NoOp replied On 4/9/2009 7:10 PM

I normally do not run windows, and run linux instead. However I've been
running WinXPPro (SP3) on a second machine to assist someone
troubleshooting a SeaMonkey issue. I've run into an issue with upgrading
from SM 1.1.14 to 1.1.15 and now 1.1.16 whereby I receive WinXP startup
errors due to SM replacing the MAPI32.DLL in the Windows System32
directory upon each upgrade. To add insult to injury... 1.1.15 & 1.1.16
required reboots.

If I leave the SM mapi32.dll installed, I received the following error
on startup:

WindowsSearch.exe - Ordinal Not Found
The ordinal 49 could not be located in the synamic link library MAPI32.dll.

If I move the SM mapi32.dll (Mozilla version out of the way and
replace it with the original MS version (4.0.835.1374), I no longer
receive the error & SM seems to continue to work just fine. Note: I have
to keep copy of the MS version in a temp/backup folder as SM keeps
overwriting the original - whats up with that?

The Microsoft WindowsSearch.exe is version 7.0.6001.16503.

I seem to recall some discussion regarding Mozilla interference with
mapi32.dll files in the past, but I've been on linux for a few years now
and had thought that any issues like this had been sorted out. Is anyone
else experiencing mapi32.dll issues?

Crossposted to:
Followup-To: set

The only question I have is to your friend, when he/she first turned on Windows XP did he/she set an admin password for Windows?

Is a password was set then you have to gog into Windows XP with the admin password to successfully install SeaMonkey and the mapi32.dll file.

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