Gerry Hickman wrote:

I'd say there should be three file areas

1. Program files (program binaries.exe go here)
2. User Settings (local or roaming user profile)
3. Data (docs, email, pics, music) - (AKA homeDirectory)

On my own systems the program files and user profiles are on the C
drive, data is on a separate D drive or network drive. I then just back
up the D drive.

A well designed application will detect the file locations above, and
automatically place files in the correct locations, but I seem to
remember SeaMonkey (by default) will bury the user data inside the user
profile! This might explain why a default backup of the user's
homeDirectory would not contain their email.

On my own systems, the first thing I do after a new SM install is to
move the Mozilla profile to my D drive - so it's backed up with
everything else.

There's an article about moving SM profiles here

Hey, Gerry, why do you have to move your profile to your D:\ after each install?? Why not just get rid of any bits of your profile on your C:\ drive, and when you install a new SM, just let it find the D:\ profile!! I have SM on both my Win7 and Linux installations and both of them have no problems in finding my single profile.

But I would agree with you on there being three file areas! On my Win7, I have:-

C:\     System Files
D:\     Program Files
E:\     Games, Music, etc. and Data

So I only need to back-up my E:\ (Hmm, back-up ..... must do that ..... one day!!).


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