David E. Ross wrote:

On 2/21/2009 8:51 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
> > David E. Ross wrote:
>> >> On 2/14/2009 7:22 AM, Ray K wrote:

>>> >>> If I go here,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/02/14/A-Possible-Cure-for-Diabetes-Ignored-by-Big-Pharma.aspx,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> or to many other pages of the above site, vertical scrolling is strange,
>>> >>> whether dragging the scrolling bar or using the mouse wheel.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Using the wheel as an example, and scrolling from top to bottom, the
>>> >>> right 2/3 or so of the screen scrolls upward ahead of the left 1/3, with
>>> >>> the left portion about one-half a line behind the right. Once the right
>>> >>> 2/3 stops scrolling, the left 1/3 catches up (in less than a second) and
>>> >>> everything looks okay. Same situation exists scrolling the other way:
>>> >>> the left 1/3 lags a fraction of a line for a fraction of a second.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I haven't observed this behavior at other sites; it does not occur using
>>> >>> Internet Explorer.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Any idea about the cause of this odd annoyance? Are there internal
>>> >>> settings in SM I can change to correct it?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Ray

As I said in another thread, IE is programmed to "guess" what a Web
developer meant when invalid HTML was used.  Mozilla's Gecko engine and
other browsers do the same thing.

The problem is that different browsers guess differently.  Thus, the
results in IE and SeaMonkey will likely not be the same when trying to
display a pathological Web page.  If the invalid HTML is sufficiently
buggy, one browser might (by unplanned coincidence) guess correctly
while another will just display garbage.

This happen when the website developper use only a microsoft tool to create the site, and use only IE to check his pages...if all goes well, he think that it's the case for all the world.

According to various surveys (including my own), IE's share of the
browser market has declined to 45%-60%.  This is down as much as 44%
since a peak in March 2003.  (Gecko browsers now hold 33%-46% of the

Any developer who creates a Web site "best viewed with Internet
Explorer" has tied his or her fate to a fading star and is ignoring half
the potential audience.

You and I know that. It seems some sites are way too casual about changing.
It really seems they don't take the 'net seriously enough!
This is not some fad, a whim on the part of computer geeks! This is the future, and it's time they allowed their IT guys freer reign, to make their internet sites more sophisticated!

And capable of working with SeaMonkey, of course!  :-D

keith whaley

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