> Reminds me of when Mindscape used to be here in town (used to be in
> Northbrook, IL).  I rode there on my bicycle in 1987 when I was stuck in
> Mist and needed hints.  The receptionist was surprised when she learned I
> got on my bike and rode about 7 miles to ask questions.  It was my turn to
> surprised when she told me that hints to The Mist were $5.  I paid, and
> two xerox'd sheets of paper with questions and answers.  I still have this
> somewhere and could probably dig it up if there is massive demand for it,
> I highly doubt it :)  Anyway, that was the "official clue book" for The
> and I know because I got it directly, hand to hand, from Mindscape.

I got something like this from ICOM.  May have a Mindscape one too, I can't

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