Jens Hatlak wrote:
On 10/6/2009 7:51 PM chicagofan wrote:
[Bugzilla] It has occurred to me, after reading responses there on several
bugs, that the project members might not want users who can't help
technically to clutter up that forum.  Is that the case?   I could
understand that... just trying to determine if I should confine my
comments/problems to this newsgroup.  :)

Bugzilla is a bug tracking system, i.e. any comment that helps understanding
the problem or fixing the bug is on topic, anything else is not (unless I
forgot some scenario). That includes not only technical help but also
information about how/when/under which conditions a bug can be experienced
and also since when. The latter is what we call finding a regression window,
i.e. finding the day the bug first appeared by checking nightly builds (which
are archived on the FTP server).

In other words, if you have some new information, post it. If not, don't (you
may add yourself to the CC list or vote for the bug, though). If you want to
start a discussion, post to a newsgroup (like here) or go to IRC and ask
politely (and don't expect too much there, from experience it takes some time
to get a reply, if any, when not asking specific people).

Good: - filing a bug (after having checked that one doesn't exist already) -
adding new useful info, including narrowing down the problem (e.g. happens
also on platform X if only confirmed on Y yet) - adding a patch. ;-)

Bad: - writing something someone else has written in previous comments -
writing that you really, really want XY or that XY is bad without adding
otherwise useful information



That sounds like good, common sense for posting everywhere.  :)    I try to do
that, sometimes without success in newsgroups.

I never use IRC, but do sign up for CCs on bugs that have been filed which are
still troubling me.  Thanks for letting me know if I have something *useful* to
add, it's OK to post there.
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