On Oct 13, 2008, at 4:18 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

>>>  My problem lies with the
>>> performance of the Fourth Estate, which, in my view has not earned
>>> its First Amendment protections.
> So what other fundamental rights under the constitution do we have to
> 'earn' Francis?

So,  you're completely satisfied with the performance of the press  
this election season?

I'll have to remeber that one.

> You either have a free press or you don't....

blah, blah, blah. That's so didactic of you.

> As for the Ayers allegations, here's a thorough debunking using those,
> oh, whatchacallem, those things the rightwingnuts hate, oh yeah FACTS:
> <http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=news-000002974214>
> The Congressional Quarterly: "Fact-Checking the Ayers Allegations: So
> Wrong, It’s 'Pants on Fire' Wrong".

Depends on what you call a thorough debunking, I suppose. Any chance  
you just thought "that's good enough for me!"

But I still have these nagging you aren't willing to answer with a  
simple yes or no.

Did Obama have an association with Ayers? Did Obama have an  
association with ACORN?

Alternatively, one could ask:

If you won't (or can't) answer those questions, perhaps you'll spare  
the bandwidth and let some other Obama supporter give it a go.

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