On 5/26/14 3:55 AM +0900, WaltS48 wrote:
On 05/25/2014 02:51 PM, Mort wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 2014-05-24, 10:32 PM, Mort wrote:
A tech service transferred files from my old Win XP to my new Win 7 Pro.
In so doing, my personal profile in XP was corrupted. It will only start
and function in default profile. The store geek said that I do not need
my personal profile, and that the default one works fine. My cruising
the net suggests otherwise, but was not clear.

Is it important that I get my personal profile corrected, or is it OK to
just work with a default profile?

Any advice will be appreciated.

* You don't need to edit files in your profile folder. Just use the
instructions at <http://seamonkey.ilias.ca/profilefaq/#transferring>.

* Show him a copy of this message, and ask for your money back.
Transferring data should never result in corruption of data.

Thanks, Chris, for your nice reply. I will indeed show them a printout
of your message. Aren't there any standards for people who are
supposedly tech support guys?


Do you think the tech support guys have knowledge of every program in
existence? Especially those with a small user base like SeaMonkey.

Irrelevant. If a tech engineer doesn't know how to migrate certain data, it is his/her responsibility to learn or pass on the task. It is not a viable business option to corrupt a client's data. Ever.

In the case of SeaMonkey, how to transfer a profile properly is easily gleaned from a quick Google search. There simply is no excuse for not getting it right.


Seasoned on-site tech engineer

// Trane Francks   tr...@tranefrancks.com   Tokyo, Japan
// Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
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