F Murtz wrote, On 16/04/2014 09:43:
Ray_Net wrote:
F Murtz wrote, On 15/04/2014 14:59:
Unless someone can tell me how to install sea monkey on xp without it
me for a security password it seems I won't be using it again which is a
pity as it is much better than the  ie outlook rubbish.

Are you speaking about Windows asking for a password when start intalling ?
Are speaking about SeaMonkey asking for a "master password" when
starting it for the first time after the install ? (Did you use
SeaMonkey before, or it's the first time ?)

After install, even when uninstalled with win XP add remove and a painstaking regedit removal because add remove does not remove it, then reinstall of seamonkey. when sea monkey first started it asked for master password and did not accept blank.
So, you must stop SM completely - the best approach is to reboot the pc, without starting SM.
Add/remove programs to remove it.
Remove the directory
C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows login user name>\Application Data\mozilla\seamonkey\ or C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows login user name>\Application Data\mozilla\ to be sure to remove enough
Install SM
Run it - no master password need (i never entered a master password)
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