On 10-02-04 3:57 PM, Rufus wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-04 6:30 AM, BJ wrote:
What the heck is a "User Experience person"? I mean, what do they do all

For instance, where should "Reply" and "Forward" buttons be?
Where should the 'new tab' button be?
When a download is finished, should we expect the user to open the
file? If so, there should be a way do that when the download is finished.
Notice how new updates are only downloaded when you computer has been
idle for a certain amount of time? That a user experience thing.
I don't know if this has been implemented or not: If you open many
tabs at once, the tab that is displaying should load first.

The Firefox user experience team has a lot of their work documented at
For Thunderbird, there's <https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:UX>.

Basically a user, who's "job" is to use the software and comment. Single
user - single point failure; in that you only get one opinion.

Note that the last word in the URL is "Design". ;-)
Also note that Firefox has a UX *team*.

Maybe I should have not cited examples, and placed more emphasis on the wikipedia article.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
List-owner: support-firefox, support-thunderbird, test-multimedia
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