On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Michael Luscombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On 13-Oct-08, at 8:19 PM, Francis Drouillard wrote:
> > But I still have these nagging you aren't willing to answer with a
> > simple yes or no.
> --
> If it were a simple yes or no, then we'd be letting you run away with
> "presumed facts", or lies, as they are commonly known.
> > Did Obama have an association with Ayers?
> --
> Yes.
> > Did Obama have an
> > association with ACORN?
> --
> Yes.
> Obama did have an association with the "1997 Chicago Citizen of the
> Year". But you know that.
> Of course, they live in the same city, one as a lawyer with an eye
> toward civil liberties, and one an community involved educator with a
> history of civil disobedience. I would be incredibly surprised if
> anyone tried to say they didn't meet.
> I mean, two guys with liberal agendas, living in the same city, get
> involved in a charitable organization and try to do liberal and
> charitable things with the money.
> What's the scary part? Where's the terror? Did they hide a bomb
> somewhere?
> I mean, the City of Chicago thought he was nice enough to honor. Can
> McCain honestly say that none of the people he served with in the
> Navy didn't go on to murder somebody?
> Seriously, you've got to make points. Mr.Ayers does have a past, the
> idea that Obama may not want to make him part of the campaign logo
> doesn't surprise me. That doesn't mean that Obama has some kind of
> liberal terrorist programming.
> Didn't you all go through this already?
> "This issue is too important to wait for more facts, let us suggest
> all the ways terrorists could kill your children."
> You really have nothing, and seriously, all you're suggesting is that
> he hung around the guy. McCain regularly dismisses liberal opinions,
> even though he's around liberals a fair bit. Are you suggesting that
> Obama has no free will?
> I honestly don't know where any of this is going.
> Michael
it's a circle jerk, michael. no end in sight...i'm looking forward to
exiting and positive changes after the republicans are voted out of the WH.

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