JohnW-Mpls schrieb:
When I go to the WSJ site with 1.x, their site comes up with a "Hello,
John" greeting - they already know me as a customer.  With 2.x. the
WSJ comes up but I am restricted till I click to login and then I need
to right-click for 5-15 seconds for 2.x to finally respond with my
ID/Password, or I need to enter in the first character of the ID I use
for that vendor.

Now, wait, you're talking here about something else than some other assumed, I think. It sounds to me that 2.c actually remembers your login in the password manager, that's why it fills it in once the page has loaded.

The difference you are seeing there is that you're not logged in right from the start - without even needing the password manager to fill in your username and password in those fields (as in both 1.x and 2.x the password manager doesn't do more than remembering those and enter them when you encounter username/password fields).

This makes me think that there's some difference in Cookie handling, as probably that website remembers your credentials via some Cookie(s) stored in the browser.

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

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