Rufus wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
...and I'm ok with the Webkit usage requirement. Never said I didn't
believe that.

And we are unable to build a SeaMonkey based on WebKit, due to requiring
XUL for our current code and not being able to re-write the whole app on
something else due to resource constraints (and just not wanting to -
which is argument #1 in a volunteer community).

Robert Kaiser

That's what I was looking to hear. Not that it's "impossible".

Look Rufus.
You have now strayed far off the topic of criticizing Seamonkey 2.1.
Really, your rants belong in the/an advocacy group, rather than a
support/help group.
And anyway SM 2.1 is now history, with 2.2 supposed to be announced
today, and according to Justin Wood (Callek) 2.3 due in 6-7 weeks
from now, and on the new release schedule more versions soon
thereafter in rapid succession. :)
Remember that each new version/release brings with it a whole new
bag of goodies and bugs. So if you want to vent, switch now to 2.2.


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