple sources to be false,  
it gets old.

> They decry as smears any mention of the Obama-Rev. Wright  
> connection, then gleefully diss Palin for allowing a foreign guest  
> in her church to bless her.

Obama != Rev. Wright

I have no idea what foreign guest you refer to.  We diss Palin because  
she was a horrible mayor who left her tiny town in millions of dollars  
in debt, she's a whore for federal earmarks, once again proven by her  
record, she has contradicted herself on Troopergate and is trying to  
put herself above the law.  You're comparing apples to toads.

> They don't Obama's role in ACORN aired, or the role of ACORN and  
> Congressional Democrats in the current mortgage meltdown, but they  
> are oh so eager to wallow in Troopergate and the more spurious  
> claims of one Anne Kilkenney.

ACORN has been so misrepresented on the right.  You just don't want to  
see the poor, or people of color vote, because they seldom vote for  
your pony.  ACORN flags questionable voter registrations, because  
federal law prevents them from throwing away any voter registration  
card.  You don't know the facts, you simply parrot your weak party line.

> The list goes on. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, and they are  
> consistently and repeated aided and abetted by a mind-numbingly  
> biased press.

You sound like a desperate fool, Drooly.  Your history of revisionism,  
lies, and distortions are laughable.  This list would be boring  
without its right-wing clown, goose-stepping around to "Entrance of  
the Gladiators."

> I don't have a problem with jerks like TEN or Mugsy or any of the  
> other rabid partisans on this list. My problem lies with the  
> performance of the Fourth Estate, which, in my view has not earned  
> its First Amendment protections.

The Fourth Estate has given Bush an easy two terms.  I've not seen you  
complain too much about that.

> To quote Woody Allen, they can all "be fruitful and multiply"  
> themselves.

Gosh, how clever.

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