On 10-02-09 12:57 AM, Rufus wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
SO unless the knowledge to use a newsgroup is common knowledge, the
users here are not the best user experience people. This newsgroup is
not an accurate representation of the SeaMonkey userbase.

Then what's it here for? I think people who post here are posting
accurate observations concerning their own experiences. That's just
another way of saying not to listen to them.

This newsgroup is here for users to get user support (for those who prefer newsgroups). There is also a web-forum on MozillaZine for those who prefer web-based forums. And there's an IRC channel on irc.mozilla.org. Many users prefer live telephone-based support, but the SeaMonkey project does not have the resources for that.

There are some user metrics that can be gathered here, and they would be useful, but not an accurate representation of the entire userbase.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
List-owner: support-firefox, support-thunderbird, test-multimedia
Keeper of the Knowledge Base: <https://support.mozilla.com/kb/>
support-seamonkey mailing list

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