Phillip Jones wrote:
Benoit Renard wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
Personally, I've never used the Forms Manager...but the only reason I
haven't that I can determine now that I'm reading so much displeasure
about it's removal is that I couldn't determine if information it stores
is encrypted or not. If it was and a dialog box had told me that, I now
think that would have, and would be, using it. I don't, so I don't miss
it...but that's just me. (I posted a number of comments on what I felt
were/are deficiencies concerning the removal of information from dialog
boxes when I first looked over SM 2.0.)

Then there was this:

Or read through the thread titled "Found reason Dowload Manager doesn't
come up right.", posted this forum.

I quit monitoring this issue because it's been beat to death and the
individual that coded it refused to do anything about it other than
state "the old way looked like crap" least that was the initial
response to user feedback, even though several other members of the SM
team submitted their own input for considering revision to a larger
size, and also invited me to provide my own insights and opinions in
support of them. So as a user, providing UI/UE input, from a user point
of view, neither the teammates or I were even being considered by the
guy that had the reins to actually do something.

This looks to me like a combination of not understanding bugzilla and
not trying to turn the issue into something different.

* If the bug were "slapped down" (granted, we may have a different
understanding of what that means), the bug would have been resolved as
'wontfix'. It was kept open; which means Robert was providing his input,
not turning down the bug report.

* The issue (although I didn't read the bug thoroughly) was that neither
the old UI nor the new one are considered good.

The new one was not considered good by most users. The old one was not
considered good by /a single person/. In fact, in all the years that
I've been providing SeaMonkey support, I don't think I've read a single
complaint about the old download progress dialog.
The biggest problem with the Progress bar for download in the download manager is that it was designed had 50/20 vision each eye. (meaning you can see as well at 50 feet that everyone else can see at 20 feet).

the current height is
--- or smaller

in 1.1.8  it was

____  or larger

I wear glasses and the current version its all I can do to read the print and view the Bar graph.

Which speaks to what I pointed out - not everyone has 20/15 vision (I used to, not anymore...), works on the same size screen, uses the same pointing device, or has the same motor skill/function. The aim is to find a size and presentation that will work for the largest number of users...which I think is finally coming along.

     - Rufus
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