Frog wrote:

You will understand how unknowing I am about computers after reading this message.

I routinely (monthly) backup the two drives (C and E) that are resident on my computer (using Casper 5 software). It has become necessary on more than one occasion to reload only the C portion of the backup back on my system...this most recently occurred when a ca Anti Virus update did bad things to my system. The re installation of the backup has always succeeded in resolving my technical problems in short order. The problem with this process, however, is I lose my mail message for the period between the making of the backup and the day the backup was reinstalled on the system. Thus, I would like to find a way of moving the mail message storage to the E drive, which is used for storage only, and has not been involved in any of the past technical difficulties.

Presently my messages are stored on the C drive as follows:

Documents and Settings>Frog>Mozilla>Profiles>Frog-SeaM>g66n48iz.slt>Mail>Local Folders

When I open Windows Explorer to this location, I find other folders listed under Mozilla as follows:

               Local Folders
               (((and other news groups I visit)))

Now for my question---can this Mozilla folder be moved to the E drive? If so, what happens when I attempt to make future updates to SeaMonkey? Do I have a separate action to take involving the tomtom entry? Is moving this Mozilla folder to the E drive a good or bad idea?

Seamonkey 1.1.17
Windows XP Pro SP3

Thanks for any help/guidance/recommendations/etc. sent my way on the above subject. I hope you your keep answers simple for this old timer.

I have routinely done so with no harm done in the past, with the following background so you understand what I'm doing and why:

I have two machines running the same OS and service pack (WinXP Pro SP3), and both SeaMonkey installations are configured the same way (same add-ons, same plug-ins, etc.). With both copies of Mozilla, er, SeaMonkey closed, I delete the \Mozilla folder on the target computer and copy the \Mozilla folder over from the source computer. When I launch SeaMonkey on the target, it comes up looking exactly like on the source, with exactly the same messages in exactly the same folders, exactly the same preferences, etc.

I do have one program that SM (like Mozilla before it) periodically forgets, and that's an FLV player. I sometimes have to go into the Helper Applications option and reselect it, but other than that everything works fine.

It's a poor man's way of synching the two machines -- I normally use my desktop for email and browsing, but when I go on a trip I "transfer" to my laptop. On my return, I reverse the procedure and the desktop acts as if /it/ went on the trip and handled all my correspondence.

I don't know how well this would work across operating systems -- it's possible some files or folders would be in different locations and SM couldn't find them on the target. But this is likely to affect only plug-ins, helper apps, etc. and not the SeaMonkey program itself.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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