On 5/25/10 6:15 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:
> Frog schrieb:
>> ((Yes, I know, this problem does not exist in SeaMonkey 2; however, that
>> introduces a new problem--how do I get her to switch to SeaMonkey 2. She
>> seems entrenched on SeaMonkey 1.1.19 and getting her to move may be more
>> of a problem than finding a fix for SeaMonkey 1.1.19.))
> Tell her how insecure 1.1.19 is nowdays and that only 2.x fix the 
> security problems in 1.x that can even lead to a website taking over 
> your computer. Only using maintained versions can avoid that.
> Robert Kaiser

My wife's old PC does not have the capacity for Windows XP to be
installed.  She is still using Windows98.  She is still able to
accomplish what she wants to do on a PC: E-mail to our children, search
the Web for recipes, use Word (Office 97) to create a family history.

Of course, she still has SM 1.1.19 since SM 2.x is not compatible with

David E. Ross

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